In the original play, Yang Ke, the sales director of Jingyan Group, just glanced at Zhu Suosuo, asked her to stand up and turn around, asked a few simple questions, and then directly recruited her into the sales department. This time, Lu Cheng went directly to April and told her to bring Zhu Suosuo into Jingyan. "I'm just a salesperson, I don't have the right to recruit."

"Bring her to Yang Ke, he should be interested."

"You care so much about a little girl, is she yours? How does she look? Is she pretty?"

"She's okay, but not as pretty as you."

"You didn't tell her that?"

"Absolutely not. Zhu Suosuo is different from you. This girl is a bit materialistic, and I just give her some money every month."

"How much do you give her every month?"

"One hundred thousand."

After hearing this, April immediately knew what he was talking about: "Okay, I'll arrange it. . But, I was a little surprised that you would do such a thing. Let your mistress help your mistress arrange work, it's really..."

"What mistress? You are not a mistress. You are my lover, a woman like a rose."

"It sounds better than singing. But I like to listen, so say more."

"I won't say good things for the second time. If you want to hear more, it depends on your performance..."

The next day, April brought Zhu Suosuo into Jingyan Group and let Yang Ke take a look. Yang Ke was naturally very satisfied. He quickly handled the entry procedures for Zhu Suosuo and personally took Zhu Suosuo to learn sales skills.

During this process, April did not explain his relationship with Lu Cheng.

But after Zhu Suosuo saw April, she vaguely guessed that the relationship between this woman and Lu Cheng might not be that simple, but she did not expose it. After all, her relationship with Lu Cheng was not too bright.

After Zhu Suosuo joined Jingyan Group, everything seemed to be back on track.

According to the original development, although Zhu Suosuo had joined Jingyan at this time, she had a relationship with Ye Jinyan's driver Master Ma, which led to Master Ma embezzling public funds and was eventually fired by the company. This also gave Zhu Suosuo a bad reputation.

Now, Zhu Suosuo discovered that Master Ma was wrong in advance and did not get a bad reputation. In addition, there was money in her wallet, and she had seen some of the world with Lu Cheng, so her mentality was much better.

At the same time, cracks began to appear in the relationship between Jiang Nansun and Zhang Anren on the other side.

Jiang Nansun applied for a doctorate from Professor Dong of the School of Architecture. Professor Dong arranged for Jiang Nansun to work on a boutique hotel project with his assistant Wang Yongzheng.

After the project was almost completed, a commemorative album was specially made. Wang Yongzheng helped to speak in front of Professor Dong and added Jiang Nansun, who did not make much contribution, to the list of designers at the end of the commemorative album.

On the other hand, Zhang Anren, who was at school, saw the yearbook in advance and saw Jiang Nansun's name at the end of the yearbook. In order to show his contribution, he called Jiang Nansun and said that he had given Professor Dong a suggestion, so Professor Dong added Jiang Nansun's name.

However, Jiang Nansun saw the yearbook earlier than Zhang Anren and knew that this matter was Wang Yongzheng's credit. Her boyfriend came to show his credit, which inevitably made Jiang Nansun feel bad and felt that her boyfriend was too thoughtful.

At the same time, after all his wealth was locked up by stocks, Jiang Pengfei became even crazier. He did not hesitate to mortgage the house to take out a loan, and borrowed usury to invest more money in the stock market in an attempt to turn the tables.

Even a gambler who had completely lost his mind was getting crazier and crazier.

In order to continue to invest money in the stock market, Jiang Pengfei, who originally did not agree with his daughter's marriage to Zhang Anren, actually made an exception and agreed to their relationship. The prerequisite was that Zhang Anren sold the house and gave him the money to invest in stocks.

Zhang Anren naturally would not sell the house he had worked so hard to buy, and he and Jiang Pengfei parted ways unhappily again.

Jiang Pengfei, who had already reached his wits' end, simply began to arrange a blind date for his daughter. Worried that his daughter would not go, he deliberately concealed the fact and arranged a dinner party.

