The three of them fought many matches with Lu Zhishen and Shi Jin, from fists to sticks to swords and guns. The three of them tried all kinds of weapons, and Lu Cheng also taught them some skills.

At noon, the three of them went out again, ready to go to the restaurant where they had a drink yesterday.

As soon as the three of them entered the restaurant, they saw Jin Cuilian and her daughter waiting here.

"Benefactor, we have finally found you."

"Why are you and your daughter waiting for us? Is your mother buried? Or is she in trouble again?"

"Thank you for your concern, my mother has been properly buried. We came here this time to thank you again."

"You don't have to be so polite. We have never been so polite when we travel around the world and help the poor and needy for any reward. We just want to be open-minded and have no regrets. That's all."

Jin Cuilian's father stepped forward and bowed, saying, "Benefactor, you are chivalrous and kind-hearted. We are grateful to you. I told me yesterday that after burying my mother, I am willing to follow you, serve you as a slave, and serve tea and water to repay you for your kindness. If you don't mind my ugly appearance, please accept me."

After the old man Jin finished speaking, Jin Cuilian's face was slightly red, her eyebrows were slightly drooped, but she couldn't help looking at Lu Cheng with her big watery eyes, looking forward to the answer she wanted.

To be honest, even if there was no life-saving grace, ordinary women would not be able to help but admire Lu Cheng, a handsome man with unparalleled temperament.

Everyone loves beauty, regardless of gender.

"If you want to repay a favor, you don't have to do this. Besides, we are traveling and wandering around, and we have no place to live. How can we bring a girl with us?"

Hearing Lu Cheng say this, Jin Cui Lian's heart instantly sank, but she still had some hope: "My benefactor, I heard that you are from Yuncheng County, Jizhou Prefecture. If... if my father and daughter are willing to go to Yuncheng County, can you take us in?"

"If you are willing to travel thousands of miles to Jizhou Prefecture, Lu will naturally take you in. But the journey is long, more than 2,000 miles, and it must be very hard."

"My benefactor, we are not afraid of hardship."

Shi Jin immediately stood up came out and laughed: "Brother Lu, Miss Cui Lian is so kind, how can you let her down? It just so happens that I know a businessman friend in Huazhou who often goes to Weizhou for business. In my opinion, why don't you let them go to Huayin County with the caravan and stay with me for a while, and then consider going to Yuncheng County?"

Lu Da also stood up: "Brother Lu, why are you still fussing about such a good thing? Don't you like the girl?"

In fact, in terms of appearance, although Jin Cui Lian is slightly inferior to Pan Jinlian, she is also a rare beauty, not to mention that she is gentle, virtuous, and grateful.

Now that the other party has taken the initiative to come to the door, Lu Cheng will not refuse again and again. It is only good for Lu Cheng to have more women in the backyard.

With Lu Cheng's current physique, three or five ordinary women really can't handle it.

That is to say, Lu Cheng is now studying martial arts and studying human qi and blood, and has not yet opened his face to Jinlian and other women, otherwise he would have been surrounded by more than just those women.

"In this case, you should go to Shijiazhuang, Huayin County, and stay for a while. When I return to Yuncheng after this trip, I will take you with me."

"Thank you for your help."

With Shi Jin's introduction, Lu Cheng found the Huazhou businessman, gave him some silver, and asked him to take Jin Cuilian and her daughter with him on the return journey.

After arranging the father and daughter, Lu Cheng continued to stay in Weizhou City, and practiced martial arts with Shi Jin and Lu Zhishen every day, talked about everything, and called each other brothers and sisters, and had a very good relationship.

In fact, Lu Cheng has also been thinking about a problem recently. Lu Tijie did not kill Zhen Guanxi with three punches, and his life trajectory has changed. Perhaps there will only be Lu Da in the future, and no Lu Zhishen.

But Lu Da likes to fight for justice and has a reckless personality. Even if Jin Cui Lian is gone, he will probably get into lawsuits for other things and leave his hometown.

These days, there are too many unfair facts in the world. If the bully Zhen Guanxi is gone, there will be other bullies.

Lu Da originally worked for the old General Zhong Jinglie. Just because he offended someone in a moment of impulse, the old General Zhong Jinglie saw that he was a talent and arranged him to work for the young General Zhong Jinglie.

In the original book, Lu Da also went through many twists and turns because of his personality problems. It was difficult for him to stay in one

Staying in a place for too long.

In a blink of an eye, Lu Cheng and Shi Jin have stayed in Weizhou City for half a month.

During this half month, after Lu Cheng's careful guidance, Lu Da and Shi Jin's martial arts have made great progress.

"Brother Lu, we have stayed here for more than half a month, and it is time to leave."

"Do you two brothers have to leave? Is it because I am not treating you well?"

"Lu went out to travel this time to discuss martial arts with people everywhere. After coming to this Weizhou City, it is worthwhile to be able to make friends with people like Brother Lu. Next, we are going to Yan'an Prefecture to meet Wang Jin, the instructor of the 800,000 imperial guards."

Shi Jin also stood up and said: "Brother Lu, thank you for taking care of me these days. Please come to my Shijiazhuang in the future, so that I, your brother, will have the opportunity to show my hospitality."

"No problem . Since the two brothers must go, I will not try to persuade them to stay. To be honest, this period of time is the happiest period of my life. If I have free time in the future, I will definitely go to see the two brothers again. "

"Brother Lu, I know your character. You are eager to help others and like to fight for justice. It is inevitable that you will cause some trouble in the future. If you encounter difficulties, please go to Yuncheng County, Jizhou Prefecture. Even if Brother Lu causes a big trouble, as long as you come to me, I will arrange everything for Brother Lu."

"Okay, I will remember this!"

After leaving Weizhou Prefecture, Lu Cheng and Shi Jin went straight to Yan'an Prefecture.

These days, it is indeed not very convenient to travel. In the future, it will take at least half a month to drive a day's journey.

When the two arrived at Yan'an Prefecture, Wang Jin, the instructor of the 800,000 imperial army, was bedridden due to a sudden illness, and it seemed that his time was running out.

Shi Jin was also very sad to see his master like this: "Master, you were originally healthy, how could you fall to such a state?"

"The disease came like a mountain, it's all fate. I have asked the doctor to see me. I don't have much time left. Fortunately, God has mercy on you and brought you here. It doesn't matter if I die, but my mother will have no one to take care of her. In the future, I will have to rely on you."

"Master, there must be a way. If it really comes to that, your disciple will definitely take care of your mother until she dies."

Lu Cheng carefully observed Wang Jin's complexion, walked forward, put his hand on Wang Jin's pulse and diagnosed him, and then said: "Master Wang, don't worry, your disease is not untreatable, I can cure it."

Hearing this, Shi Jin immediately stood up and bowed to Lu Cheng: "Brother Lu, if you have a way, please save my master."

"Don't worry, I am here to ensure that your master is safe and sound."

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