Two days later, Lu Cheng took Wu Song and his brothers who had packed up their houses and bought two more carriages. Pan Jinlian sat in one carriage, and Lai Wang was responsible for driving the carriage. The other carriage was filled with the Wu brothers' belongings, and Wu Dalang drove the carriage himself.

Because Wu Song was tall and strong, ordinary horses could hardly bear his weight, so he could only walk.

When they came, they were three people and three horses, lightly packed and simple, which was convenient and fast. When they returned, there were carriages accompanying them, and Wu Song was walking, so naturally they could not walk too fast.

They walked and stopped along the way, and when they came across a village or town, they stayed to rest. If it was evening, there was no village in front and no shop behind, so they could only sleep in the wild.

At dusk that day, the sun was about to set. Gray Brother, the parrot that had flown ahead to explore the way, still hadn't found a village nearby, so Lu Cheng ordered them to stop and rest for a night before leaving.

Lai Fu and Lai Wang quickly set up a bonfire with Wu Dalang, heated up the dry food they brought, and took out some wine and meat bought in the previous town for dinner.

The Wu brothers, Lai Fu and Lai Wang sat aside to eat and drink, while Lu Cheng took some food to the carriage, opened the curtain, and called Pan Jinlian inside: "Jinlian, we can't make it to the next town tonight, so we can only camp here. Eat something first and have a good rest."

Lu Cheng handed the food and water to Pan Jinlian, and was about to leave, but Pan Jinlian grabbed his sleeve, her face flushed, and she was embarrassed and didn't know how to speak.

"What? Is there anything else?"

Pan Jinlian's face turned even redder, and then she said, "Sir, I...I want to go to the toilet."

Lu Cheng suddenly realized, "I neglected it, come with me."

The carriage was a little high, Lu Cheng stretched out his hand and pulled Pan Jinlian into his arms, carried her off the carriage, and then took her hand and walked towards the woods beside.

Pan Jinlian let Lu Cheng hold her hand, the blush on her face had not faded, her eyes were full of autumn water, and she felt a little shy, and she was a little attached to the strong embrace just now.

After a while, the two of them went around a small earth slope, and Lu Cheng found a relatively hidden bush, pulled out his single sword and patted it, and used the thermal induction radar to detect it slightly, confirming that there were no snakes, insects, rats or ants around, and said casually, "You can go to the toilet here."

After speaking, Lu Cheng turned around and walked two or three feet away and stood still.

"Hmm~" Pan Jinlian just responded shyly, and then squatted down quickly.

A moment later, Pan Jinlian, who had finished relieving herself, was sorting out her clothes. She looked up and saw a patch of grass not far away being blown by the wind. She thought something was approaching, so she couldn't help but scream "Ah" and hurriedly ran towards Lu Cheng in a panic.

Lu Cheng, who was not far away, immediately turned around, took a few steps to the front, and supported Pan Jinlian who almost fell down: "What's going on?"

Pan Jinlian pointed to a patch of grass not far away, still a little frightened: "I... I just saw something coming over there."

Lu Cheng patted her on the back: "It's okay, it should be a gust of wind. I have just checked and there are no signs of snakes, insects, rats or ants around. Okay, let's go back."

With Lu Cheng's comfort, Pan Jinlian's heart gradually relaxed, and then she looked at the grass not far away again, confirming that there was really nothing, and then she breathed a sigh of relief, patted her own ups and downs, and then realized that she was a little disheveled at this time, and hurriedly turned around shyly and tidied her clothes.

"Sir, I am sorry for my rudeness. Hiss... It hurts..."

"Did you sprain your ankle? Let me take a look."

Lu Cheng picked up Pan Jinlian without saying anything, walked to the root of a big tree protruding from the ground and sat down, and checked Pan Jinlian's foot.

Pan Jinlian ran in a hurry just now, and indeed sprained her ankle. Lu Cheng checked it briefly and said casually: "It's not a big problem. You haven't sprained your bones. I'll rub it for you first, and then apply some ointment to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis later. That's it."


Then, Lu Cheng took off Jinlian's shoes and socks directly, rubbed her sprained ankle with his hands, and pressed the nearby acupuncture points: "How does it feel? It doesn't hurt anymore, right?"

"It seems that it really doesn't hurt. Your Excellency is so powerful."

"Okay, since you sprained your foot, I'll carry you back."

"Thank... Thank you, Your Excellency."

"Between you and me, there's no need to thank each other."

Then, Lu Cheng put on Pan Jinlian's shoes and socks again and carried her on his back.

Lying on Lu Cheng

Feeling the solidity and warmth on the broad back, Pan Jinlian felt extremely relieved.

After sending Pan Jinlian back to the carriage, Lu Cheng took out a small porcelain jar from a bag on the carriage, took out some blood-activating and blood-stasis-removing ointment, applied it to Pan Jinlian, and then nodded: "Okay, call me if you have anything."


After treating Pan Jinlian's ankle, Lu Cheng went back to have dinner.

After this incident, Pan Jinlian became more dependent on Lu Cheng, and her eyes were always watery when she looked at Lu Cheng.

After walking for another two or three days, when passing through a forest at noon that day, a dozen skinny, ragged robbers holding sickles and hoes suddenly jumped out of the forest in front.

The leader pointed at Lu Cheng and others with a hoe in his hand: "I opened this mountain and planted this tree. You can ask for... ask for... whatever you want, just leave all the money and food on you."

Wu Song in the team was feeling bored. When he saw these people jumping out, he immediately became interested: "Hey, there are a few little thieves who want to rob us. Sir, please wait a moment, I will go and deal with them all."

When the robbers heard Wu Song's voice and saw his tall and strong figure, they were a little afraid and took a few steps back involuntarily.

Lu Cheng looked at the group of people up and down and knew that these people should be the people who were forced into the mountains and forests. This should be the first time they came out to rob. Some of them looked like they hadn't eaten for two days and couldn't stand steadily.

In the Song Dynasty today, the government was corrupt and the taxes were heavy, which led to many people who couldn't survive to flee into the mountains and forests and become bandits. It was normal to encounter robbers.

"Wu Song, these are just a group of people who can't survive. Be careful and don't hurt their lives."

"Yes, sir."

Lu Cheng strode forward, and the leader took two steps back unconsciously. Thinking of his family who were still starving, he plucked up his courage and waved his hoe to scare Wu Song: "You... don't come over, we just want some food, at most we don't want your money."

Seeing that the other party had already admitted defeat before the fight started, Wu Song also felt that it was meaningless. He took three or two steps forward, grabbed the other party's hoe, held it with both hands, and knocked it on his knees, and the hoe handle immediately broke into two pieces: "Just you... How dare you come out to rob?"

"Master, if we weren't really hungry, why would we come out to rob?"

Wu Song waved his hand: "Okay, okay, go away, I'll let you go today."

" hoe..."

Seeing this, Lu Cheng also came out and waved to Lai Fu: "Take out some of the dry food we brought and share it with them."

"Yes, Master."

When those people heard that there was still dry food, they immediately bowed in gratitude: "Thank you for the reward, Master."

After taking the dry food, those people did not eat it immediately, but endured the hunger and put it in their arms.

Seeing this, Lu Cheng was moved. Thinking that his farm was also short of people, he said, "It's not a good idea for you to stay here and rob. Are you willing to go to Yuncheng County with me? If nothing else, at least I can let you have enough food."

"Sir, are you willing to take us?"

"Of course."

"We have a family in the mountains."

"Take them with you. We'll wait for you here."

"Thank you, Sir."

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