The two sides of the border were in chaos.

In October 1945, Lu Cheng flew to Singapore and met with Mr. Chen, a representative of the overseas Chinese in Nanyang. After several days of communication, he met with the overseas Chinese mechanics who returned to Nanyang, and then joined the Nanyang Chinese Association.

Afterwards, Lu Cheng bought a business in Singapore and officially became a member of the overseas Chinese in Nanyang. With the support of Mr. Chen and the group of overseas Chinese mechanics he had helped before, he soon had a certain status in the Nanyang Chinese Association.

Afterwards, Catherine, on behalf of the Campbell family, also came to Singapore.

At the same time, a massive anti-colonial movement was launched on the Malay Peninsula, with strikes and boycotts, and the relationship with the British colonial government became increasingly tense.

At this time, because the time was not ripe, Lu Cheng and his men were in the latent stage and did not carry out large-scale armed struggle.

In December 1945, Lu Cheng took Catherine from Singapore to Hong Kong.

Catherine and Xiaozui, who was sent to Hong Kong in advance, finally met.

There was no conflict between the two women. Catherine soon discovered that Chen Xiaozui, a simple Chinese girl, could not pose any threat to her, so the two soon called each other sisters. Even under Lu Cheng's special arrangement, the two women soon formed a deep friendship of fighting side by side and sleeping in the same bed.

After arriving in Hong Kong, Lu Cheng first met his old subordinates, and then established a real estate company and a jewelry company, using the wealth at hand to start purchasing land and investing in business.

At this time, Hong Kong had just driven away the devils and restored colonial rule. Everything was in a state of prosperity.

Lu Cheng quickly began to lay out in multiple industries through the various business information recorded on the tablet computer in the cross-border backpack, coupled with his understanding and control of the future situation.

In 1946, Lu Cheng established a global ocean company. Through the relationship with the Campbell family, he bought some ships and started ocean shipping in various countries in Southeast Asia.

Some of the veterans under Lu Cheng who did not want to continue to serve in the army joined Lu Cheng's company and worked in various suitable positions.

In July 1946, Stilwell, who was far away in the United States, was diagnosed with gastric cancer. While receiving treatment, he thought of his old friend Lu Cheng, contacted Lu Cheng, and asked Lu Cheng if he could use Chinese medicine for conditioning and treatment.

At this time, even in the developed United States, the cure rate of cancer was quite low.

At the beginning, Lu Cheng only gave Stilwell a simple conditioning, and did not eradicate his disease, and was also waiting for this day to come.

The effect and favor brought by curing a small stomach disease and curing cancer are absolutely worlds apart.

Lu Cheng certainly knew that saving people must be done in an emergency, and helping people must be done in times of trouble.

Then, Lu Cheng flew directly to San Francisco, came to the hospital where Stilwell was treated, and treated Stilwell personally.

At first, the doctors there were skeptical about the medical skills of this young man, Lu Cheng, but after Lu Cheng showed off his skills, the doctors were completely convinced.

Then, under Lu Cheng's personal treatment and conditioning, Stilwell, who had been sentenced to death by the doctors and thought that he would not live more than 4 months at most, got better day by day.

Two months later, Stilwell completely defeated the disease, and the malignant tumor in his body shrank little by little, and was finally cleared by a small operation.

This process amazed the American doctors, and major hospitals in San Francisco extended olive branches to Lu Cheng, begging him to stay, but they were all rejected by Lu Cheng.

After such treatment, Stilwell became obsessed with Chinese medicine, and believed in Lu Cheng's magical medical skills. He also introduced Lu Cheng to his friends.

Lu Cheng also cured some rheumatoid arthritis and various difficult and complicated diseases for Stilwell's friends, and soon had a certain network of contacts in the upper class of the United States.

When Lu Cheng returned to China, four-star Admiral Stilwell and a group of naval and army generals came to the airport to see him off in person.

Not only that, General Darcy of the Navy also contacted the shipyard for Lu Cheng and helped Lu Cheng purchase several medium and large transport ships at a very low price.

At the end of 1946, Lu Cheng returned to Hong Kong and has been traveling between Singapore and Hong Kong since then. On the one hand, he expanded the business of the Lu Group in various aspects, and on the other hand, he actively participated in the Nanyang Overseas Chinese Association to contribute to the collective interests of the overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia.

In 1947, with the support of overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia, Lu Cheng established a

A comprehensive hospital focusing on traditional Chinese medicine was established.

In the same year, all aspects of Lu Group's business began to develop rapidly.

At the end of 1947, Lu Cheng and Catherine's first child was born, a mixed-race boy named Lu Junxuan. Not long after, Chen Xiaozui also gave birth to a daughter for Lu Cheng.

At this time, the anti-colonial movement in Southeast Asian countries became more and more intense, and people from all over the world sought independence.

As early as 1946, Laos declared independence, but was soon invaded by France, and Laos began an arduous struggle.

In early 1948, Myanmar declared independence.

After that, the guerrillas on the Malay Peninsula began to become active.

At the same time, Singapore also started its first election.

In the summer of 1948, with the killing of three European plantation supervisors on the Malay Peninsula, the colonial government declared many organizations on the Malay Peninsula as illegal organizations, and the struggle of the Malay people turned from peaceful to armed struggle.

Soon, the British colonial government discovered a serious problem. The guerrillas on the Malay Peninsula were like a cheat. They were extremely powerful and their tactics were quite flexible, causing great losses to the British army.

Moreover, these guerrillas fought more and more, and even later directly attacked the colonial army and blew up a British warship.

The British army was furious and sent more troops to sweep, but it didn't have much effect.

The mountains and jungles on the Malay Peninsula became the best cover. The colonial army couldn't catch the shadow of the guerrillas at all, and they would be constantly attacked and killed in the jungle.

In just 1948, more than two thousand British soldiers died on the Malay Peninsula, leaving a serious psychological shadow on the colonial army.

In 1949, the Malay guerrillas directly united and formed an army.

In the subsequent struggle, the Malay guerrillas successfully attacked the British colonial army's arsenal many times, and their weapons and equipment were getting better and better.

At this time, the senior officials in the British mainland were also arguing about whether to give up the Malay Peninsula.

However, most senior officials still held opposing views at this time. After all, there were still many British colonies in Southeast Asia. Once the Malay Peninsula was allowed to become independent, it would have a very bad impact on other colonies.

At this time, the Campbell family had not yet come forward to express their views.

At the end of 1949, as the Eastern powers spoke to the world, the situation in the entire East began to change.

In 1950, as a new war broke out on the Eastern battlefield, the struggle on the Malay Peninsula became more intense.

In this era, a weak country often needs to go through a long struggle to gain independence and freedom, and needs to learn to stand in line.

At this time, Lu Cheng had already prepared a detailed intelligence and book, and sent Xia Chen to China in person to hand it in.

Not long after, some changes began to appear in that 1V17 battle.

At this time, Lu Cheng was in a newly built manor in Singapore, waiting for Catherine to give birth to his second child.

Life is a reincarnation, there will be death and rebirth. Old things will eventually be gradually eliminated, and new things will be built step by step...

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