The family was forced into a desperate situation as more and more creditors came to collect debts.

As more and more creditors came to collect debts, the Jiang family was forced into a desperate situation. Jiang Pengfei even hid away and did not dare to go home.

On the other hand, Zhu Suosuo had just earned more than 200,000 yuan in commissions from the two houses she sold. When she learned about the situation at Jiang Nansun's home, she quickly ran to share the hardships with her good sister Jiang Nansun.

Originally, Zhu Suosuo had a deposit of more than 200,000 yuan in her bank card. In addition, Lu Cheng gave her another 100,000 yuan this month, and there were some small rewards for her hard work. After deducting expenses, she had a deposit of 300,000 yuan.

But this amount of money was completely a drop in the bucket for the Jiang family's debts.

For this reason, Zhu Suosuo first went to Yang Ke, wanting to advance the commission for selling the house. In the end, it was Ye Jinyan who nodded and signed, and made an exception to let Zhu Suosuo get more than 200,000 yuan from selling the house.

"Nansun, I only have more than 500,000 yuan now. This is all I have. I can give it to you."

"This amount of money is not enough. That is more than 10 million yuan of foreign debt. Now the debt collectors come to my door every day. I really have no choice. I don’t know where my father has hidden again."

"Where is Zhang Anren?"

"Zhang Anren and I have broken up, and he can’t help our family."

"What should we do? Or should we go to Brother Cheng? He is so rich, he will definitely be able to help."

"Brother Cheng is very rich, but why can he Help me? This is not a small amount of money. "

"What should we do with your family now? You can't let those debt collectors come to disturb you every day? Auntie and grandma will definitely not be able to bear it. Otherwise, I will rent a house first, and you can move out and live there first, hiding for a while?"

"That's fine... Thank you, Suosuo."

"We are best sisters, why are we still talking about this? Okay, I'll go find a house first, and don't worry, no matter how big the difficulties are, we will always get through them."

"Thank you, Suosuo, for being with me now."

"Okay, okay, You should go and have a rest first."

After comforting Jiang Nansun, Zhu Suosuo hesitated for a moment, but still took a taxi to find Lu Cheng and told him everything that happened in the Jiang family: "Brother Cheng, do you think there is a way to solve the current situation of the Jiang family?"

"Of course there is a way. Didn't the Jiang family mortgage the villa to the bank? If you can advance the money to release the mortgage and then sell it at a good price, the difference can repay most of the debt. "

"Yes, why didn't I think of it?"

"Even if you think of it, what does it matter? With the current The market, the Jiang family's villa, it is difficult to sell in a short time, and it is not easy to sell it at a good price. The difficulties of the Jiang family are imminent, and it is not certain whether they can wait until the house is sold.

Moreover, I heard that there is an old lady living in the Jiang family's house. If you want to sell the whole house, you must ask the old lady to move out. If you want to ask the old lady out, you must always settle her down. These are all troubles. "

The old lady living in the Jiang family also moved into the Jiang family's villa during a special period and occupied a room on the third floor. To make people move out willingly, at least they have to buy her a small house to settle down.

The Jiang family also thought about spending money to buy a house to settle the old lady out. However, most of the Jiang family's money was invested in stocks by Jiang Pengfei, and the situation became worse and worse later, so the matter was left unresolved.

"Brother Cheng, do you think it is possible for you to buy this house and sell it in the future, or live in it yourself."

"The Jiang family's old house is not the type I like, and I don't want to invest in real estate, so why should I buy it?"

"Can't you help Nansun?"

"Our relationship is not that level, right? If you have something to do, I can help you more or less because you are so dedicated."

"Well, can I advance the money for one year in advance?"

"Don't think about using your own money to fill that hole, you are too small to fill it."

"Then...if Nansun becomes your girlfriend...well, this is unlikely. Nansun has such a strong personality. Given her current situation, I don't want too many people to know. Forget it, just pretend I didn't say anything. I have seen it clearly. When it comes to the critical moment, we women can only rely on ourselves."

"That's right. Isn't every penny you spend now earned by your own hard work?"

"Yes, although it's a bit hard..." The rest of the words,

Zhu Suosuo didn't say that it was a bit hard, but the process was still quite enjoyable and worth recalling.

Earning this money requires both physical strength and skills, but it is not that easy.

After working hard for an afternoon, and helping Lu Cheng clean the house, and earning some tips, Zhu Suosuo left with her waist.

After that, Zhu Suosuo looked at some houses and selected a three-bedroom apartment as a place for the Jiang family to live.

It must be said that Zhu Suosuo is really a good friend to Jiang Nansun, which can be regarded as a true friend in need.

After that, Jiang Nansun's aunt Daisy, who was far away abroad, came forward and asked Ye Jinyan for help to buy the Jiang family's old house.

Ye Jinyan was originally in the real estate business, and this matter could make some money, plus his relationship with Daisy, he was naturally willing to help.

What happened afterwards was not much different from the development in the original drama.

Ye Jinyan personally came forward and looked at the Jiang family's house. He asked Yang Ke to invite the old lady who lived on the third floor of the Jiang family to leave and bought a small house for her. Then he released the Jiang family's house from the bank and bought the whole house.

Of course, Ye Jinyan would not do a business that would lose money. The price was also lower than the market price. This money could also balance Jiang Pengfei's debts.

But after paying off most of the debts, there would only be a few hundred thousand left, which was not enough for the Jiang family to maintain their lives in the Magic City.

After Jiang Pengfei finished the accounts, he knew that there was still a part of the money he borrowed from neighbors and friends privately, which he could not pay back at all.

Jiang Pengfei, who had never worked in his life, had no idea where the money would come from. After sitting down and chatting with his mother for a while, he suddenly said that he was going to the bathroom, but he jumped out of the bathroom window and committed suicide.

The old lady waited for a long time, but did not see her son come back. She heard someone outside shouting to jump off the building. She rushed to the bathroom and saw the open window. She was so sad that she was hospitalized.

The entire Jiang family was in chaos. Jiang Nansun's mother, Dai Yin, had never done anything in her life. She only knew how to dance, play mahjong, and buy jewelry. After something happened at home, Dai Yin went to the hospital to take care of the old lady. Dealing with the funeral and dealing with creditors was all handed over to Jiang Nansun.

For a rich girl who has not yet left school, all this is undoubtedly too heavy.

Zhu Suosuo has no experience in these things, so she can only ask Lu Cheng for help again. Lu Cheng did not refuse this time, and directly brought a lawyer from the company's legal department to the Jiang family.

If you want to win Jiang Nansun, you can't do nothing and wait for her to throw herself into your arms.

At this time, Jiang Nansun is undoubtedly at a low point, and proper help can have the greatest effect...

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