When people are busy doing something, time always passes quickly.

On the Mid-Autumn Festival in 1976, when Lu Cheng took his wife and children back to his mother's home to visit relatives, he happened to meet an elder from Hejiawan who came to visit his home.

This elder suffered from sciatica and had been to the county and city for treatment, but none of them were optimistic. Seeing that the other party had a good relationship with his father-in-law, Lu Cheng took the initiative to offer to treat the other party. After acupuncture and medication, he really cured the other party's illness.

This elder had been suffering from illness for many years and had no way to seek medical treatment. Now that he was cured by Lu Cheng, and he didn't charge much money, he naturally praised everyone he met, praising He Yaozong's son-in-law as a miracle doctor.

Soon after, many patients with difficult and complicated diseases in Hejiawan crossed the Yellow River and ran to Shuangshui Village to find Lu Cheng for treatment.

Lu Cheng naturally cured all the diseases that could be cured. Even if he could not cure them, he could greatly improve and relieve the pain through Chinese medicine.

In this way, Lu Cheng's reputation spread to Shanxi Province.

The speed at which this reputation spreads has always been getting faster and faster. After curing a patient, their relatives will know about it, and their relatives' relatives may also know about it.

So, some men and women with infertility, men with physical weakness and kidney deficiency, and women with irregular menstruation came to Shuangshui Village to seek medical treatment and medicine.

Many problems that cannot be diagnosed by Western medicine, or diseases that cannot be cured, can actually be treated in Chinese medicine.

After such development, more and more patients from all over the country rushed to Shuangshui Village for medical treatment and medicine, and Lu Cheng's small clinic became completely popular.

Just after the Spring Festival in 1977, Lu Cheng's family became busy, receiving many patients every day, and most of them were patients from other places.

Whenever Lu Cheng has free time, he runs around to buy Chinese medicine.

The living room of his home has long been turned into a special clinic, and he has also asked someone to build a large Chinese medicine cabinet. There are several stoves in the yard, and the smell of Chinese medicine wafts every day.

Even Lu Cheng himself seems to be marinated with Chinese medicine, and he smells of Chinese medicine wherever he goes.

Many of the people who can come to treat difficult and complicated diseases cannot be cured in county hospitals or municipal hospitals. As long as they can be cured, they don’t mind spending more money.

Although Lu Cheng does not charge randomly based on the benevolence of a doctor, he can still make a lot of money from the hard work fee and acupuncture fee.

Especially when encountering some infertility and male and female diseases, after helping them successfully solve the problem, these people will give gifts afterwards, and there are quite a lot of them.

Although Lu Cheng basically does not accept gifts, some gifts he gives cannot be returned sometimes, and some people put money in the gifts to thank them.

By the summer of 1977, Lu Cheng's family's savings had quietly reached 2,500 yuan.

Xiulian had nothing to do at home every day, so she liked to sit there and count money.

Every time Lu Cheng saw her money-grubber look, he would hold the child and joke beside her: "Yangyang, look at your mother's money-grubber look, our family's good days are still to come."

The one-year-old little guy didn't understand these things, but he could already speak: "Mom, hug me."

Xiulian didn't care. She counted the money and put it in an iron box. She was happy: "Brother Cheng, do you think we should build a few new kilns? The place at home is too small. It's too choking to boil Chinese medicine in the yard every day."

"New kilns are not needed. After a while, maybe we don't need to live in the village anymore."

"Where else can we live if we don't live in the village?"

"Keep it secret for now. When the money is needed, I will keep the big money in this family first."

Except for one or two hundred in Xiulian's hands, the more than two thousand savings in the family are all in Lu Cheng's storage space, absolutely safe.

As luck would have it, while the two were talking, a voice suddenly came from outside: "Lu Cheng, someone from the county said they want to see you."

Lu Cheng handed the child to Xiulian, who put the child on the ground and walked on the kang holding the child's hand.

As soon as he walked into the courtyard, Lu Cheng saw a familiar face and hurriedly greeted him: "Director Li, why are you here? Come in."

Director Li was a leader of the county hospital. Lu Cheng often saw Director Li when he was training at the county hospital.

