The tiger was lying on the ground, and the tiger was lying on the ground.

Not far away, although the three horses were tied to the tree, they still looked at the tiger lying beside Lu Cheng anxiously.

Even Lai Wang, who was always brave, looked at the tiger with fear in his eyes.

The power of the king of beasts is not something that ordinary people can bear.

There is a joke in later generations that after encountering a tiger, you can kill a tiger by sliding a shovel to cut open the tiger's belly while the tiger is flying. This statement is just a joke.

If ordinary people do not carry hot weapons, they can only be 30% to 70% when they encounter wild adult tigers.

The tiger eats 70% of its fullness in three minutes, and then drags the remaining parts back home.

Strong palm power, terrifying bite force, agile speed, and superb hunting skills are all the abilities of adult tigers to dominate the mountains.

Even compared with the king lion on the African grassland, the tiger's jumping ability and bite force are better.

Moreover, tigers are more skillful in hunting, they will conserve their energy and choose the right strategy. They can also stand up and slap the enemy in the face.

In later generations, some people have done experiments specifically, locking tigers and lions together, and the tiger won in the end.

However, this is normal, and those with permed hair cannot beat those with tattoos.

Of course, this does not mean that tigers can win 100% against lions. After all, there are many kinds of tigers and lions. When it comes to fighting, there will be various accidental factors, etc.

Even wild boars can sometimes kill tigers.

Regardless of all these, Lu Cheng ate some dry food he brought with him, drank some water, and then came to the tiger, stroking the tiger's head and back with his hands, and occasionally let out a few low growls from his throat, accompanied by a few words, to have a simple communication with the tiger.

Lai Fu and Lai Wang stood aside and watched quietly.

After chatting with the tiger for more than an hour, he told him not to take the initiative to eat people, and to avoid humans if he could. After that, Lu Cheng patted the tiger's head and let it leave.

After the tiger left, Lai Fu was still a little scared: "Master, that's a tiger. It's amazing that you can train it to be so obedient. I just got a little closer and my legs were weak."

"All things are spiritual. As long as you beat it and scare it, you can tame it. Just like the dogs we raise, they are actually so obedient through continuous domestication. Well, after a day's journey, take a rest."

"Yes, Master."

Although he was in the wild, Lu Cheng didn't have to worry too much about danger.

Once the thermal induction radar was turned on and the warning range was set, Lu Cheng could wake up in advance when there was danger approaching.

It was already autumn and the weather was a little cold.

Lai Fu and Lai Wang lit a fire, set up a tent, and let Lu Cheng rest first, while the two of them took turns to keep watch.

The next morning, Lu Cheng got up and ate something simple. He asked the two to guard here, and then he entered the forest again, came to the vicinity of the tiger, and let out a roar.

Not long after, the tiger ran out of the forest and stopped in front of Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng patted the tiger's head, took out a piece of mutton to feed it again, then reached out to take out the bow and arrow, led the tiger over several hillsides, and came to a valley.

Looking down from the hillside, I saw several wild boars foraging in the valley.

The tiger was about to rush out, but was held down by Lu Cheng.

Then, a man and a tiger approached quietly, and then I saw Lu Cheng draw his bow and arrow, and three arrows were shot out in succession. The first arrow accurately hit the eye of a big wild boar, the second arrow shot at the neck of another big wild boar, and the third arrow shot a small wild boar.

After three arrows, the tiger rushed out immediately. Lu Cheng also had a machete in his hand. He quickly approached and chopped the neck of the wild boar that was shot in the neck.

Soon, the man and the tiger completed their first cooperative hunting and harvested four wild boars, two large and two small. The other four small wild boars were deliberately let go.

After completing this joint hunt, the tiger seemed more docile.

In front of the tiger, Lu Cheng put the three wild boars, two large and one small, into the storage space, which made the tiger stunned.

Then, Lu Cheng signaled the tiger to start eating.

After the tiger finished eating the small wild boar, Lu Cheng followed the tiger to its lair, and then released the two wild boars, one large and one small, in front of it.


I'll leave some for you, which should be enough for you to eat for a few days. You stay in this forest first, and I'll take you away when I come back."

After saying that, Lu Cheng touched the tiger's head again, and then turned and left. Next, he had to travel to other places, so naturally he couldn't take this beast with him.

After leaving the forest, Lu Cheng took the two of them on the road for another two or three days, until the evening of that day, before they arrived at Yanggu County before the city gates were closed.

The three of them went into the city and found an inn, and had a good rest for the night.

The next morning, after breakfast, Lu Cheng called the waiter, gave him some copper coins, and asked, "Waiter, who are the people doing the medicinal materials business in Yanggu County?"

"Objectively, there are quite a few big families doing the medicinal materials business in our Yanggu County. The biggest one is Mr. Li who lives in the west of the city. His family runs the largest herbal medicine shop in our Yanggu County. There is also Mr. Wang in the south of the city. His family business is not small, and the medicinal materials business is just one of them. In addition to these two, there is also the recently emerging Ximen Daguanren..."

In fact, Yanggu County is only 140 miles away from Yuncheng County, and there are frequent trade exchanges between the two sides. The Li Yuanwai in the city has trade exchanges with the Huichuntang of the Lu family, regularly delivering medicinal materials to Huichuntang, and also buying some Jinqiang pills and Longhudan from Huichuntang and selling them in Yanggu County.

As for some other drug dealers in Yanggu County, they have not yet established trade exchanges with Huichuntang.

Lu Cheng went out to travel this time, on the one hand to meet masters from all sides and recruit some younger brothers, and on the other hand to investigate the surrounding situation and find more medicinal material merchants who can cooperate and supply for a long time.

The source of goods must not be controlled by one or two families, otherwise it is easy to be controlled by others.

In addition, in addition to Huichun Pills and Longhudan, Lu Cheng is also preparing to launch new beauty pills, skin creams and other products, which also require more medicinal materials.

"Tell me more about Mr. Wang and Mr. Ximen. "

"This Wang family mainly deals in cloth and furs. It is said that they often go to the north to do business, selling cloth, silk, and tea from the Central Plains to the north, and then buy back some mountain products and furs from there, including old mountain ginseng, so they start a medicinal material business. They have the best deer antlers, mink fur, mountain ginseng, and occasionally some bear paws.

As for Ximen Daguanren, he was originally a wealthy man in Yanggu County who was a bit down and out, running a herbal medicine shop. Recently, Ximen Daguanren somehow made friends with the big shots in the county and managed some official affairs. Later, another Yang Daguanren in our county who was engaged in cloth business died unexpectedly. Because he had no children, his property fell to his wife Meng Yulou.

Ximen Daguanren married Meng Yulou and got the Yang family's property. In addition to his position in the county government, it didn't take long for him to become a big family in our county. Everyone who sees him calls him Ximen Daguanren..."

Lu Cheng nodded and asked casually, "Whose pancakes are the best in our county?"

"The He Family Pancake Shop on Chengnan Street makes the best pancakes. There is also a stall owner named Wei Xiaoniang, whose pancakes are also good and cheap. If you are going to buy some to take with you on the road, these two are the best. You can also go to the braised meat shop opposite the He Family Pancake Shop and buy some dried meat and roast chicken to take with you."

After listening, Lu Cheng nodded to Lai Fu who was standing beside him. Lai Fu took out a few coins and handed them to the waiter.

"Thank you for the reward..."

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