The more you learn, the more you will learn.

(Maid Liu Ruyan)

After practicing kung fu to a certain level, if you want to move forward, you can't just work behind closed doors, or just look for answers in books, but also learn from heaven and earth, and follow the laws of nature.

To put it bluntly, Lu Cheng needs to go out and see the beautiful mountains and rivers, and see the creatures of heaven and earth, so as to understand his own boxing meaning, that is, the spirit of martial arts.

In "Dragon and Snake Romance", the protagonist Wang Chao, under the guidance of the old predecessor, walked 25,000 miles again, and realized the martial arts spirit of dragon fighting in the wild and its bloody and yellow, which laid a solid foundation for his invincibility in the world later. The protagonist's friend, Baliming, also cultivated a very strong Kung Fu with the fist meaning of "The Emperor's Star is swaying, and the world is in rebellion".

For Lu Cheng, he has hundreds of years of life experience, which is far beyond anyone's knowledge reserves. This is a good thing, but also a bad thing. He has learned too much knowledge left by predecessors and sages, and his thoughts have been influenced by too much knowledge.

Just like when doing a question, just after reading the question, several different ideas and solutions emerge in my mind, and it is more difficult to think of a different one.

So, Lu Cheng is going to go out for a walk, take a look, forget the things of others in his heart, and try to practice and comprehend his own things.

However, before leaving, Lu Cheng first spent a lot of money to find a skilled craftsman to forge a 24-kilogram fine steel spear with fine steel.

The spear is the king of all weapons, and is generally known for its dexterity and lightness. The long spears commonly used by ancient soldiers are generally only 4 to 8 jins. Even some fierce generals only use weapons of more than ten jins at most.

As for the weapons weighing dozens of jins in the novel, only Lu Zhishen, who is 2 meters tall, 10 cm wide, weighs more than 200 jins, and has infinite strength, can swing them.

Lu Cheng built this spear to exercise his control of strength, so that he can lift heavy objects with ease and release them at will.

After the weapons were forged, Lu Cheng prepared some other weapons, including long spears, broadswords, single swords, bows and arrows, etc., all of which were stored in the storage space.

Later, Lu Cheng asked Song Huizong for a leave, saying that he was going to return to his hometown to live for half a year, and arranged the business in the capital.

Before leaving, Lu Cheng also went to Yuxianglou to say goodbye to Li Shishi and Zhao Yuannu.

After more than a year of getting along, Li Shishi and Zhao Yuannu have already had feelings for Lu Cheng. If Lu Cheng had not been practicing martial arts, Song Huizong would have had two more hats on his forehead.

Before parting, Li Shishi personally massaged Lu Cheng's shoulders and back, and told him in a soft voice not to forget her.

Zhao Yuannu even asked Lu Cheng to carefully feel her broad mind and remember that feeling. It must be said that the touch was really good.

Lu Cheng also prepared a special gift for both women, some special perfumes and incense, as well as some colorless and odorless powder.

Perfume can make people feel pure and uninterested, incense can make people relax and drowsy, and as for the colorless and odorless powder, it can make people hallucinate.

If Song Huizong comes to Yuxianglou again, you can imagine what will happen.

Moreover, the drugs prepared by Lu Cheng had no toxic side effects on the human body, and even the imperial doctors could not find any problems.

Afterwards, Lu Cheng returned to Yuncheng County with his women.

Coach Zhang also resigned from his position as the coach of the imperial army and prepared to follow his daughter to Yuncheng County to retire.

In the mansion in the capital, only a housekeeper and some guards were left to look after it.

When they first came, Lu Cheng and Lai Fu rode two horses and arrived in the capital from Yuncheng County in just three or five days. Now they are returning by the same route, and the children of the whole family took a carriage for more than ten days before returning to Lujiazhuang.

Over the past year, Lu Cheng would occasionally return to Lujiazhuang to check on the expansion of Lujiazhuang, the construction and management of the factory, etc.

Today, Lujiazhuang is the largest and most prosperous manor in Yuncheng County, with 2,000 mu of fertile land, nearly a thousand tenants and workers, and the families of those tenants and workers, which have gathered into a small town.

In such a large manor, in addition to the guards led by Lai Wang, there are also some escorts from Yongchang Escort Agency stationed there. Ordinary bandits dare not approach. Once caught, they will be directly beaten and sent to the government.

The county magistrate of Yuncheng County was also polite to Lujiazhuang, but he did not dare to offend Lu Cheng, a close minister of the emperor, who could make him leave the county with just one word.

Upon learning that Lu Cheng had returned home, the county magistrate personally brought people with gifts to visit him. He was very respectful in his words, saying that he had admired Mr. Lu for a long time and wanted to ask Mr. Lu to write a calligraphy for him.

After all, Mr. Lu was the disciple of the current emperor. Who wouldn't want to curry favor with him?

Seeing that the county magistrate was sincere, Lu Cheng wrote him the four characters "A clear mirror hangs high" and sent him away.

The newly appointed county magistrate still had two years to serve. He would have dealings with him in the future. If he handled the relationship well, it would be easier to do things in the future.

After seeing off the county magistrate Shi Wenbin, Chao Gai, Zhu Tong, Lei Heng, Song Jiang and others also came to visit.

It was already the end of March. In another two or three months, when the hot summer came, Chao Gai and others would intercept the birthday gift and go to Liangshan.

After that, Song Jiang supported Yan Poxi, killed Yan Poxi in anger, and all kinds of heroes went straight to Liangshan, etc.

Liangshan today is still version 1.0, with Wang Lun, a scholar in white, in charge. After Chao Gai went up the mountain, version 2.0 was launched. Then Song Jiang put up the banner of justice on behalf of heaven and started Liangshan version 3.0...

In two or three years, Shandong will be lively.

However, Lu Cheng is not going to participate in these for the time being. It is better to let Liangshan muddy the water so that he can fish in troubled waters.

"Sir, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. I made two single clothes for you. Wear them on the road."

"Sir, you will definitely wear out a lot of shoes on this long trip. I made a few more pairs for you..."

"Sir, this is the sachet I embroidered..."

Looking at the luggage prepared by the women at home, Lu Cheng also shook his head: "Okay, okay, there is no need to bring so many things. I will be back in two or three months at the shortest, and five or six months at the longest."

Although he said this, Lu Cheng still picked one or two things prepared by each woman, took them with him, and then rode on the snow-covered horse and walked out of Yuncheng County again.

After living a life of luxury in Bianjing City for so long, Lu Cheng was ready to go out for a good fight this time. He galloped across the snow-covered horse under his crotch, fought against the sky and the earth with the long spear in his hand, and asked about the future of martial arts.

After leaving Yuncheng County and heading north, Lu Cheng arrived at Daming Prefecture in just two days, relying on his physical strength and endurance enhanced by walking on snow.

In Daming Prefecture, there was a well-known wealthy businessman with a huge fortune, superb martial arts, and unparalleled stick skills. He was known as the Three Wonders of Hebei. He was the Jade Unicorn Lu Junyi.

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