Director Li still appreciated him very much and once asked Lu Cheng if he wanted to stay in the county hospital to work, but later because Tian Fujun was sidelined and Xu Aiyun was implicated in the hospital, the matter was left unsolved.

Unexpectedly, Director Li

He actually came to visit me on his own initiative.

"Lu Cheng, it seems you still remember me."

"Director Li, I forgot what you said, but no one can forget you. You taught me a lot in the past, come on, come on, please sit down."

Director Li first looked at the situation in the yard, then looked at the Chinese medicine cabinet in the house, and then said: "I have heard that your Shigejie Commune has a young miracle doctor who specializes in treating various difficult and complicated diseases. When you see it, it seems that the scene is quite big."

Lu Cheng smiled and said: "It's just some small fights. It's just to solve some minor illnesses and pains for the villagers in the village."

"You are not a A small fight. Not long ago, I heard from a relative that you can even cure the old cold legs that have lasted for many years. This is not easy. "

Lu Cheng poured tea for the other party and said modestly: "I was just a blind cat catching a dead mouse, it's nothing."

Director Li drank a sip of tea and smiled and said: "Lu Cheng, this excessive modesty is equal to pride, so don't be modest. You should have guessed the purpose of my visit this time. How about it? Do you want to go to the county hospital for consultation?"

This era is not like later generations. The requirements for doctors' academic qualifications are not so strict, and there is no medical qualification certificate yet. As long as a doctor's level is good and there is an opportunity, he can go to a large hospital to work.

Lu Cheng did not agree directly, but pointed to the medicine cabinet beside him: "Director Li, as you can see, I am mainly studying Chinese medicine and Chinese medicine now. It seems that our county hospital does not have a Chinese medicine department yet?"

"If you come, there will be one, right? Although there is no Chinese medicine department now, Chinese medicine is also a cultural treasure of our China. Not long ago, the dean and I went out to investigate and found that many local Chinese medicine hospitals are doing well. Our county hospital is also considering setting up a Chinese medicine department first to test the waters.

We have also recently investigated the entire Huangyuan City and looked for some old Chinese medicine practitioners with superb medical skills. But we have not found a suitable one. I recommended you to the dean, and the dean wants you to sit in for a while and give it a try."

"This..." Lu Cheng was silent for a moment before he spoke: "Director Li, it stands to reason that you have visited in person, I shouldn't be ungrateful. But you can see that I have a lot of things to do at home, and I can't move them all at once. My children are still young, so I haven't made this plan yet. "

Director Li was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect that Lu Cheng would refuse such a good opportunity: "Lu Cheng, this opportunity is rare. If you miss it, you will regret it in the future."

"Director Li, can you let me think about it first?"

"Well, since you don't have this idea, I won't force you."

Director Li was about to get up, and Lu Cheng hurriedly tried to stop him: "Director Li, you've finally come here, stay and have a meal before leaving."

"No, the hospital can't do without people, and I have some patients to take care of."

Lu Cheng could only send Director Li out of the hospital.

After Director Li left, Xiulian came out of the house with the child and asked in confusion: "Brother Cheng, I heard what happened just now. The county hospital invited you, why didn't you go?"

"Don't worry, there will be better ones in the future."

"Could it be that the city hospital will invite you?"

"Not necessarily."

It is already August, and in two months, the news of the resumption of the college entrance examination will be officially announced. Lu Cheng is busy preparing for the college entrance examination, so of course he doesn't want to go to the county hospital.

Moreover, his small clinic now has a good monthly income and free time, which is much better than working in the county hospital?

Lu Cheng guessed that Director Li from the county hospital came to visit not only because of his medical skills.

Not long ago, Tian Fujun, who had been sitting on the bench for a long time, was noticed by the top leader of the province and was directly appointed as the commissioner of the Huangyuan Prefectural Committee, ushering in a major turning point in his political career.

Perhaps he, a barefoot doctor in the countryside, also got a little bit of it.

Of course, if Lu Cheng didn't have this skill, this little bit of glory wouldn't have fallen on him...

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