After a while, the waiter who had gone to ask questions came back and bowed and said, "My two guests, I have already found out that the crying couple is a father and daughter. They came to our restaurant to sing songs and perform, but they encountered difficulties and started crying while singing." Lu Cheng heard this and said, "Go and call the father and daughter over." "Yes, I'll go and call them right away." Soon, the waiter came in with the father and daughter. Lu Cheng looked up and down and saw that the father was an old man with gray hair and beard, holding a erhu in his hand, with a sad face. The girl was about eighteen or nineteen years old. Although she was not a beautiful girl, she was pretty, with delicate features and fair complexion. She was wearing an old white dress that could not hide her graceful figure. Her face was like a silver plate, her eyes were drooping, and her tears were falling like rain. She was filled with sorrow.

"Where are you from? Why are you crying here?"

The father and daughter looked at each other, and before they could speak, the daughter cried again, holding a white handkerchief in her hand, wiping her tears constantly, and then she said: "I am Jin Cuilian, from Tokyo, and I came to Weicheng with my parents to seek refuge with my relatives. But after arriving here, I learned that my relatives had moved to Nanjing.

Our family of three lived in the inn, spent all our savings, and had no money to go home. My old mother was anxious and had a heart attack and died in the inn. My father and I had no money to bury my mother, so I thought of singing a little song with my father in this restaurant to earn some money.

There is a rich man in this city, Mr. Zheng, known as Zhen Guanxi. He came to the restaurant two days ago After drinking and meeting me, he wanted to force me to be his concubine. I naturally refused, but... but he insisted on writing a document of 3,000 guan for me and my father to sign, saying that he wanted to buy me.

In fact, this was a fake contract with real money, only a contract to sell my body, but there was no money at all. That Zheng Daguan said that if I didn't sign the contract to sell my body, he would let us starve to death outside the inn..."

Shi Jin, who was standing aside, was furious when he heard this: "How could there be such a thing? Who is Zheng Daguan? How dare he be so rampant? Doesn't the Weizhou government care?"

Hearing this, Lu Cheng was relatively calm: "You don't have to cry in a hurry, wipe your tears. Judging from the appearance of you and your daughter, you must be hungry, sit down and eat something first. If the road is not smooth, someone will step on it; if things are not fair, someone will take care of them.

Since we two brothers have encountered your unfair things, we will definitely stand up for you. As for that Zhen Guanxi, we will go to meet him after we have eaten and drunk enough!"

"Thank you, sir, thank you."

Lu Cheng nodded: "Waiter, bring two more sets of bowls and chopsticks, and add a few more dishes."

"Yes, sir. However, I would like to remind you that Mr. Zheng is not easy to mess with."

Shi Jin snorted coldly: "Tell me, how is he not easy to mess with?"

"You two guests don't know that Mr. Zheng's real name is Zheng Tu. He is a butcher in our Weizhou City. He opened a meat shop at Zhuangyuan Bridge and did a big business. Moreover, Zheng Tu also lends money privately. I heard that some People in the government office would occasionally go to Mr. Zheng to borrow money.

There were more than a dozen butchers who slaughtered pigs and sheep in the Zheng butcher shop. They were all people who saw blood every day. Ordinary people didn't dare to offend them, and there were officials protecting them. In my opinion, the two guests should stay out of other people's business, so as not to get themselves involved. "

"Thank you for reminding us, we will take care of this matter."

Hearing this, Jin Cuilian and her daughter also wanted to stand up: "Thank you for your kindness, we... we don't want to implicate you."

Lu Cheng waved his hand: "If you sit down and eat, sit down and eat. Since we dare to take care of your injustice, we are not afraid of being implicated."

Afterwards, Lu Cheng and Shi Jin drank wine and ate meat, and they didn't seem to take Mr. Zheng seriously at all.

Seeing this, Jin Cuilian and her daughter could only sit aside carefully and eat.

