The old man was born in a big city, and the old man was born in a big city.

Yanjing City in 1977

Not long after, the notice was delivered to his home by the postman, and Lu Cheng was successfully admitted to the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Yanjing University of Chinese Medicine.

At the same time, Tian Xiaoxia also received an admission notice from Yanjing Normal University.

Just when Lu Cheng went to visit Tian Fujun's family, Xu Aiyun insisted that Lu Cheng stay for dinner and thank him.

After all, without Lu Cheng, it would be difficult for Tian Xiaoxia to get such good grades, let alone be admitted to Yanjing Normal University.

When they learned that Lu Cheng was going to Yanjing with his wife and children to study at university, Tian Fujun and Xu Aiyun were a little surprised: "Lu Cheng, Yanjing is not like our Huangyuan. If a family wants to live there, the expenses are not small. Have you really thought it through?"

Lu Cheng nodded affirmatively: "My son is only one and a half years old, still young. I am worried about being away for more than half a year. Moreover, if Xiulian is left alone to do all the work at home, she will be exhausted."

"Do you plan to stay in Yanjing for development in the future?"

"I have considered this. I am studying traditional Chinese medicine. There are many famous traditional Chinese medicine experts in Yanjing. I plan to stay in Yanjing in the short term and study hard."

Xu Aiyun on the side was a little regretful: "Such good grades. In fact, even if you want to go to Shuimu and Yan University, it is completely no problem. Moreover, Shuimu University also has a medical major..."

"But Shuimu and Yanda don't have Chinese medicine. The best Chinese medicine is still in Yanjing University of Chinese Medicine."

"In fact, Western medicine is also good. But this is your own choice, and I can't say much."

Tian Xiaoxia was very excited: "Brother Lu Cheng, you are going to Yanjing with your sister-in-law and children. Are you going to rent a house there? If it's the weekend, I can also go there for a meal."

"Of course, this is no problem."

Tian Fujun was silent for a moment, and then said: "Xiaoxia is a girl and has never been far away. I have some classmates in Yanjing, and I originally planned to ask someone to take care of her. Since you are going with your wife and children, I will also write you a letter of introduction. When the time comes, you will have an acquaintance to help you and you can rent a house."

"Then I won't be polite. I am also struggling with this matter." Lu Cheng also directly accepted this kindness.

When you are away from home, it is definitely easier to get things done with someone, and this is not the time to be polite.

Moreover, Tian Fujun is a top student of Renmin University, and many of his classmates are now in high positions. This little favor is just a matter of nodding their heads.

"You shouldn't be polite. Without your supervision and help, Xiaoxia wouldn't have done so well in the exam. Besides, after you arrive in Yanjing, I also hope that you can help take care of Xiaoxia."

"That's absolutely no problem."

After the New Year, after preparing everything and temporarily settling down at home, Lu Cheng set off a few days in advance and rushed to Yanjing.

After arriving, he had to rent a house and arrange food and accommodation before he could pick up Xiulian and her son.

After a long time of tossing and turning by car and train, he finally arrived in Yanjing City of this era.

Lu Cheng was not in a hurry to find Tian Fujun's classmate with the letter of introduction, but first walked around Yanjing City to familiarize himself with the situation.

At this time, Yanjing City was far from being as prosperous as in later generations. There were no high-rise buildings lined up one after another, and there was no crowded traffic.

The streets of Yanjing in 1978

Except for a few jeeps and buses, the main means of transportation for pedestrians is still bicycles. Occasionally, you can even see people riding donkeys or driving ox carts into the city.

Wangfujing Street is crowded with people, all of whom are shopping. Some people are tired, so they just find a place on the street, sit cross-legged, and rest. Some people just take off their shoes and sit on the ground.

Due to the opening of policies, many small vendors have also become active. Walking on some streets, you can occasionally see vegetable farmers selling vegetables on the roadside. A few large bamboo frames are set up with wooden boards, which is a stall, with cabbages and radishes on it for customers to choose.

Vegetable farmers selling vegetables on the street

After walking through the streets and alleys, Lu Cheng got familiar with some of the situations, and then he came to Chaoyang District Heping Street for a stroll.

After asking a few nearby pedestrians, Lu Cheng went directly to the nearby street office.

Most of the staff members of the subdistrict office are women. They were very enthusiastic when they saw Lu Cheng, a handsome young man, walk in.


Is there anything you can help me with?"

"Hello, comrade. I'm a student at the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Heping Street. I'm planning to rent a house nearby. Can you help me introduce it to someone?"

When everyone heard that he was a college student, they became more enthusiastic. A woman in her forties or fifties immediately said, "No problem. It's just renting a house. Xiao Liu, take this comrade to look around."

"Okay, Director Zhang."

Then, the woman looked at Lu Cheng again: "Young man, since you've been admitted to the university, you should live in the school, right? Why do you have to rent a house?"

"It's like this. My wife and children are coming here too. I'm planning to live with them."

Several young girls in the street office were a little disappointed when they heard that Lu Cheng already had a wife and children.

Director Zhang nodded: "In other words, you want to live with your family of three?"

"Yes, at least three rooms. If there is a small courtyard with an entrance, that's fine, too. ”

“It’s not cheap to rent a small courtyard. There are three main rooms in the courtyard, plus the left and right side rooms, the east and west wing rooms, and the back house, which is a total of ten rooms. Even if it is two yuan per room per month, it will cost more than twenty yuan. Young man, do you have enough money?”


Director Zhang was also very enthusiastic. After thinking for a moment, he said, “How about this, I will take you out for a walk and see the situation first.”

“Thank you very much.” "

Lu Cheng took out a handful of White Rabbit milk candies from his backpack and distributed them to the people in the street office, and then followed Director Zhang out of the street office.

There were not so many high-rise buildings in this era, and most people in Yanjing City lived in courtyard houses.

But many courtyard houses are large compound houses with multiple families, including factory workers and office workers.

It is not easy to find an independent small courtyard with not many residents.

If Lu Cheng were to run around the streets alone, he might not be able to find a suitable one even if he ran his legs off.

Lu Cheng and Director Zhang walked while learning about the situation nearby.

The courtyard houses these days are indeed cheap, and they are all sold by room. Some houses with bad locations or older ones cost two or three hundred yuan per room. A whole set of courtyard houses with one entrance may only cost two or three thousand yuan, and can be bought directly.

Even some courtyard houses with better locations and better housing conditions are at most eight or ten thousand yuan. Nine thousand or ten thousand yuan is enough.

Some courtyard houses with two or three entrances can only cost tens of thousands of yuan at most.

But in fact, courtyard houses are not allowed to be traded publicly, and houses cannot be bought and sold casually.

Of course, nothing is absolute. As long as you have money and connections, you can buy some courtyard houses.

However, there are problems with the property rights of many courtyard houses. Especially those large courtyard houses with multiple families, the property rights are very confusing. If you want to buy them, you have to solve the compensation problem of all the families in the courtyard, which is quite troublesome.

If you really buy some courtyard houses with unclear property rights, there will be a lot of troubles in the later stage.

Lu Cheng has just arrived and is not familiar with the specific situation. Of course, he will not buy a courtyard house directly.

Besides, his wallet does not allow Lu Cheng to do so.

However, in the next few years, the price fluctuation of courtyard houses will not be too large.

When you take root in Beijing in the future and have enough money in your hands, it will be good to invest in some courtyard houses...

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