The Spring Festival in 1976 was also the first Spring Festival that Lu Cheng celebrated after coming to this world. The couple was busy for a few days to prepare everything for the family. In this era without TV, Spring Festival Gala, and even poor life, the New Year atmosphere was indeed very strong. In every household, firecrackers were set off, couplets and window decorations were posted, and red lanterns were hung if conditions allowed, which seemed particularly festive. The villagers who had been busy for a year could finally take a good rest. Heavy snow covered the entire Shuangshui Village. It was too slippery outside, so Xiulian didn't go out much. However, the young girls and wives in the village would take the initiative to come to her house and chat with her. A group of women sat together, chatting animatedly and laughing constantly. Lu Cheng prepared melon seeds, peanuts and tea for them, and asked them to spend more time with Xiulian.

On the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, the father-in-law He Yaozong rushed over from Shanxi Province to visit his daughter, and was asked to stay with Lu Cheng for two days.

Seeing that Xiulian was taken care of so well by Lu Cheng, and that she was whiter and fatter than before, He Yaozong was also very happy.

After dinner, He Yaozong and Lu Cheng sat down to chat. He took out 100 yuan from his pocket and handed it to Xiulian: "Xiulian, you are pregnant now, and Dad doesn't have time to come to see you often. Take this money and buy some nutritional supplements."

Lu Cheng quickly refused: "Dad, we can't take this money. Xiulian and I also earn money. Although my small clinic is not big, there are many patients who come to see the doctor. Now I can earn 30 to 50 yuan a month."

What Lu Cheng said was not a lie. After more than half a year of accumulation, Lu Cheng's reputation has spread. There are more equipment and medicines at home, and he can treat more diseases. Naturally, the income has risen, and 30 to 50 yuan a month is normal.

He Yaozong put the money directly next to Xiulian: "Just take it if I tell you to. Our family's business is getting better and better. I expanded our vinegar room before the New Year. Now we can make more vinegar and sell it all in the town. I'm an old man, and I can't spend all the money I earn. Let's leave it for you to spend."

Xiulian heard this, but she took the money directly: "Then we will take it."

Seeing that Xiulian had taken it, Lu Cheng didn't say anything else, and turned to say: "Dad, how much vinegar can we sell in a month now?"

"After expanding the scale, we can sell at least a thousand kilograms of vinegar a month. When it comes to our vinegar, all the villagers in Liulin Town have good things to say."

Now vinegar is eight cents per kilogram, and the total income of more than a thousand kilograms of vinegar is at least 80 yuan. After deducting the cost, we can make dozens of yuan, which may be higher than Lu Cheng's small clinic.

"Dad, do you have a lot of vinegar for sale?"

"There are quite a few, but our vinegar is the most popular in Liulin Town."

After Lu Cheng asked some more questions, he suddenly had an idea: "Dad, do you want to expand your business beyond Liulin Town, or even the entire Jin Province?"

"I haven't thought about this yet. The small workshop at home has limited production. Besides, I can't handle more."

"If you are too busy, you can ask someone to help. You just need to grasp the key links. We can give it a name and make a trademark."

He Yaozong was moved when he heard this: "You mean, like Xifeng Liquor, make a brand?"

"That's what I mean."

These days, vinegar is generally sold in bulk. Each family brings bottles and jars to make vinegar, and there are very few packaged ones.

"This...will this work? I don't understand these things."

"Why not? Since the vinegar you brew is so good, it will definitely be popular even if it is sold to other places. Of course, you don't have to eat a fat man at once. After the New Year, you can expand the scale of your family and find two workers to work for you, so that you won't be too tired.

When this business can be done outside of Liulin Town and its reputation spreads, you can register a trademark and make a name for it. For example, it can be called "Heji" old vinegar, or "Liulin" old vinegar. Develop it little by little.

The situation has been getting better and better in the past two years. Maybe at that time we can directly build a vinegar brewing factory, mass-produce, and sell vinegar all over the country."

"This is too big, I dare not think about it."

Xiu Lian on the side had a lot of ideas: "Dad, I think this is quite reliable. It's easy to expand production now, just buy a few more jars and prepare more food. You can hire a few workers to help you work, and you are old.

If you don't do the heavy work, don't do it anymore. If you do it step by step, you won't lose money. The worst that can happen is that we will go back to the old way and only sell our vinegar in Liulin Town. "

"Okay, I'll think about it and see how things go after the New Year."

Lu Cheng didn't say anything more. After all, he hadn't investigated the market and didn't know the specific situation. He didn't know the market as well as his father-in-law.

Two days later, He Yaozong left the Lu family and returned to Jin Province.

After the relatives left, the New Year was basically over.

The time after the New Year passed quickly, busy and full.

Xiulian's belly was getting bigger day by day, her face was getting rounder, and her movements were getting more and more inconvenient.

Especially after the arrival of summer, Xiulian was very prone to sweating with a big belly every day.

Pregnant women have a higher body temperature than normal people, and with faster metabolism and more estrogen secretion, they sweat easily.

Lu Cheng also took better care of her, not letting her do any work, checking her pulse every day, and paying attention to the development of the fetus.

Fortunately, Xiulian was in good health and the baby developed normally.

The due date was about mid-to-late June. Lu Cheng had made preparations in advance and sent a letter to his eldest sister He Xiuying in advance, asking her to come and help take care of the baby.

Although Lu Cheng had medical skills, he had never taken care of a child, so he asked his eldest sister, who had given birth to two children, to come and help.

The eldest sister agreed and rushed over in advance.

As the pregnancy lasted more than 40 weeks, Lu Cheng was also paying attention at all times.

Considering the sanitary conditions of that era, giving birth to a child was basically like walking through the gates of hell for a woman.

Lu Cheng finally decided to take Xiulian to the county town in advance and rent a house next to the county maternal and child hospital, ready to give birth at any time.

Xiulian listened and disagreed: "Can't you give birth in the commune? Why do you have to go to the county and rent a house? Why spend that money?"

"Giving birth is a big deal, listen to me. It's not easy for you women to give birth, and I must try my best to ensure your safety. "

He Xiuying was also very moved when she heard this, and helped to persuade: "Xiu Lian, Lu Cheng is doing this for your own good, just listen to him."

Xiu Lian could only nod: "Okay, let's go to the county town. "

The villagers were surprised to hear that Xiulian had to go to the county town to give birth.

These days, many women give birth at home by hiring a midwife.

Some women were working in the fields with big bellies when their babies were suddenly born.

Even some women who were more particular would at most go to the commune clinic to give birth.

Xiulian was the first in Shuangshui Village to go to the county town to give birth.

Of course, those married wives envied Xiulian.

Everyone knows the dangers of giving birth, but how many of them can love their wives as much as Lu Cheng?

A few days after arriving in the county town, Lu Cheng took Xiulian to the hospital.

On June 25, 1976, Xiulian was finally pushed into the delivery room, and Lu Cheng's first child was about to come into the world...

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