The two of them were very busy, and the two sides had to work together.

"I have a condition here. If Madam Wang agrees, the medicines and Baihua Yulu from Huichuntang can be supplied to Zuihonglou first, and we can even make appropriate concessions on the price."

"What are the conditions, Mr. Lu? Please tell me."

"I need to talk to Madam Wang alone about this."

After that, Lu Cheng waved his hand, and the maid Xia He led the others outside and stood guard at the door.

"Many of the officials and wealthy families in our Yuncheng County often go to Zuihonglou to drink and have fun. Some merchants who come and go also stay overnight in Zuihonglou. When these people chat, they will tell a lot of news. Some of the news may be useful to me, such as who is doing the medicinal materials business in a certain place, how is the family situation? What is the price of medicinal materials in a certain place? A big insect appeared in a certain place and injured people, etc.

I am very interested in these news. If Mother Wang can continue to provide me with some useful news, my goods here can be supplied to Zuihonglou first, and the price will be 10% and 50% lower than that of other merchants. What do you think, Mother Wang?"

"Mr. Lu is indeed a visionary. I agree to this."

"Very good, we will do this business."

The two discussed some details of the cooperation. Lu Cheng also combined the clubs of later generations to make some improvement suggestions for Zuihonglou, which made Mother Wang, a former Bianjing courtesan who thought she had seen the world, couldn't help but marvel.

"If Mr. Lu also comes to run a brothel, I'm afraid our Zuihonglou will not be able to continue."

"I don't have this intention. Madam Wang and the girls earn their money through hard work, so I won't participate."

"I have benefited a lot from the chat with Mr. Lu today. If Mr. Lu has free time in the future, please come to my Zuihonglou often to give me some advice."

After the chat, Lu Cheng sent Madam Wang to the door and then turned back home.

In the living room, Xia He was waiting with two little girls.

After the two businesses were settled, Lu Cheng gained a new information channel and would cooperate frequently in the future. Naturally, he would not refuse Madam Wang's generous gift and happily accepted the two little girls.

Lu Cheng returned to the front hall and sat down. He looked up and down at the two beautiful little girls, who did have a bit of bookish air.

The two little girls were also a little excited at this time. Being able to be by Lu Cheng's side was already the best result. Moreover, Xia He just told them that Master Lu treats servants very kindly and will not treat them harshly.

"What are your names?"

"My name is Yan'er."

"My name is Xue'er."

"I'm asking about your original names."

"My name is Liu Ruyan."

"My name is Ji Ruxue."

Lu Cheng nodded: "The names are all good, so I won't change them. Just call you by your original names in the future. What can you do?"

"I can play the flute and sing some songs."

"I can play the pipa and dance."

"Can you do knitting, needlework, arithmetic and bookkeeping?"

Both girls shook their heads.

Lu Cheng looked at Xia He on the side: "Xia He, you and Qiu Lan take care of them more, teach them the arithmetic I taught you, if they can't learn, they can learn knitting or something."

"Yes, Master."

"Okay, go down."

The two little girls are only thirteen or fourteen years old, which is the age for learning in the future, so let them learn something first to see if they are worth cultivating.

Lu Cheng does need more people to take care of him, making beds, folding quilts, serving tea and water, washing and cooking, sewing and mending, grinding ink, accompanying reading, serving washing, etc., all need people.

Although he traveled to ancient times, Lu Cheng did not have any idea of ​​equality for all and liberation of human rights. When in Rome, do as the Romans do and enjoy what you should enjoy.

Of course, when he becomes an emperor and stands in a high position, he will also make some appropriate changes to make his country stronger and let his people live with more dignity.

After lunch, Lu Cheng and his servant Lai Fu rode two horses to the manor outside the city.

These two horses were recently bought from the market. They were not good horses and could barely serve as a means of transportation. Real good horses would not appear in a small place like Yuncheng County, let alone wait for Lu Cheng to buy them.

When the two arrived at the Lujiazhuang, which was under construction outside the city, they saw that the construction site was in full swing. The workers were working under the scorching sun. Some were building walls, some were making adobes, and some were planing wood.

Lu Cheng called the responsible manager Wu: "Old

Wu, send two people to the city to buy some mung beans and cook a few pots of mung bean soup for the workers to cool them down. They can't get heatstroke in such a hot day. Also, there's no need to rush to work during the hottest time of the day, you can wait until it's cooler. "

"Yes, your Excellency is kind."

Manager Wu immediately ran to the construction site and said, "Everyone stop and take a rest. Your Excellency is kind and is afraid that everyone will be tired."

"Thank you, your Excellency. "

Lu Cheng nodded, without saying much, and then walked to the place where the new crops were planted to check the growth of crops such as corn, sweet potatoes, potatoes, and peppers.

These crops have been planted for a month, and they are usually carefully taken care of. Lu Cheng will come to check from time to time. The current growth is very good.

Due to the number of seeds, each crop is planted on less than half an acre of land, which is also convenient for care.

This first batch of crops will also be used as seeds in the future, and a large number of seeds will be accumulated in a few years.

Although these excellent varieties will have a certain degree of decline over time, degraded, but even if it degraded further, it would definitely be much higher than the current crops.

After patrolling outside the city and making sure there was no problem, Lu Cheng took people back home.

Recently, in his spare time, Lu Cheng not only practiced martial arts, but also read books and practiced calligraphy, and even practiced painting flowers and birds, preparing to seek an official position for himself.

Of course, I can't take the imperial examination in the past two years because the imperial examination has been temporarily abolished.

The imperial examination system originated in the Sui Dynasty, and was later improved by the Tang and Song Dynasties, reaching its peak in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

The Song Dynasty valued civil service over military service and attached great importance to the imperial examination. Compared with other dynasties, the imperial examination in the Song Dynasty was more fair and just, and regardless of one's origin, . Especially in the Southern Song Dynasty, even the descendants of some prisoners and criminals were eligible to participate in the imperial examination.

Moreover, the imperial examinations of the Song Dynasty not only had the Jinshi category, but also the Mingjing category, Mingfa category, Sanli category, and Sanchuan category, and the Jinshi category was the most important. In addition, there were military examinations and boy examinations.

The military examination selected military men, and the boy examination selected some gifted young prodigies.

However, this was the period of Song Huizong. This emperor who liked calligraphy and painting wanted to leave a name in history, so he reformed the imperial examination system and added the subject of flower and bird painting.

Even Song Huizong gave up being an emperor and became a painter in the Imperial Academy. The president of the academy became a professor, wrote textbooks, and spread art education.

Just a few years ago, in the third year of Chongning (1104), Emperor Huizong followed Cai Jing's advice and ordered the abolition of the imperial examination system, and selected scholars through the school's promotion. It was not until 1120 that Cai Jing was dismissed and the imperial examination system was restored.

In this environment, there is more room for maneuver if you want to be an official.

First study in the official school of Yuncheng County, then go to the state school, provincial school, and imperial school...

Lu Cheng didn't think about how big an official he would be, as long as he had a sufficient official position. Anyway, he didn't plan to be a minister of the Song Dynasty forever.

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