The old man was very happy.

Just after the New Year of the sixth year of Zhenghe (1116 AD), Lu Cheng received a message from Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty asking him to take Zhao Yupan back to Beijing to visit his relatives. A lot of things happened in Yuncheng County just after Lu Cheng left.

Since Song Jiang, the big brother who likes to make friends, left, Yuncheng County has been a little quieter than before. The two heads of the county, Zhu Tong and Lei Heng, have nothing to do all day, and no one takes them out for drinks every day.

Hearing that a beautiful and artistic girl had recently come to the brothel in Yuncheng County, the head of the county, Lei Heng, ran to the brothel to listen to the music. After being recognized by the guests around him, he took the initiative to give up the exclusive seat of the "big brother on the list" in the front.

Afterwards, Lei Heng enjoyed the singing and dancing performance on the stage and thought that the new "anchor" was very good, good-looking and sang well.

However, when the "female anchor" named Bai Xiuying on the stage finished singing and ran to Lei Heng to ask for money, Lei Heng touched his pocket and found that he had forgotten to bring money today, so he said he would give it next time and prepared to leave.

However, the female anchor and her father were not good people either. They immediately mocked Lei Heng and said that he was a poor ghost who couldn't afford the money.

Lei Dutou was used to being powerful in Yuncheng County, so how could he stand the anger of a small anchor? He immediately rushed to the stage and beat up Bai Xiuying's father.

It was just a fight caused by a verbal conflict, and Lei Heng didn't take it too seriously. But he didn't know that Bai Xiuying was the mistress of the county magistrate of Yuncheng County.

On that day, after Bai Xiuying and the county magistrate had a rocking game in the carriage, Bai Xiuying took advantage of the county magistrate's physical and mental pleasure to file a complaint.

The county magistrate was furious when he heard this. He didn't expect that his subordinates would dare to beat his girlfriend's father. Isn't this a disrespect for him?

The next day, the county magistrate beat Lei Dutou with a big board and paraded him in shackles.

People under the eaves have to bow their heads. Even though Lei Dutou was the only "Lei Detective" in Yuncheng County, he had to be honest and obedient, stand at attention when beaten, and parade in the streets.

However, Bai Xiuying still refused to let Lei Dutou go. Relying on the support of the county magistrate, she chased Lei Heng who was parading in the streets to humiliate him. Lei Heng's mother couldn't stand it and rushed out to scold Bai Xiuying, which turned into a fight.

Lei Dutou's mother was old and weak, so she naturally couldn't beat the young Bai Xiuying.

Lei Dutou could still endure being humiliated, but when his mother was beaten, Lei Dutou directly used the shackles on his body to knock Bai Xiuying to the ground, but he didn't expect that he used too much force, and the sharp corners of the shackles directly hit Bai Xiuying's head, beating Bai Xiuying to death in the street.

Afterwards, Lei Dutou was imprisoned and was about to be escorted to the Jizhou Prefecture Prison to be executed.

Seeing his friend in trouble, Zhu Tong wanted to go to Lujiazhuang to ask the son-in-law to come forward and say a good word to help his friend reduce his sentence. But he didn't expect that the son-in-law Lu Cheng happened to go to the capital.

Later, on the way to escort Lei Heng to the Jizhou Prefecture Prison, Zhu Tong secretly let Lei Heng go, and hit himself on the forehead, claiming that Lei Heng had injured him and then ran away.

The county magistrate was not stupid. He knew the friendship between Lei Heng and Zhu Tong, and immediately concluded that it was Zhu Tong who let Lei Heng go. He also beat Zhu Tong and exiled him to Cangzhou.

Just because Lei Dutou watched a show on a whim, he did not reward the female anchor in time while sitting in the position of the leader, which led to the fall of the two detectives in Yuncheng County.

All I can say is: live broadcasting is risky, and rewards should be given with caution.

At the same time, Lu Cheng in the capital was accompanying Song Huizong to review the newly trained soldiers and horses.

Speaking of which, Song Huizong wanted Lu Cheng to pay more attention and show his martial arts, and it would be best if he could train a few fierce generals. But Lu Cheng only worked as a coach for two or three months, and then he ran back to Yuncheng County with his wife. He was gone for more than half a year and never came back in the middle.

