The arrival of Shi Jin and Lu Zhishen gave Lu Cheng two more powerful generals to use.

Afterwards, Lu Cheng introduced Wu Song to the two of them, and Wu Song quickly became familiar with them, drinking and fighting together all day long.

After a few days, Lu Cheng called Shi Jin and Lu Da together and asked, "What are your plans for the future, brothers?"

Lu Da laughed, "I haven't really thought about this. But for now, I have wine to drink and fights to fight, which is good and refreshing."

Shi Jin also nodded, "I haven't thought so far. If Brother Lu needs me to do anything, Shi Jin will do it."

Lu Cheng was more relieved about Shi Jin. This kid was simple and innocent. In addition, they had traveled together before, so Lu Cheng could arrange things for him without any worries.

Seeing this, Lu Da also said: "Since I have come to seek refuge with Brother Lu, I will naturally obey your arrangements and be at your disposal."

Lu Cheng nodded: "You have been here for a few days, and you should have seen that my Lujiazhuang has a lot of business. The more money I earn, the more jealous some people will naturally be. If I want to do business outside in the future, I will also need some people to be the leader of the caravan to escort the caravan.

Before, I asked Wu Song to bring a group of servants to guard the house and help take care of the business transportation and transport the goods to the nearby counties, but Wu Song alone was really too busy.

Therefore, I plan to set up a special escort company to train a group of brave fighters as bodyguards who escort the caravan. Moreover, after the escort company is established, I can also take on some other people's business.

For example, if someone needs to transport a batch of goods from Qingzhou to Jeju, we can equip the corresponding bodyguards according to the type, value and weight of the goods. Then we will charge the bodyguard fee according to the distance of transportation.

Now , the world is getting more and more chaotic, and there are bandits everywhere who rob people on the road. Many merchants have to spend a lot of effort to transport goods, and they have to invest money to train people, but they may not be able to train good fighters.

If our escort company can be opened and operated for a period of time, and accumulate a good reputation, the business will grow bigger and bigger..."

"Brother Lu means that we should be the escorts of this escort company?"

"Yes, to be precise, you are asked to be the escort leader, usually responsible for training escorts, and follow the caravan when doing business."

Shi Jin immediately agreed: "No problem, I will take this job."

Lu Da also agreed: "I will take it too."

"Okay! There are hundreds of servants in the village now, all trained by Wu Song. I will select 60 people as the first batch of people for the escort company. As for how this works, I will tell you again..."

Lujiazhuang is getting bigger and bigger now, and there are many servants, but they are just some farmers who have left their jobs and have never seen blood, so they are not soldiers.

Lu Cheng opened a escort company, which could protect his own business on the one hand, and on the other hand, he could pull these servants out to practice and form combat effectiveness.

At the same time, only by going out of Yuncheng and Jizhou Prefecture can other external forces be developed.

When the people of the escort company are escorting, they will definitely encounter some bandits who block the road and rob. At that time, they will kill a group, keep a group, and support a group. They can run the escort company openly and run the mountain stronghold secretly. The two sides can cooperate with each other and accumulate a group of manpower.

At the same time, Lu Cheng also planned to arrange Wu Song to the army, spend money to arrange it, so that he has the right to lead troops.

As for himself, Lu Cheng planned to be promoted from the state school to the Kyoto Imperial College and take the path of a civil official.

In the following period of time, under the guidance of Lu Cheng, the Lu's Yongchang escort company was officially established.

In order to ensure the normal operation of the escort company, Lu Cheng also gave some silver to the newly appointed county magistrate and reported the escort company.

As for the previous county magistrate of Yuncheng County, he had been transferred to a county in Qingzhou to serve as a county magistrate.

After the establishment of the escort company, Lu Cheng first asked Wu Song, Lu Da, and Shi Jin to escort the escort together, and ran through the surrounding Jingdong East Road, Jingdong West Road, Hebei East Road, Hebei West Road and other business routes to understand all the terrain and roads.

Afterwards, the three of them each led a group of people to escort the caravan of Lu's Business Company, sell various products of Lu's Group, and also purchase some medicinal raw materials from various places.

After the establishment of the escort company, Lu's Business Company's business quickly expanded to a longer distance, and everything began to develop according to Lu Cheng's expectations.

With the establishment of Lu's

As the business of the company grew bigger and bigger, Lu Cheng's reputation became more and more famous. From time to time, some people from the underworld came to join him or challenge him. For those who had real skills, Lu Cheng handed them over to Lu Da and Shi Jin, and also added some manpower to the escort agency.

At the same time, Lu Cheng spent more than half a year to thoroughly consolidate the dark power, and penetrated the dark power throughout his body, making it easy to control.

At this point, Lu Cheng discovered that the so-called transformation of power was also a natural result after the dark power reached its peak.

The original breathing method was to vibrate the internal organs and tendons through breathing at a specific frequency and intensity, which played a role in exercising the five internal organs and tendons.

After penetrating the dark power throughout the body, Lu Cheng combined the previous breathing method and began to further strengthen and clean the five internal organs and tendons.

When people eat grains, it is inevitable that some impurities will accumulate in their bodies. In addition, Lu Cheng's previous step-by-step exploration and practice process also caused some minor damage to the internal organs and tendons in his body.

After the dark force reaches the whole body, Lu Cheng can not only control the dark force to be emitted from any position to attack the enemy, but also control the dark force to clean up some minor injuries in his body and clean up the "drug poison" left by the use of drugs.

In the process of this exercise, Lu Cheng also has a detailed understanding of his body.

In the Chinese martial arts novels, "breaking the void and seeing the gods is not bad", the gods do not refer to immortals, but the spirit in the human body, all the acupuncture points and nerves around the human body.

"Breaking the void, you can see the gods" means becoming your own god, being able to control every acupuncture point and pore on the body, and then controlling the whole body. For example, if the body surface is scratched by a knife, you can quickly control the muscles and blood vessels of the relevant parts, speed up metabolism, stop bleeding quickly, and speed up healing. If you are hit by a bullet, you can control the muscles to slow down the damage of the bullet to the human body, or you can make the muscles wriggle and expel the bullet from the body.

To put it bluntly, the so-called Chinese martial arts is to constantly strengthen the body and spirit, make your body stronger, and let your spirit fully and meticulously master your body.

The reflection on the system panel may be a dual improvement in physical and mental fitness.

The process of exploring martial arts seems complicated, but the goal has always been clear.

In the autumn of the first year of Zhenghe (1111 AD), Lu Cheng sent a lot of silver to the governor of Jeju, allowing Wu Song to become a militia in Jeju, commanding 500 wing troops, equivalent to the militia battalion commander in later generations.

In the spring of the second year of Zhenghe, the 20-year-old Lu Cheng was promoted from Jeju Prefecture to Bianjing Imperial College and became an Imperial College student.

So Lu Cheng arranged everything at home and prepared to report to the Imperial College.

According to the original time, it should be Lu Zhishen going to Xiangguo Temple at this time, and then Gao Yanei teased Lin Niangzi, Lin Jiaotou mistakenly entered the White Tiger Hall, Wild Boar Lin Lu Zhishen saved Lin Chong, Lin Jiaotou went to the snowy mountain temple, Lu Yuhou burned the hay field, and Lin Jiaotou went to Liangshan on a snowy night...

However, Master Lu Zhishen has now become Lu Dalu's escort leader. Is Lin Jiaotou still so lucky?

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