The tiger Liefeng was lying on a vacant lot outside the shack, basking in the sun.

When the group came to the new shack built by housekeeper Sun for the tiger, the tiger Liefeng was lying on a piece of open space outside the shack, basking in the sun leisurely.

Every animal that has been domesticated by Lu Cheng for a long time can sense the breath and position of its owner within a certain range. This tiger has not been domesticated for a long time, and has not yet established that kind of tacit understanding.

However, as the group approached, the tiger immediately became alert, and after sensing the breath of its owner, it relaxed again, and then stood up and walked towards Lu Cheng.

When Chao Gai, Zhu Tong, Lei Heng and others saw the majestic tiger, their hearts tightened, their hair stood up, and they reached out to touch the weapons on their waists.

This is a reverence for the king of beasts, and also an instinctive alertness of the body.

Lu Cheng took a few steps forward and waved his hand. The tiger Liefeng rushed to Lu Cheng in three or two steps, lowered his body, rubbed Lu Cheng's outstretched hand with his head, and then squatted down, looking obedient.

Chao Gai and others were all stunned. This was not a ferocious king of beasts, but an obedient family dog.

Originally, everyone was somewhat skeptical about Lu Cheng's taming of the tiger, but after seeing this scene, everyone had to believe it all.

"Master Lu can make the beast in the mountains so obedient, he is really a god. Chao Gai admires him!"

Zhu Tong and Lei Heng also hurriedly complimented him: "Master Lu is indeed an extraordinary person, I admire him."

Lu Cheng laughed and patted the tiger's head: "Liefeng, go back and rest."

The tiger growled, rubbed Lu Cheng's hand again, turned around and returned to its roost to continue resting.

"Lord Chao, the two captains, we have seen this tiger before. It is just a wild beast in the forest. It is nothing special. Since you have come to my Lujia Manor today, please come and sit down at the manor, and let me do my best to be a good host."

"Sorry to bother you."


When everyone returned to the manor, the kitchen had already prepared some wine and food. After Lu Cheng invited everyone to sit down, he raised his glass and said, "You are able to come to my Lujia Manor as a guest, which is also a face for me, Lu. Come, let me toast you first!"

"Thank you, sir."

With Lu Cheng's warm hospitality, everyone ate and chatted, and the atmosphere at the banquet was very warm.

After eating and drinking, Lu Cheng asked the housekeeper Sun to prepare a return gift for each person and sent everyone out of the manor.

Socializing at the wine table is also an important part of interpersonal relationships, especially for these so-called gangsters. After a drink, everyone can call each other brothers, as if they are long-lost brothers.

Of course, how much of it is true and how much is false, you need to judge it yourself.

On the other side, after Zhu Tong and Lei Heng returned to the county government, the magistrate of Yuncheng County immediately summoned them and asked, "Captain Zhu, Captain Lei, I heard that you went to Lujiazhuang today. Did you really see the tiger?"

"Your Excellency, we did see the tiger. And the tiger was tamed by Lu Cheng and was very well behaved. It came when he was asked to come and left when he was asked to leave, just like a family dog."

"Is that true? It seems that this young Mr. Lu is not simple either."

"Your Excellency, although Mr. Lu is young, he is quite heroic and has good martial arts. According to Chao Baozheng from Dongxi Village, he also fought with Lu Cheng. Although the two did not win or lose, that Lu Cheng obviously still has room for improvement, which shows that Lu Cheng's martial arts skills are definitely not low. "

"Oh? I heard that Chao Gai can hold up the bluestone pagoda, is not interested in women, and practices martial arts all year round, but he can't beat Lu Cheng?"

"Sir, martial arts also depends on personal talent."

"If you two take action, how will you compare to Lu Cheng?"

"Sir, even if the two of us join forces, I'm afraid we are not Lu Cheng's opponent."

"Okay, I know, you go back first."

In fact, as the parent official of Yuncheng County, the county magistrate is somewhat worried, because there are too many strong men here, and he is afraid of causing trouble.

After the founding of the Song Dynasty, in order to avoid the situation in the Five Dynasties when military generals took charge of local areas and held troops to resist the court, the national policy of emphasizing civil officials over military officials was implemented, and local officials were governed by civil officials, and the form of mobile dispatch was adopted, and the term of office for local officials was set.

In the early days of the Song Dynasty, the term of office for county magistrates was still three years, but with the corruption of the bureaucracy and the redundancy of officials, many county magistrates later served for only two years.

After the term of office expires, the superiors will assess the performance of the county magistrate. Those who perform well will naturally be promoted or transferred to a better county. Those who perform poorly may be transferred to some remote and poor counties, or demoted and dismissed.

At present, the county magistrate of Yuncheng County has served in Yuncheng County for two years and will leave in one year at most. But he has not made any achievements in these two years. There was even a large-scale fight between two villages for water sources, which caused a very bad impact.

If he cannot make some achievements in this last year, he will most likely be transferred to some remote and poor counties when his term of office expires.

Therefore, the county magistrate has been moving around recently, sending money to the superiors, making connections, and hoping to seek a better future.

Now, Lu Cheng, a strange man who can subdue the tiger, has appeared. If he can make some moves and stand out, he may be able to leave a good impression in the eyes of his superiors.

Thinking of this, the county magistrate called his master to discuss how to make use of this matter.

At this time, Lu Cheng didn't know all this. He was hunting with the fierce tiger Liefeng in the mountains outside Yuncheng County.

Although he tamed the tiger, Lu Cheng was not prepared to keep Liefeng as a pet and let it lose the power and fighting power of the king of beasts. Instead, he was prepared to further train it in hunting skills and tacit understanding with himself to enhance his fighting power.

The tiger roared in the mountains and forests, and all the beasts were startled. With a dull tiger roar, all the beasts in the forest ran and all the birds flew. Several birds that were close fell directly from the trees, and two hares were frightened and stiff, and dared not move.

While hunting with Liefeng, Lu Cheng was also further observing its posture and learning to imitate his tiger roar to see if he could make a deterrent sound from his throat.

Although the throat structure of humans is completely different from that of tigers, Lu Cheng is no longer an ordinary human being, and his physique is no worse than that of the king of beasts.

After some attempts, Lu Cheng found that he could indeed scare away birds and beasts by imitating the tiger's roar, but he could not yet make them stiff.

Even if Lu Cheng brought a hare in front of him and roared at it, the hare was only frightened and trembled, screaming, but did not stiffen. When Lu Cheng put the hare back on the ground, the hare immediately turned around and ran away, and disappeared in a moment.

In the evening, after hunting in the mountains and forests, Lu Cheng returned to the tiger's shack with the tiger Liefeng and today's prey.

Seeing Liefeng return to the shack and lie down in a posture, breathing steadily and powerfully, with his belly rising and falling, Lu Cheng suddenly felt something in his heart, stopped, came to Liefeng's shack, and lay down on the ground imitating his posture, imitating his breathing frequency, and began to adjust his movements and breathing...

In the traditional Chinese martial arts Xingyiquan, there is a tiger-shaped fist, which imitates the movements of a tiger hunting to attack.

People who practice boxing also say that "tigers and leopards thunder and muscles and bones resonate together."

In some later martial arts novels, there are also descriptions of using "tigers and leopards thunder" to temper one's muscles, bones and internal organs.

Lu Cheng didn't know whether these were true or false, but he was willing to try to see if imitating the tiger's lying posture and breathing could really play a role in exercising the body...

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