When Jiang Nansun arrived, she realized that this was a blind date arranged by her father, and that the blind date was a fund manager who was more than a dozen years older than her and had a second marriage and a child.

Jiang Nansun directly sent a message to Zhang Anren asking him to come to the rescue, but Zhang Anren happened to be busy and did not see the message.

So Jiang Nansun took the opportunity to go to the bathroom and gave Zhu Suosuo a date.

Call Zhu Suosuo and ask her to find Zhang Anren and bring him to the rescue.

Zhu Suosuo happened to be eating with Lu Cheng outside at this time. Without saying anything, she pulled Lu Cheng to the rescue: "Brother Cheng, Nansun's father arranged a blind date for Nansun. Nansun is busy now, and it is not easy to refuse directly in front of her parents. You have to help and pretend to be Nansun's boyfriend."

(Zhu Suosuo)

"No problem. However, the appearance fee for inviting a big boss worth over 10 billion to act as an actor for you is not low."

"I just learned a new trick these two days, and I promise to satisfy you later."

"You are so good to Jiang Nansun."

"Am I not good to you? No matter how you do it, I try so hard to please you every day."

"Okay, keep it up."

Just then, Jiang Nansun called again, urging Zhu Suosuo to come over quickly.

Zhu Suosuo glanced at Lu Cheng beside her: "Nan Sun, don't worry, we are on the way. Soon, you will see Zhizunbao coming to save you on a colorful cloud."

"What Zhizunbao? Isn't it Zhang Anren?"

"Of course not Zhang Anren, he is not Zhizunbao."

Coincidentally, the two dining places are not far apart, and Lu Cheng drove Zhu Suosuo to the place quickly.

When the two arrived, the dinner here just ended, and Jiang Pengfei's family was seeing off the blind date Li Yifan.

"Mr. Li, you are an expert in stocks. Please tell me if you have any inside information later."

"Don't worry, Mr. Jiang."

At this moment, Lu Cheng also got out of the BMW and waved to Jiang Nansun: "Nansun."

When Jiang Nansun saw that it was Lu Cheng coming, she immediately understood who the Supreme Treasure was that Zhu Suosuo mentioned. After a pause, she ran over naturally, stretched out her hand to hold Lu Cheng's arm, turned around and said to the blind date Li Yifan: "Uncle Li, thank you very much for inviting our family to dinner and providing my dad with so many inside information. When we get back, My dad made money from stock trading, and he will definitely treat you back.

By the way, let me introduce you to my boyfriend, Lu Cheng. Okay, Uncle Li, we'll leave first, bye. "

Jiang Pengfei and Dai Yin on the side were also a little puzzled to see that it was Lu Cheng, not Zhang Anren, who came to pick up Jiang Nansun, but they quickly apologized to Li Yifan: "Mr. Li, the child is ignorant, look at what happened."

Li Yifan waved his hand quickly: "It's okay, it's okay, let's just make friends."

Lu Cheng just said hello to Jiang Pengfei and left with Jiang Nansun.

In the car, Jiang Nansun looked at Lu Cheng: "Brother Cheng, why are you here to pick me up? Where's Suosuo?"

Zhu Suosuo, who was hiding in the back seat, popped her head out and laughed: "Nan Sun, how about this Supreme Treasure? Is he more prestigious and reliable than your Zhang Anren?"

"Suosuo~Brother Cheng, I'm so sorry to bother you with this trip."

"It's okay, I just happened to have dinner nearby. What are your plans next? If you didn't eat enough just now, we can go to the night market again."

"No, we are basically full, and we still need to keep in shape."

"Anyway, I don't want to go home now, so I can go anywhere."

"Then come to my house and sit down."

Jiang Nansun nodded in agreement: "Okay, I'm also curious about what Brother Cheng's mansion looks like."

Lu Cheng drove directly to Cuihu Tiandi Junhuidu...

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