The old man was born in a poor family, and the old man was born in a poor family.

At this time, in the eyes of most people in the West, China was still a poor, backward, and even uncivilized place. Oriental faces were easily excluded and oppressed here.

Moreover, Sicily was once the birthplace of the Mafia. Although the current Italian Mo came to power and cleaned up the Mafia entrenched in Sicily, the Mafia has developed in Sicily for more than 100 years, so it is naturally not so easy to clean it up.

However, the current Mafia has been broken up, and some have been forced to go overseas to other countries to develop, and some are scattered all over the country, and their actions are more covert.

In addition to the Mafia, there are also many small gangs composed of hooligans and hooligans, doing various illegal businesses.

As an oriental foreigner, Lu Cheng had to be vigilant at all times in Sicily, ready to deal with those who coveted his property or even wanted to kill him.

When Lu Cheng first set foot on Sicily, he attracted the attention and discussion of people around him.

"Look at that, a strange face."

"It seems to be a yellow monkey, and I don't know which country he is from."

"Who can say for sure? People from many Asian countries look the same, and only a ghost can tell them apart."

"Look at him carrying a lot of bags, he must be very rich. Why don't we go and do something and rob him."

"Be careful, look at the box he is carrying, there is a high possibility that there is a gun in it. The yellow monkey who dares to walk out alone must be not simple."

"Hey, I don't believe it."

Faced with these discussions around him, Lu Cheng just frowned slightly and didn't take it too seriously.

If someone really dared to come up to provoke or rob, Lu Cheng would be more than happy. It just so happened that there was only more than 1,000 liras in the wallet, which was not enough to spend. The business that makes money the fastest must be the business without capital.

If it was in the modern legal society of China in the future, there would be cameras everywhere, and Lu Cheng would have to be more careful and restrained.

In this era without cameras, or overseas, Lu Cheng has no scruples.

Can robbing foreign devils be called robbing? Then take back the property that originally belonged to us.

The old witch of the Qing Dynasty paid so much money, and it is natural to take back some interest.

Walking out of the dock, quickly leaving the noisy crowd, turning around a hidden alley, when Lu Cheng came out again, the main luggage he carried had been put into the storage space, and only a handbag was left in his hand.

Afterwards, Lu Cheng found a small restaurant on the side of the road and had a simple meal to fill his stomach. When he came out, he glanced at the wall clock on the restaurant wall. It was already two or three o'clock in the afternoon.

After scanning the street, Lu Cheng walked up to a young girl who was staring at him and asked politely, "Hello, ma'am. Where can I find a bus from Messina to Syracuse?"

"Hey, sir, the bus to Syracuse only runs in the morning. I'm afraid you can only spend the night in Messina today."

"Thank you, beautiful lady. Which hotel in town is more suitable for living?"

"Go west for 500 meters, then go south for 100 meters. There is a summer hotel with a good environment and a cheap price. Do you need me to show you the way, sir?"

"If it's convenient, thank you very much."

Lu Cheng's appearance and charm have been certified by the system, which can greatly enhance women's affinity and give people a good first impression. Whether it is an oriental woman or a western woman, they will find Lu Cheng very attractive.

The girl who took the initiative to lead Lu Cheng looked about 17 or 18 years old. She was not very pretty and had some freckles on her face, but her eyes were shining, similar to the clear stupidity in the eyes of some college students.

This was also the reason why Lu Cheng chose to ask her questions.

While leading Lu Cheng, the Italian girl who called herself "Gianna" asked various questions enthusiastically: "Sir, are you from the East? I don't know where you are from? Why did you come to Sicily?"

"I am from China in the East and I am a wandering musician."

"I have heard of your country. Marco Polo seems to have been there. Are you a musician? Where is your instrument? What songs can you play? Did you come to Sicily to find creative inspiration? I wonder if I will have the chance to hear you play a song.

? "

Lu Cheng patted his handbag: "My flute is here. To express my gratitude to you, I may play a song for you after I find a hotel."

"Really? That's great."

While talking, the two came to the door of a hotel, and saw the girl smiling at the innkeeper: "Dad, I brought back another guest, a musician. Please arrange a room for him. I'm still waiting to listen to music. By the way, the price should not be too high."

"Okay, my Gianna. Oh, it's an oriental face. People like you are not easy to get along in Sicily. There is a curfew at night now, so you'd better not go out."

"Thank you for reminding me."

"Come with me, I'll arrange a room for you. Also, remember your identity, guest, don't think about my daughter. "

Lu Cheng laughed and said nothing more. He really had no interest in an ordinary teenage girl.

Originally, he saw that the other party was a little girl and was so enthusiastic to lead him the way. He didn't expect that the girl's family ran a hotel.

He walked into the hotel and took a look. The environment and bedding were clean, and there was no musty smell in the room.

Lu Cheng had just put away his luggage when the girl named Gianna came over again: "Hey, Lu, you promised to play a song for me, you can't go back on your word."

"No problem, wait a moment."

Lu Cheng turned back to the house, reached into his bag, took out the Western metal flute, and gestured: "Beautiful Miss Gianna, can you help me move a chair?"

"Of course, I'm happy to serve you, Mr. Musician. "

Lu Cheng glanced at the relatively empty square outside and walked over directly.

Jaina quickly picked up a chair and followed him.

To be honest, I had learned musical instruments for decades in my previous life, but I had never performed street performances in public.

At this time, Lu Cheng also wanted to experience the feeling of street performance.

After choosing a suitable position and letting Jaina put down the chair, Lu Cheng tried the metal flute in his hand, and finally took a look at the seaside in the distance. After a brief recollection, he chose a movie theme song "My Heart Will Go On" that was widely circulated in later generations.

As the soothing music sounded, Lu Cheng was completely immersed in the world of music. The scene in front of him seemed to have come to the sea. On the top, there was a huge cruise ship cutting through the waves in front of him, and there was a beautiful woman on the bow, with her arms open, letting the sea breeze blow her hair.

Jaina on the side was immediately attracted by this beautiful song, standing quietly by the side, watching Lu Cheng play.

Soon, some pedestrians who were rushing around also stopped and stopped to appreciate the wonderful music.

After a while, a lady wearing a top hat came up, took out 10 liras from her bag, and put it in front of Lu Cheng.

Then, several men and women came over one after another and put some money in front of Lu Cheng.

When the song ended, everyone began to applaud, obviously conquered by Lu Cheng's performance.

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