Song Huizong still liked Lu Cheng, a son-in-law who could make money, paint, play football, and speak well.

"Shou Xin, I heard that Liangshanpo has been in turmoil recently. Last year, this group of bandits openly robbed the execution ground and looted two farms. They are getting more and more rampant. I think his new soldiers are almost trained. What do you think about sending them to suppress the bandits?"

"It's up to the government. After all, these soldiers do need to experience some actual combat."

Song Huizong did spend some time training the new army. He also entrusted important tasks to Lu Junyi, Guan Sheng, Qin Ming and other generals recommended by Lu Cheng. They were given enough money and food, and were well-equipped. The new army also included 5,000 cavalry. The overall combat effectiveness was indeed higher than the average.

The imperial guards.

Song Huizong looked at the neatly-dressed and brightly-armored new army below, but smiled again: "To deal with a group of bandits, there is no need to use our own new army. I think it is better to let Jizhou and Yunzhou send troops to encircle and suppress the Liangshan bandits."

"Your Majesty is wise."

The two chatted for a while, and talked about music, chess, calligraphy and painting for a while. Zhao Ji suddenly changed his tone and asked about the relationship between Lu Cheng and Zhao Yupan: "Shou Xin, it has been a year since you and Yupan got married. When will you give me a little grandson?"

"Your Majesty, this kind of thing should be left to nature. Besides, it is not good for a girl to give birth too early."

"Is that true?"

"Your Majesty, my family has been practicing medicine for generations and running a clinic. We are quite knowledgeable about health and longevity. Before the age of 20, a girl's body is actually in the development stage..."

Lu Cheng talked about medical theories, which made Song Huizong stunned, but he didn't say anything more.

On the other hand, Zhao Yupan was also accepting her mother's inquiries, concerned about whether their married life was harmonious.

It was not until the end of March that Lu Cheng found an excuse to take Zhao Yupan back to Lujiazhuang.

After that, Lu Cheng stayed at home for half a month, and then went to the north again under the pretext of escorting.

After more than half a year of development, Lu Cheng's Yangwei Army had completely established a foothold in southern Liaoning and opened up the trade route with the Song Dynasty.

Because the Liao Kingdom had to deal with the massive attack of the Jin Kingdom and quell internal rebellions everywhere, it had no energy to care about the southern Liaoning region in the southeast.

In March of the sixth year of Zhenghe, Xiao Li Guang Hua Rong led his army across the Yalu River and occupied Baozhou.

At the same time, Pang Wanchun also actively led his troops to conquer Shenzhou.

So far, the Jin Kingdom and the Yangwei Army attacked from the north and south, dividing the Liao Kingdom's territory in the entire Liaodong.

However, this also made the Yangwei Army confront the Jin Army in the north, suppress Goryeo in the southeast, and the west was the territory of the Liao Kingdom.

Next, the Yangwei Army must confront the Jin Kingdom's southern army, and the two sides will inevitably have a big battle. This battle must be won, and it must be won beautifully, so that the Jin Kingdom dare not attack the Yangwei Army in the south, and Goryeo dare not show its head.

Therefore, Lu Cheng prepared to personally sit in southern Liaoning.

At this time, the entire Yangwei Army has expanded to 12 guards, with a force of 60,000, but there are less than 4,000 well-trained cavalry, which accounts for a smaller proportion.

Moreover, the training level of this expanded force is still somewhat lacking, and only more than 30,000 of them are qualified, and the rest of the troops can only be used to defend the city.

However, the Jin Kingdom in the north does not have many troops.

Last year, when fighting the Liao Army, the Western Army led by Wanyan Aguda had only 20,000 people. If it were not for the civil strife in the Liao Dynasty, the Jin Army would not have been so easy to defeat the Liao Army.

After more than half a year of development, although the Jin Kingdom has expanded a lot, its actual military strength is about the same as that of the Yangwei Army.

However, after several generations of accumulation, the Jurchen tribes are almost all soldiers, with a very high proportion of cavalry and strong combat effectiveness.

In the battle with the Liao Kingdom, the Jin Kingdom’s troops can really say that if the Jurchens are less than 10,000, they are invincible.

When the Jin Army, which is in its start-up period, meets the Yangwei Army, which is also in its start-up period, what kind of sparks will be created?

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