The new army was built in 1919.

In April of the fifth year of Zhenghe, Song Huizong finally began to organize and train a new army. He drew 10,000 elite troops from the imperial army, and asked Zhong Shidao to transfer 3,000 elite Western troops. In addition, tens of thousands of new soldiers were recruited from various places near Bianjing to form a new army of 50,000 people and began training.

At this time, in the various mountain strongholds of Yanshan North Road and Yunzhongfu Road, the number of people under Lu Cheng's command had grown to nearly 30,000.

In the past six months, Lu Da, Yang Zhi, Hua Rong, Shi Jin, Pang Wanchun and others have rapidly expanded their manpower and horses by recruiting refugees, subduing bandits, and looting Liao tribes.

In addition, the Yongchang Escort Agency was constantly transporting food and supplies, military equipment, etc., which made the troops grow so fast.

When Lu Cheng stayed in Beijing to assist in the training of the new army, his troops were also undergoing training.

In fact, training new soldiers is difficult and simple. As long as there is sufficient supply of food and supplies, coupled with strict discipline, unity, and clear rewards and punishments, a team of elite soldiers can be trained quickly.

The new recruit training manuals prepared by Lu Cheng for Lu Da, Yang Zhi and others are easy to understand and very easy to use. They don’t even need to play too much. They just need to read it and proceed step by step. That’s enough.

After understanding the intelligence sent back from the front line, Lu Cheng also conveyed the latest instructions to them. After two months of training, starting from June, they will march into Liaodong, seize Liaoyang Prefecture of Liao first, and then quickly occupy the peninsula south of Liaoyang.

Now, after the founding of the Jin Dynasty, it has also launched a two-way battle plan to destroy Liao, one of which is aimed at Liaoyang Prefecture.

However, the main force of the Jin Kingdom was concentrated in the Western Army, and they were attacking the Shangjing Linhuang of the Liao Kingdom with all their strength.

According to the speed of the Jin Kingdom's advance, they would not reach Liaoyang Prefecture until June next year.

Although the Liao Kingdom was in decline at this time, it still had some assets and was not so easy to fight. Historically, it took the Jin Kingdom five years to capture the Shangjing of the Liao Kingdom.

In May of the fifth year of Zhenghe, Song Jiang, who was exiled to Jiangzhou, wrote an anti-poem on Xunyang Tower. Huang Wenbing, the Tongpan of Jiangzhou, discovered it and immediately reported it to the police. Song Jiang was imprisoned. The God of Speed ​​Dai Zong immediately rushed to Liangshan and asked everyone in Liangshan to rescue Song Jiang.

In June of the fifth year of Zhenghe, Lu Cheng handed over the task of training the new army to Lu Junyi, Guan Sheng, Qin Ming and others, and resigned from the post of training the new army.

Seeing that Lu Cheng was not interested in military affairs and was thinking about traveling around with Zhao Yupan all day, Song Huizong stopped caring about Lu Cheng, and rewarded Lu Cheng with some rare treasures, and let Lu Cheng return to Yuncheng County.

After returning to Lujiazhuang, Lu Cheng first looked after the births of Hu Sanniang, Xia He, and Qiulan. Hu Sanniang gave Lu Cheng a son, and Xia He and Qiulan each gave birth to a daughter.

So far, Lu Cheng already had three sons and three daughters.

After that, Lu Cheng didn't care about taking care of the three women through the confinement period, so he took Guo Sheng and several close followers to the northern border.

In July of the fifth year of Zhenghe, Yang Zhi and Hua Rong each led 1,200 cavalrymen to enter the Liao Kingdom's Xijin Prefecture, which is near Yanjing in later generations, and began to plunder Liao Kingdom tribes everywhere and harass the Liao Kingdom's border.

At the same time, Lu Cheng personally led nearly 30,000 troops, bypassed Laizhou all the way, and arrived at the foot of Jinzhou City.

Now, the Jin and Liao countries are at war, and Yang Zhi and Hua Rong are harassing nearby with their cavalry, leaving the southeast of the Jin Kingdom empty and its defense lax.

The Liao Kingdom never thought that the Song Dynasty would attack them, let alone that someone would lead troops to attack Jinzhou.

Lu Cheng is very familiar with Jinzhou. As early as in the world of Embroidered Spring Blade, Lu Cheng started from Liaodong and took many years of business development to occupy Jinzhou.

Now, this is the territory of the Liao Kingdom. The people under Lu Cheng do not belong to any country. They are currently in the stage of self-employment. They are completely barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes, and they have no scruples.

