After settling the two overseas Chinese mechanics, Lu Cheng asked Xia Chen and the special operations platoon to find the overseas Chinese mechanics scattered in Myanmar and give them full support and shelter, training and equipment support. Before leaving, Lu Cheng also took out two Webley revolvers and gave them to the two overseas Chinese brothers. Afterwards, Lu Cheng found two female agents and assigned them a new task: "Second Lieutenant Tan, Lieutenant Luo, I have a task for you to complete. There are many overseas Chinese mechanics who have stayed in western Yunnan and nearby places. I want you to use the intelligence of the Military Control Commission to contact these overseas Chinese mechanic brothers and tell them that my 42nd Brigade in Zenda is willing to accept them and welcome their arrival.

In addition, I will arrange for the guard company and the logistics department to cooperate with you to post notices in various places in western Yunnan to welcome the arrival of overseas Chinese mechanics."

Tan Wanying saluted almost without any hesitation: "Yes, Brigade Commander, I will do it immediately."

Luo Yifei was a little hesitant: "Brigade Commander, do you need to ask the superiors for instructions on this matter? There should be quite a few overseas Chinese mechanics stranded nearby..."

"No need to ask, they are all compatriots who have made outstanding contributions to the War of Resistance, and we should receive them well."

After arranging the task, Lu Cheng left directly.

Tan Wanying waited until Lu Cheng walked out of the house before she retracted her gaze and started to work. Luo Yifei, who was standing by, looked at her colleague, frowned slightly, and reminded her: "Tan Wanying, don't forget what we are here for."

"Of course I haven't forgotten. We are here to be in charge of liaison. As for the rest, as long as Brigadier General Lu is firm in his position, isn't that enough?"

"How do you know he is firm in his position? It's not from that side?"

"At least Brigadier General Lu has not had any contact with that side. He has been busy training and preparing for war."

"I think you are fascinated by Brigadier General Lu and have forgotten your identity?"

"Sister Fei, of course I haven't forgotten my identity, let alone that I am a soldier."

"Humph, you'd better remember."

Compared to Tan Wanying, who came here right after graduation, Luo Yifei has experienced more brutal struggles and witnessed more sinister human hearts. She will never trust anyone easily, and she dare not easily betray her boss.

Since coming here, although Luo Yifei has not found that Lu Cheng has had any contact with that side, she always feels that some characteristics of Lu Cheng are very similar to those of people from that side.

In summary, apart from the shortcoming of being "lustful", Lu Cheng's aura is too positive, which is somewhat different from most officers and some people Luo Yifei had met before.

Lu Cheng never had much time to care about the two female agents. His daily work was busy enough, so where would he have time to care about other intrigues?

Moreover, with Lu Cheng's own strength and a group of loyal elite soldiers under his command, even if there were any problems in the future, he would be able to deal with them calmly.

Moreover, after contacting the Nanqiao mechanics, Lu Cheng also had new ideas. Perhaps he could avoid some troubles in the future and find other development and solutions.

Shortly after Lu Cheng's notice was posted, the Nanqiao mechanics scattered all over western Yunnan began to move towards Zenda.

Lu Cheng sent the brigade's transport troops with some supplies and manpower to set up a meeting point on the way to Zenda to meet the Nanqiao mechanics who came from all over the country.

By the end of March, four or five hundred Nanqiao mechanics had arrived in Zenda one after another and were settled down by Lu Cheng. They rested for a while before finding a job for them.

At the same time, the superiors sent Lu Cheng the latest transfer order.

The Chinese Expeditionary Force Commander's Headquarters was established in Chuxiong. 12 armies and 31 divisions were mobilized from Hunan, Jiangxi, Hubei, Sichuan and other places to train in Yunnan to prepare for the counterattack in Burma.

Lu Cheng, the deputy chief instructor of the Ramgarh training camp, was naturally transferred to serve as an instructor to assist the commander-in-chief and deputy commander-in-chief, formulate and adjust training plans, and arrange training.

After Lu Cheng showed his extraordinary combat effectiveness, the commander-in-chief and deputy commander-in-chief valued Lu Cheng more and asked Lu Cheng to mobilize 50 capable officers from his brigade to come to the training camp as instructors.

Lu Cheng naturally agreed to this and immediately asked the second regiment commander Xia Shouzhong to select a group of people to serve as instructors.

At the same time, the expeditionary force stationed in India also began to take action. General Sun sent

The 114th Regiment under his command entered the Savage Mountain Area first, assisted the joint road-building team formed by the Allied Forces, and built a road from India to China in the Savage Mountain Area.

In order to counterattack Burma and drive the Japanese invaders out of Southeast Asia, China reached an unprecedented cooperation with Britain and the United States. China provided a large number of soldiers, and Britain and the United States provided a large number of military supplies and weapons and equipment, and the training of the entire army was carried out.

However, compared with the Expeditionary Force in India, the Chinese Expeditionary Force in western Yunnan was much inferior in training and weapons and equipment.

Moreover, due to years of fighting, countless young and strong men died and were injured. Among the 31 divisions that came to western Yunnan for training, there were many child soldiers under the age of 16. Some children were not even as tall as guns, but they came out to fight.

The soldiers of this era experienced too many failures. They didn't know when the war would end, and they didn't know how much sacrifice would be required to end this war. Facing powerful enemies and the bloodshed and sacrifice that could come at any time, even children shared the same hatred and vowed to kill the enemy to the death.

What Lu Cheng could do was to assist his superiors as much as possible, formulate the most reasonable training plan, and enhance the battlefield survival ability of these soldiers.

In May 1943, the Yunnan Cadre Training Corps was established in Kunming. All officers above the Expeditionary Corps and below the Army had to come to the Yunnan Cadre Training Corps for training, learning large-scale combat and command skills on the one hand, and receiving ideological education on the other.

During this period, one of Lu Cheng's brigades had also completed basic training. The special operations platoon under his command took turns to lead the company-level combat units to conduct guerrilla warfare across the river, training the soldiers' ability to cross the river and familiarizing the soldiers with the environment on the other side.

While strengthening the soldiers' actual combat capabilities, they also continuously eliminated small groups of Japanese troops and weakened their strength.

At the same time, the Guadalcanal Campaign, which lasted for several months in the South Pacific battlefield, had also ended. The Japanese army was defeated and forced to evacuate.

In the Guadalcanal Campaign, the Japanese army lost 50,000 troops, 24 warships, 14 transport ships, and eight or nine hundred aircraft.

After this battle, the Japanese navy and air force suffered unprecedented losses. Coupled with the previous suppression by the Flying Tigers, the Japanese army in Southeast Asia also lost its air force advantage.

With the intensive preparations of China, Britain and the United States, the counterattack in Southeast Asia is about to begin. The soldiers on the Nujiang River have already been gearing up and are ready to cross the Nujiang River to fight at any time...

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