The police station was set up in Yuncheng County, and the police station was set up in Yuncheng County.

The county government of Yuncheng County has a special Wei Si for arresting bandits, with two captains of the cavalry and infantry. The cavalry captain Zhu Tong has 20 horse archers and 20 auxiliary soldiers under his command. The infantry captain Lei Heng has 20 spear leaders and 20 auxiliary soldiers under his command.

According to the titles of later generations, Zhu Tong is equivalent to the captain of the Yuncheng County Criminal Police Brigade, and Lei Heng is equivalent to the deputy captain.

As a businessman, it is also normal to have a good relationship with these two people.

The wine and food were soon served, and Lu Cheng and the two of them toasted each other, and they complimented each other a few times, and the atmosphere soon became warm.

"I have heard that the two captains are highly skilled in martial arts and are well-known figures in the martial arts world. Although I am young, I admire all the people in the martial arts world. I admire heroes like you who can protect a region the most.

To be honest, although I am good at martial arts, I have not fought with anyone much, so I don't know how good I am. If you two captains have free time in the future, can you give me some pointers?"

Lei Heng readily agreed: "Okay, okay, my martial arts can only be considered average. Brother Zhu is a master. If you can let him teach you a few moves, it will definitely be enough."

Zhu Tong waved his hand quickly: "This world is so big, there are so many masters. My skills are just so-so in the eyes of those real masters. Whatever you say, it's okay for us to learn from each other when we have time."

After a few words, Lu Cheng basically understood the personalities of the two captains.

Zhu Tong is a humble and polite person, and he speaks without leaking a single word. He is obviously well versed in the ways of the world and knows how to behave. Lei Heng is much worse in terms of speaking and behaving.

At present, the gap between the two is not too big, but later, Zhu Tong successively informed Chao Gai, released Song Jiang, and released Lei Heng, and was kind to many heroes on Liangshan. After arriving at Liangshan, he directly sat in the twelfth chair, even above Lu Zhishen and Wu Song.

Later, when Zhu Tong went to Liangshan, Chao Gai, Song Jiang and other leaders beat gongs and drums, slaughtered pigs and sheep, and set up a banquet. The scene was quite grand.

Moreover, after Zhu Tong was recruited, he followed Liu Guangshi to defeat the Jin army and served as the governor of the Taiping Army. He was one of the few people who had a good end.

It has to be said that those who know how to behave and do things can get along well anywhere. What's more, Zhu Tong was born with a good appearance like Guan Erye, which easily left a good first impression on people.

The three of them ate and drank, and talked a lot. Lu Cheng also took the opportunity to inquire about some news in the martial arts world and figured out the current time.

Not long ago, Gao Qiu became famous and suppressed Wang Jin, the instructor of the imperial army. Wang Jin was forced to leave Tokyo (Kaifeng Prefecture).

From this point in time, the story of Water Margin has just begun.

Next, Wang Jin came to Shijiazhuang and instructed Jiuwenlong Shi Jin. A few months later, Shi Jin finished his studies and Wang Jin left. After that, Shi Jin captured the leader of Shaohua Mountain who came to the city to borrow food. Feeling the loyalty between the three leaders of Shaohua Mountain, he made friends with them.

Later, a hunter reported that Shi Jin had made friends with bandits, and the government sent troops to capture him. Shi Jin fought his way out of the siege and went to find his master Wang Jin, and thus met Lu Zhishen.

While Shi Jin and Lu Zhishen were drinking, they heard a woman crying next door. After asking the reason, they learned that Zhen Guanxi had oppressed the good and evil, and then there was the story of Lu Tingjie beating Zhen Guanxi to death with three punches, and then he became a wanderer.

From this point of view, it should be half a year to a year before Lu Tingjie punched Zhen Guanxi.

It took about eight or nine years from Wang Jin's escape from Tokyo to the Liangshan Great Gathering. Then it took twelve or thirteen years to conquer Fang La and return to Kyoto.

Of course, it is only 18 years since the Jingkang Shame.

After eating and drinking, Lu Cheng bid farewell to Zhu Tong and Lei Heng, and wandered around Yuncheng County, and then returned home to think about the next plan.

Since he came to this world, he will inevitably have to deal with the future 108 Liangshan generals in the future, and he will inevitably have to start the rebellion again.

After all, we can't wait until the Jingkang Shame happens in the future and watch the Jin people invade the Central Plains.

Moreover, if you are born in this era, you can only keep moving forward and stand at the highest position if you want to truly protect yourself and enjoy life without worries.

Lu Cheng is only seventeen years old now. He has many options, and he can also take multiple options at the same time.

For example, he can occupy the mountain like the Liangshan heroes, accumulate strength, recruit soldiers and horses, and expand his territory.

He can also take the official route, donate money to buy an official position, take the imperial examination, etc.


Moreover, Lu Cheng also has the ability to change his face, which can directly create a second identity for himself, and walk two or even three paths at the same time.

However, what Lu Cheng is more interested in now is to find out how high the martial arts value of this world is, whether there is the legendary internal strength, or the method of strengthening the bones, qi and blood, which can further improve his own strength.

Although Lu Cheng has a gun in his hand, no matter how high his martial arts are, he can still knock down with one shot. But if it can improve his strength, Lu Cheng is absolutely willing to learn.

As for whether there is Taoism in this world, Lu Cheng remains skeptical before seeing it with his own eyes.

I also hope that one day I can meet the Ruyunlong Gongsun Sheng and see whether his Taoism is real Taoism or a trick.

And what level is there of the God of Speed ​​Dai Zong, who is said to be able to travel 800 miles a day.

When Lu Cheng was drinking with Zhu Tong before, he asked indirectly whether they had learned any internal strength and qigong, and both of them only said that they had learned some swords, guns, sticks and clubs.

By observing their complexion, breathing, and steps, I can't see any difference between them and normal people, they are just stronger.

However, these two people are not real masters, and Lu Cheng can't conclude that there is no qigong, internal strength, etc. in this world.

In the new Water Margin, after Lu Zhishen became a monk, he met Elder Zhizhen, who was the famous martial artist Zhou Tong. He had extraordinary martial arts and taught Lu Junyi, Lin Chong, Shi Wengong and other fierce generals. He could be called a "sweeping monk" and might have real kung fu.

It's just that Mount Wutai is far away in Jin, and it won't be reached in a short time.

Counting some masters nearby, Chao Gai's martial arts value should not be low, at least his strength will not be too small.

There are two villages outside the east gate of Yuncheng County, separated by a big river, called Dongxi Village and Xixi Village.

There were rumors of ghosts in Xixi Village. Later, with the guidance of a monk, a large bluestone was carved into a pagoda and placed at the entrance of the village to suppress the ghosts.

The people of Dongxi Village thought that Xixi Village drove the ghosts to their side, so they were very dissatisfied. Chao Gai, the head of Dongxi Village, came to Xixi Village alone, lifted up the bluestone pagoda, and placed it from the entrance of Xixi Village to the entrance of Dongxi Village.

It was for this reason that Chao Gai was given the title of the Heavenly King of the Tower.

Lu Cheng went home to think about it, and asked his servant Lai Fu to prepare some gifts, and to visit Chao Gai, the Heavenly King, tomorrow to compete with him.

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