Taking advantage of the night, Lu Cheng led his men to the bottom of the city gate. Afterwards, Lu Cheng took the lead, quickly climbed to the top of the city with the help of a flying rope, drew his bow and arrows, and shot more than a dozen arrows in succession, shooting and killing the guards on the city gate tower, and then occupied the top of the city, with a long spear, invincible, and quickly stabilized the situation.

Then, Yuan Lang, Shi Jin, Lu Fang, and Guo Sheng climbed up the city walls, completely occupied the towers, quickly went down, and opened the city gates from the inside.

As the shouts and cries of killing rang out, the sleeping people of Jinzhou were awakened, as well as the few remaining defenders in the city.

At this time, Pang Wanchun and Lu Da had already led their troops into the city.

Taking down a poorly defended Jinzhou city was a

For Lu Cheng and others, it was effortless.

The shouting and killing in the city lasted less than an hour, followed by sporadic resistance. Hua Rong and Yang Zhi led the cavalry to eliminate the escaped troops around.

By dawn, Lu Cheng had taken full control of the entire Jinzhou City.

Moreover, due to the thorough preparations last night, all the Liao soldiers who escaped from the city were also annihilated, and the news of the occupation of Jinzhou did not spread.

After dawn, Lu Cheng ordered to post a notice to pacify the people, and left Yang Zhi, Lu Fang, and Guo Sheng to lead 5,000 soldiers to guard the city.

This Jinzhou City is the western gate of the Liaonan Peninsula, and it must be guarded well to stabilize the situation in Liaonan.

Afterwards, Lu Cheng led his men to drive straight in, attacking cities and strongholds all the way, and Zhipu Liaoyang Prefecture.

The Liao Kingdom implemented the Five Capitals System. In addition to the capital Zhongjing, there were four capitals in the east, west, south, and north as the four major secondary capitals. This Liaoyang Prefecture was the Liao Kingdom’s Tokyo Prefecture.

When Lu Cheng led the army to the city of Liaoyang, Liaoyang had already received the news and mobilized nearby troops in advance for defense.

More than 20,000 soldiers attacked the city and marched 400 miles. It was impossible to block all the news.

After learning the situation, Liaoyang asked for help from Zhongjing while withdrawing troops from nearby cities to defend Liaoyang.

When Lu Cheng led his troops to the city, 20,000 soldiers had already gathered in Liaoyang.

It was not that the Liao army did not want to mobilize more troops, but that the Liao army had to block the Jin army in the north and guard against the dishonest Goryeo in the southeast. There were not many troops near Liaoyang.

Looking at the walls of Liaoyang Prefecture, which are much taller and stronger than those of Jinzhou City, Pang Wanchun, Hua Rong and others are a little overwhelmed: "The Art of War says, if there are ten, surround it; if there are five, attack it; if there are twice as many, divide it. General, the walls of Liaoyang Prefecture are tall and heavily guarded, so it may not be easy to capture. Why don't we capture various places in the south first, and then slowly attack it."

Lu Cheng shook his head: "Southern Liaoning is empty now. If we don't take Liaoyang Prefecture, it will be more difficult to attack the city in the future."

"But... our troops are limited. If we attack the city rashly, will there be too many casualties?"

Lu Cheng laughed: "Don't worry about these. We have prepared new weapons."

Lu Cheng waved his hand, and Hong Tianlei Ling Zhen commanded his soldiers to pull up more than a dozen ox carts, take some wood from the ox carts, and quickly assembled them into catapults. Then he took out explosive packs, ignited them, put them on the catapults, and fired them towards the Liaoyang City in front.

"Boom boom boom" With the sound of explosions, the city of Liaoyang Prefecture was in chaos.

Soon, two or three explosive packs fell accurately under the city gate, and the south gate of Liaoyang City was blown to pieces.

With Lu Cheng's order, Lu Da and Yuan Lang led the army to rush in and directly attacked Liaoyang City.

Lu Cheng smiled slightly and glanced at Hua Rong, Pang Wanchun and other generals around him: "In the future, Ling Zhen will take the lead in attacking the city. Professional matters should be left to professionals."

Hua Rong and Pang Wanchun were stunned. How could this war be so big?

"Let's go, let's go into the city. There are still 20,000 Liao troops waiting to be conquered in the city, and we can't let the soldiers suffer too many casualties."

Now that his career has just started, Lu Cheng, the big boss, has to take the lead in the charge to reduce the casualties of his subordinates as much as possible...

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