With Zheng the butcher standing out to intimidate, no one dared to give tips to the father and daughter who sang the ditty these two days, and the father and daughter could only starve.

Just as they were eating, a waiter downstairs quietly ran out of the inn and went straight to find Zheng the butcher to report the news.

Just when Lu Cheng and Shi Jin were almost done eating, they suddenly heard a shout from downstairs: "Who is this blind person? How dare you interfere in the affairs of Zhen Guanxi? Stand up and let me see!"

Shi Jin immediately stood up: "Brother Lu, let me go meet that guy!"

"Let's go together, I want to see it too, that

Who is Zhen Guanxi?"

The two went downstairs together, and Jin Cuilian and her father and daughter followed immediately.

As soon as Lu Cheng and his father reached the stairs, they saw a short, fat, bearded, ferocious and ugly man holding a butcher knife and leading three or four shirtless men in the lobby of the restaurant. The guests around them left one after another, and the restaurant owner was also smiling.

Jin Cuilian said quickly: "Sir, the leader is Zheng Tu from Zhen Guanxi."

Lu Cheng nodded, then jumped up and jumped down the stairs, landing not far in front of Zheng Tu.

"Are you Zhen Guanxi? If there is something, let's go out and solve it, so as not to damage the tables, chairs and benches of the restaurant."

Zhen Guanxi was startled by Lu Cheng who suddenly came in front of him, and quickly took a step back, then tightened the butcher knife in his hand: "Where are you from? Why do you want to meddle in my business? "

Lu Cheng frowned slightly, his aura was fully released, and he snorted coldly: "Get out!"

The great official Lu, who had been a captain, fought on the battlefield, and killed countless people, glared at him. Not to mention a butcher who slaughtered pigs, even veterans who had fought hundreds of battles on the battlefield would be afraid.

Zheng Tu was stunned by Lu Cheng again, but then he became angry and said: "You..."

Lu Cheng said no more, took a step forward, snatched the butcher knife from his hand, and then raised his leg and kicked the fat and strong Zheng Tu flying up, knocking him and the thugs behind him to the ground, and the scene was in chaos.

Seeing Lu Cheng holding As the butcher knife approached, Zhen Guanxi and several thugs struggled to get up.

Of course, Lu Cheng didn't use his full strength in that kick just now, otherwise he would have kicked the man's internal organs to death. Even Zheng Tu, with his big belly, couldn't stop Lu Cheng's full-strength kick.

In public, if someone was beaten to death or seriously injured, he would face the punishment of the laws of the Song Dynasty. Lu Cheng would not affect the situation he had built for a small Zhen Guanxi.

Seeing that Lu Cheng calmed the situation with one move, Shi Jin applauded: "Good! "

Others did not dare to speak, but Jin Cuilian on the stairs looked at Lu Cheng steadily, with a little more hope in her eyes.

When Zhen Guanxi and his companions left the restaurant, a group of people had gathered at the door to watch the excitement.

Just now, Zhen Guanxi came with a butcher knife and a few people, which had alarmed the people around. Naturally, many people came to watch the excitement.

After retreating to the street, seeing the large number of people around, Zhen Guanxi summoned up some courage in his chest and waved to his thugs: "Come on together! "

Those thugs were a little afraid of Lu Cheng, but they were more afraid of their master Zhen Guanxi. Upon hearing this, they looked at each other and rushed towards Lu Cheng together.

Lu Cheng casually threw the butcher knife to the ground beside him. The butcher knife was tilted downward and stuck directly into the soil, leaving only a small half of the blade and the handle exposed on the ground.

Then, Lu Cheng punched with his left hand and kicked with his right hand, and in a blink of an eye, he knocked down Zhen Guanxi and others.

Shi Jin wanted to come over to help, but before he reached the door of the restaurant, the battle was over.

"Good fight!"

Someone in the crowd shouted, and then several people shouted. But after shouting, they all shut their mouths quickly, for fear that others would find out that it was they who shouted.

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