The Chinese people were very happy.

Liaison officer Arthur McLuhan was a middle-aged American with a beard and a bald head. He had accompanied the expeditionary force in the first battle in Burma. He had personally experienced the cruelty of the war and had seen those ragged and thin Chinese soldiers sacrifice their lives to protect him.

For this reason, McLuhan hated this war, hated those senior generals who only treated the lower-level soldiers as numbers that could be sacrificed at any time, and hated those American military colleagues who only knew how to bomb with artillery and bomb with airplanes.

Compared with those colleagues, such McLuhan undoubtedly seemed a bit different and out of place.

In the original play, McLuhan wanted to take Alger Collins away immediately after seeing the soldiers of the cannon fodder regiment and the guns in their hands. It was not only because he hated the attitude of the soldiers of the cannon fodder regiment towards weapons, but also because he wishfully believed that as long as the cannon fodder continued to lack training and continued to rot in the mud, they would not be sent to the battlefield to die.

In the end, it was Long Wenjian's love for the soldiers and his desire for victory that moved this American guy, making him willingly stay in the cannon fodder regiment, and even followed the cannon fodder regiment to Nantianmen, but was eventually captured alive by the devils, tortured cruelly, and finally begged his own people to kill him with artillery fire.

Alger Collins is an optimistic and cheerful American mechanic. He loves life very much. Wherever he goes, he carries various daily necessities such as coffee pots, moisture-proof mats, radios, etc. with him. He never thought about fighting, but just wanted to get through this war and live well.

But he became friends with the members of the cannon fodder group, regarded them as brothers, and finally held on to the end with them on Nantianmen.

Not to mention what the United States will be like in the future, at least in this era, among these Americans who aided China, there are really people who have dedicated their blood and lives to this land and the people here.

There may only be interests between countries, and there are still simple emotions between people.

"Colonel Lu, liaison officer Arthur McLuhan and mechanic Alger Collins report to you."

"Welcome to the 42nd Brigade of the 39th Division and to my barracks."

"Commander Lu, we want to go to the front-line troops first, is that okay?"

"Of course, let's go, I'll take you there."

As a liaison officer, McLuhan also brought a whole set of new communication equipment to Lu Cheng, so that he could contact the US military headquarters and call for air support when necessary.

As for whether he could ask the Allied headquarters for air support, it depends on whether Lu Cheng's face is big enough.

Compared to the serious McLuhan, Alger Collins was quite active and asked some questions curiously on the way: "Commander Lu, I have read the report about you in the newspaper. I heard that you killed 10 times the enemy with a few people and rescued the international friends of the Allied Forces. Is this true? I heard that you also served as the deputy chief instructor in the Ramgarh training camp. Is this true?"

Lu Cheng just smiled and threw a medal.

Alger Collins took the medal and checked it. He was immediately surprised: "This is our American Medal of Merit. Commander Lu, what did you do? You can get the latest Medal of Merit designed by Congress? God, this is incredible."

McLuhan on the side couldn't help but look at the Medal of Merit curiously. This medal has only appeared for half a year. Lu Cheng, a Chinese, can actually get it. It is indeed a bit unusual.

"What I did is a military secret. However, the Allied Command will not award medals randomly."

Soon, two jeeps arrived at the river defense position, and McLuhan and Alger Collins saw a group of Chinese soldiers with strict military appearance, high spirits and vigor.

Such a mental outlook is something they have never seen in other Chinese soldiers.

When the Chinese soldiers on the position saw their brigade commander coming with two foreigners, they all stood up and saluted, looking at their brigade commander with admiration: "Hello, brigade commander!"

"Okay, don't be nervous, I'll send you two new comrades. Although they are foreign friends and look different from us, they are also sincere to help us fight the devils. You must treat them well."

"Yes, brigade commander."

After a simple greeting, McLuhan made a request: "Sir, can I see the weapons in the hands of the soldiers?"

"Of course, you can pick any one."

McLuhan rushed to the side

The mechanic nodded, pointed at a few people, and pointed to a table next to him: "Let's go."

When several soldiers heard this, they immediately looked at Lu Cheng: "Commander, is this foreigner calling us "scabby dogs"? "

Before Lu Cheng could speak, Ayi on the side quickly stood up and said: "Don't talk nonsense, they are speaking English, Let's go. It means follow me."

Ayi and some trainees who had been to the Ramgarh training camp had learned some simple English, so they could understand this sentence.

The soldier suddenly realized: "So that's what he meant. I thought he was scolding us. Sir, aren't they Americans? Why don't they speak English instead of American English?"

"This is a long story. I'll explain it to you later. Don't ask any more questions. Put your guns up and let them see."

After the soldiers put the guns on the table, Alger Collins picked up a Springfield rifle, took a look, and quickly disassembled the whole gun into parts. Finally, he put on white gloves and checked the maintenance of the gun's interior.

After checking the first rifle, he then checked the second Thompson submachine gun and the third Bren light machine gun, and then nodded with satisfaction: "Your guns are well maintained."

McLuhan looked at the guns on the table, put on white gloves and checked them, and then said: "Sir, your soldiers have maintained their guns very well."

"Of course, guns and artillery are the most trustworthy partners of soldiers, and of course they must be treated well. Our brigade has set up a gun maintenance department, but it lacks professional talents like you. I hope you can give full play to your professional advantages and provide more technical guidance and repair services for the soldiers."

"Of course, no problem."

As early as when Lu Cheng just arrived in Zenda and formed a team at the refugee shelter, he paid great attention to cultivating soldiers' skills in maintaining weapons.

Later, it became a habit, and the old brought the new, and it was constantly passed on. All recruits must learn to disassemble and maintain training guns before they will be officially assigned exclusive guns.

In the daily training and assessment of soldiers, mandatory maintenance is also an indispensable part.

After all, even the best guns, if they are not maintained regularly, will have various problems over time, increasing the chances of jamming and misfiring.

A jam or misfiring on the battlefield may cost lives.

"Captain Lu, judging from the guns in the hands of the soldiers, you are a very good commander."

"Thank you for the compliment."

The professional skills of the two Americans are of course not limited to gun maintenance, but also include mechanical maintenance, radio operation and maintenance, and they are also very good talents.

After the two entered the barracks, McLuhan was called "Master Mc" by the soldiers because he always had a stern face and was very professional. Alger Collins, because he carried a piece of cloth with "Foreigners stationed in China, all people assist" written on him, was named "All People Assist" by the soldiers. Collins liked this name very much and soon became one with the soldiers.

After settling the two, Lu Cheng returned to his work.

Now, the entire 42nd Brigade has been basically reorganized, with a total force of nearly 7,000, fully equipped, well-equipped, and well-armed. Its combat effectiveness is far superior to many division-level combat units.

But overall training and running-in still require a certain amount of time.

Fortunately, there are some trained professional officers who are responsible for the overall daily training, so Lu Cheng doesn't have to worry too much.

The real trouble is the logistics supply problem.

The daily training of six or seven thousand soldiers, even if each soldier only consumes 5 bullets in a shooting training, will consume tens of thousands of bullets in total, which is definitely not a small number.

What's more, it is not an easy task to feed six or seven thousand mouths.

The food and supplies allocated by the upper level are only enough for the soldiers to have one dry meal and two liquid meals a day. There is no problem in maintaining survival, but to maintain a certain intensity of training, the soldiers must fill their stomachs and even supplement certain nutrition...

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