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When Lu Cheng returned to Bianjing City again and came to the palace to see Zhao Ji, he saw Zhao Ji smiling: "Shou Xin, I have heard about what you did this time. It really brought prosperity to my Song Dynasty. "My Lord, it was thanks to the Ferghana horse you gave me that I was able to roam freely on the grassland without being caught by the Liao soldiers, and I took the opportunity to ambush and kill some Liao soldiers. soldiers. Moreover, the Liao Kingdom has been at peace for a long time, its military preparations are lax, and its fighting power is not as strong as before. It is already strong on the outside but weak on the inside. "

"Oh? Tell me how you caused the Liao Kingdom to frequently attack within two months. Mobilize the army. Keep chasing and killing. "

"This is a long story. Please tell me slowly..."

"Then tell me slowly..."

Then, Lu Cheng tried to express it in a simple and clear way, exaggerating the Liao soldiers The fragility of the beast, reducing its own strength, and focusing on the role of snow-walking, etc.

To put it simply, he relied on his superb horse archery skills to launch a surprise attack and kill small groups of troops, and tried to avoid large groups of troops. With his high mobility, he made the grasslands restless and launched surprise attacks. Killed several Liao generals, etc.

What Lu Cheng said was similar to the battle report sent back by Liao.

In order to save face, Liao naturally tried to portray Lu Cheng as a person who only knew how to sneak attack and assassinate. , hiding everywhere, extremely cunning guy. Moreover, the Liao soldiers also concealed most of the number of casualties, saying that Lu Cheng had ambushed and killed more than a thousand people.

If Lu Cheng really described it according to the actual situation, Song Huizong would have I don't really believe it, because it's too unreasonable and completely beyond human limits.

But Lu Cheng's half-truthful and half-false, evasive description made Song Huizong more likely to believe it.

After listening to Lu Cheng's narration, Song Huizong nodded repeatedly: "So that's how it is. It seems that the horse I gave you and your sculpture really played a significant role. The kite you mentioned The tactics are quite good, but I wonder if they can be used in combat against the enemy?"

"Sir, if you want to use this tactic skillfully, you must have a pair of elite cavalry with very strong mobility, and the cavalry's marching speed must be faster than Liao cavalry, this is not easy. First of all, such good horses are hard to find. "

"You are right. However, you have indeed made great contributions this time. But there are also many ministers in the court who say that you It was an unauthorized action that destroyed the friendship between Song and Liao, and I suppressed it. "

"Thank you for your protection, I am grateful to you."

"I know you are loyal."

If it were someone else, maybe he would be The ministers in the court pushed him out and then Song Huizong sent him to the Liao Kingdom to ease the relationship between the two countries.

But Lu Cheng was Zhao Ji's favorite minister after all, and also Zhao Ji's cash cow and treasure pot. He constantly launched new soaps, perfumes and other products, earning a lot of money for Song Huizong.

Moreover, Lu Cheng did not belong to any faction in the court. , only loyal to Zhao Ji, Zhao Ji naturally couldn't bear to part with Lu Cheng's money bag.

After listening to Lu Cheng's account of the Liao Kingdom, Song Huizong even had some thoughts in his mind, whether to support Lu Cheng and make him the new military generals, specially for his use.

Since Liao was strong on the outside but weak on the inside, and gradually declining, he might be able to fulfill the last wishes of the previous emperors in his lifetime, recover the Sixteen Prefectures of Youyun, and leave a good mark in history.

Therefore, after talking to Lu Cheng for a long time and being fooled by him, Song Huizong suddenly made up his mind: "Keep your promise, are you willing to work in the Ministry of War?"

"As long as the emperor needs me, I will do whatever you want."

"Okay, I He appointed the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of War to be in charge of the imperial examinations and school examinations.

"I obey your orders."

The composition of officials in the Song Dynasty was very complex, consisting of official ranks, scattered official ranks, dispatched officials, honorary officials, and titles.

The Song Dynasty learned from the Tang Dynasty's demise. In order to strengthen the centralization of power, the power of officials was dispersed, and those who managed the army did not care about money and finance, and those who trained the soldiers did not care about commanding the troops. The various aspects restricted each other, which led to redundant institutions and decentralized power.

In terms of the military, The Song Dynasty established the Privy Council, which was responsible for military orders. The selection of military generals was the responsibility of the Sanbanyuan and the Western Court of the Examination Officials.

As for the Ministry of War, it was only responsible for the emperor's guard of honor, travel etiquette, military examinations, volunteer soldiers, etc. It was not until the reign of Emperor Shenzong of Song that the powers of the Ministry of War were expanded to include militia, foreign soldiers, garrison troops, and the succession of some ethnic minority officials.

The Song Dynasty had three provinces, six ministries, and twenty-four

The Ministry of War is under the Shangshu Province, and it has four departments under it, namely, the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Personnel, the Ministry of Driving, and the Ministry of Treasury, each of which has a doctor and a member.

Lu Cheng, the member of the Ministry of War, is a sixth-rank official, mainly responsible for organizing military examinations, military competitions, and selecting military talents. But he only has the right to select, not the right to appoint.

With the military power shown by Lu Cheng, he is still very suitable for this position.

For Lu Cheng, the emperor's favorite, the high-ranking officials in the court look down on him, and the middle-level officials also despise him. The main reason is that Lu Cheng does not stand in line and is not sociable, which makes many people dissatisfied.

However, a small sixth-rank member has not been taken seriously by those ministers, and they will not jump out to sing against Song Huizong. It's nothing to just let some small officials under his command stand up and say a few words of opposition.

The military power in the court was mainly controlled by the Privy Council, and the 800,000 imperial guards were led by the Palace Front Department and the Imperial Guard Department. The power of the Ministry of War was not great, so there was no need to make a fuss.

Lu Cheng reported to the Ministry of War and met some superiors and colleagues in the Ministry of War. No one treated Lu Cheng coldly. After all, Lu Cheng could see the emperor from time to time, which was a great honor.

Although the power of the Ministry of War was not too great, there were many miscellaneous matters. Lu Cheng had just arrived at the Ministry of War and needed some time to familiarize himself with all aspects of the business, and there was no specific job.

Wang Xiang, the head of the Ministry of War, arranged two clerks for Lu Cheng to help Lu Cheng familiarize himself with the business and explain the rules, which also allowed Lu Cheng to have a further understanding of the military examination system of the Song Dynasty.

Although the imperial examination was abolished, the military examination only changed its form, and the content of the examination did not change. It was mainly divided into subjects such as archery, equestrianism, fighting, and spearmanship, which comprehensively examined the students' combat effectiveness.

Moreover, personal martial arts is only the first threshold, and there are also learning assessments of subjects such as literary skills, military tactics and strategy.

Poor people are good at literature and rich people are good at martial arts. Practicing martial arts is very expensive, and if you want to participate in the martial arts examination and selection, you have to pay a high registration fee.

Moreover, at this time, the martial arts examination in the Song Dynasty had already been completely corrupted. Some wealthy families could often pass the martial arts examination easily through money and power. It was already very difficult for the children of ordinary people to stand out.

Of course, Lu Cheng did not want to turn the tide and save the Song Dynasty. The corruption of the Song Dynasty's system was actually good for him. He could plan and attract talents from it.

After two days of busy work, Lu Cheng finally had some free time.

That evening, Lu Cheng changed into a gorgeous dress and came all the way to Yuxiang Garden.

When she saw Lu Cheng again, Li Shishi's eyes were rolling, and she had thousands of words to say, but she wanted to say it but couldn't: "You...you have been away for several months. Are you finally willing to come back?"

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