After learning martial arts from Li Ying and studying his sword skills, it was already evening, and Li Ying had chickens and sheep slaughtered, and a big banquet was held to entertain Lu Cheng.

Li Ying was a martial arts lover, and he liked to make friends with heroes. If he met some who came to him for help, as long as they were decent in martial arts, he would treat them well.

In the original novel, the reason why Li Ying was willing to stand up for Yang Xiong and Shi Xiu was because he saw that they were skilled in spears and sticks and had good martial arts.

When he met a master like Lu Cheng, Li Ying wanted to stay for a few more days to learn martial arts and build a relationship.

The next morning, after breakfast, Lu Cheng and Li Ying also came to the courtyard to teach spear and stick.

Seeing Li Ying using a solid iron-pointed steel spear with great vigor, Lu Cheng also took a long spear from the weapon rack and danced with it in his hand. There was no set of moves, but each move was a way to defeat the enemy, and he could connect some messy moves naturally and smoothly.

After practicing spear skills, Li Ying also stood aside to appreciate Lu Cheng's spear skills, and waited until Lu Cheng finished practicing before applauding.

"Master Lu's spearmanship is indeed exquisite and sharp."

"Master Li, you are too kind."

Just as the two were talking, a farmhand came to report: "Master, Zhu and Hu villages have sent people to visit the official and the master."

Li Ying heard this and turned to look at Lu Cheng, who nodded: "Since they are all here, let's meet each other."

Li Ying immediately nodded and ordered: "Go and invite them to the village."

The three villages on Dulonggang have a total of more than 10,000 people. Lijia Village is in the east, Hujia Village is in the west, and Zhujia Village is in the middle. Among them, Zhujia Village is the strongest, with one or two thousand young and strong people in the village, occupying the richest land in the entire Dulonggang.

Soon, the farmhands led two groups of people to the village.

Seeing the newcomers, Li Ying greeted everyone enthusiastically: "Master Luan, two nephews Zhu, nephew Hu, and eldest niece, you are all here? Come in. Master Luan, nephews, this is the deputy minister of the Ministry of War, the owner of Lujiazhuang, Lu, who is known as the Tiger Subduing God in the Jianghu.

Master Lu, let me introduce you, this is the worshiper of Zhujiazhuang, Luan Tingyu, Master Luan. This is the eldest son of Zhujiazhuang, Zhu Long, and the third son Zhu Biao. This is Hujiazhuang "The young master of the manor, Hu Cheng, and Hu Sanniang."

Lu Cheng nodded slightly, and several people hurriedly saluted: "The humble men Luan Tingyu, Zhu Long, and Zhu Biao greet the Yuanwailang."

"The humble men Hu Cheng and Hu Sanniang greet the Yuanwailang."

"No need to be polite, everyone. I came here today as a man of the world, so you don't have to be restrained."

While speaking, Lu Cheng's eyes swept over the people in front of him. Luan Tingyu had a very strong aura and was mature and steady. The two brothers Zhu Long and Zhu Biao beside him were also strong and full of blood. They should be similar to Shi Jin when he first met Lu Cheng.

It is rumored that this coach Luan Tingyu has the courage of ten thousand men. Judging from his aura, he is indeed similar to Lin Chong. The three brothers of Zhujiazhuang are known as the three heroes of the Zhu family. The youngest Zhu Biao should be the strongest.

As for Hu Cheng, his aura was obviously much worse, even worse than his sister Hu Sanniang.

Hu Sanniang was born with a good appearance, slender figure, pretty face, wearing a blue brocade flowered jacket, a set of leather armor, and a red cloak. Her skin was as white as snow, her face was like lotus, her eyebrows were like willow leaves, her eyes were bright, and she was seven points of beauty, with three points of heroism, and a single sword on each waist.

In Hu Sanniang, Lu Cheng could vaguely see the shadow of two old friends, and thought of Ding Baiying.

Just as Lu Cheng looked at Hu Sanniang, Hu Sanniang was also looking at Lu Cheng carefully.

Dulonggang was not far from Yuncheng County. Hu Sanniang had naturally heard of Lu Cheng's name a long time ago, and heard people talk about how handsome Lu Cheng was, but she had never seen him in person.

Even when she heard that Lu Cheng had subdued a fierce tiger and was feared by all, Hu Sanniang wanted to go and see him, but was stopped by her father and brother.

When the story of Lu Cheng on the grassland came back, Hu Sanniang became even more curious about Lu Cheng.

But after seeing Lu Cheng, Hu Sanniang had some doubts in her heart. Is such a handsome young man really as powerful as the legend says?

When the people on the side saw Lu Cheng and Hu Sanniang looking at each other, they all had different expressions.

Hu Cheng glanced back and forth between his sister and the official, and suddenly felt

Zhu Biao had always wanted to marry his sister, but his sister never treated Zhu Biao well.

The reason why the Zhu family was able to surpass the Li family and the Hu family and raise so many young and strong soldiers was that they had a government background and someone to support them.

If the Hu family could become relatives with Lu Cheng, on the one hand, they could get in touch with the government, and on the other hand, they could do some perfume and soap business in Lujiazhuang, which would bring many benefits.

Thinking of this, Hu Cheng looked at the two of them again and felt that this matter was promising.

Li Ying, who was standing by, saw all this and smiled without saying anything. He just felt a little sorry that his wife didn't give him a good daughter.

Zhu Biao looked a little unhappy when he saw all this. He was about to say something, but his brother Zhu Long pulled his arm.

Ordinary women would basically turn their heads away shyly when stared at by a strange man, but Hu Sanniang looked back openly without feeling embarrassed at all.

At this moment, Li Ying laughed: "Master Luan and several nephews came to my manor today, mainly to visit the official, right?"

Luan Tingyu nodded: "That's right, I have heard of the name of the Tiger Subduing God for a long time, but I have never seen him, which is a pity."

"Master Luan is too polite. I have also heard that Master Luan is brave enough to fight against ten thousand men."

Li Ying continued: "Master Luan doesn't know that I fought with Master Lu for less than 10 rounds yesterday and was defeated by Master Lu. Even my flying knife skills were easily caught by Master Lu."

Luan Tingyu heard this and was about to say something, but Zhu Biao stood up and said: "Since Master Lu is a martial arts master, and I am also good at using spears and sticks, I wonder if I can ask Master Lu for a few tricks?"

Zhu Long saw this and hurriedly stood up and pulled his brother: "Third brother, in front of the official, don't Don't be rude. "

Lu Cheng looked over with an unhappy face, and Luan Tingyu also scolded: "Biao'er, don't be rash."

Zhu Biao was indeed as his name suggests, a little fierce, and immediately said: "Li Ying, are you afraid of his official position and intend to give it up, so you lost to him?"

Li Ying was also angry when he heard it: "Zhu Biao, I am friends with your father's brothers, even if it is him, he will not be so rude to me, you child, you are too ignorant."

Zhu Biao looked at Li Ying with some disdain: "Respect you, you are the elder."

"You! Let's go out and fight a few moves. As your uncle, I will discipline you for your father. "

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little tense, Luan Tingyu quickly stood up to persuade: "Biao'er, what's wrong with you today? Why don't you apologize to the owner of Li Zhuang? Ask for forgiveness to the Yuanwailang?"

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