The truth is that the truth is not real.

For some suspicious or shrewd emperors, many things do not require any evidence, just suspicion is enough.

But Song Huizong, who was used to comfort, did not have enough vigilance and precautions against Lu Cheng, his son-in-law. Otherwise, some of the information previously fed back by the intelligence department would have been enough to alert Song Huizong.

Of course, there is another reason why Song Huizong was able to hide it for so long, that is, many people around Song Huizong were bought by Lu Cheng with a lot of money.

For example, after receiving a lot of gold and silver treasures from Lu Cheng, Song Huizong's personal eunuch Yang Jian would slightly change some intelligence in the style of the Spring and Autumn Annals, turning military operations into commercial activities and recruiting soldiers into training guards, so that big things could be turned into small things and small things could be turned into nothing. In addition, Song Huizong's favor for his son-in-law kept it secret until now.

If it weren't for the fact that the Yangwei Army almost clashed with the northern border army of the Song Dynasty after it captured Xijin Prefecture, I'm afraid Song Huizong would not have paid attention to these things and would still be busy eating, drinking and having fun and enjoying life.

Today, the Liao Kingdom is already in decline. The Jin Kingdom and the Yangwei Army are rising in the north, moving forward together to divide the land of the Liao Kingdom. The Western Army of the Song Dynasty is also ready to move, and has long wanted to take the opportunity to participate in the division of the Liao Kingdom, or to capture Xixia.

Originally, this was a great opportunity for the Song Dynasty to expand its territory and avenge its previous humiliation, but the civil and military officials in the court had not reached a consensus and were arguing every day about whether to send troops.

Even many ministers believed that before the situation was clear, they should continue to pay tribute to the Liao Kingdom and the Western Xia. If the Liao Kingdom lost, the Song Dynasty would only lose some tribute. If the Liao Kingdom won, it would not affect the diplomatic relations between the Song and Liao countries.

Of course, those who agreed to continue to pay tribute to the Liao Kingdom and the Western Xia would naturally seek profits from it.

The Song Dynasty sent hundreds of thousands of pieces of silk to the Liao Kingdom and the Western Xia every year. Such a large amount naturally had to be purchased from the private sector. So who should be chosen as the purchaser, what would be the quotation? What was the cost price? There were too many profit points in the middle.

The Song Dynasty had been paying tribute to the Liao Kingdom and the Western Xia for more than a hundred years, and a complex chain of interests had long been formed. Everyone in the chain hoped that the Song Dynasty would continue to pay tribute.

As for whether doing so would harm the interests of the Song Dynasty, it was not something that those people should consider at all.

To put it bluntly, looking at the entire Song Dynasty court, most of the civil and military officials were working for their own interests and never paid attention to whether the Song Dynasty was strong and could last.

And those officials who really considered the fate of the Song Dynasty and the people of the world were not absent, but they were too rare.

The Northern Song Dynasty was on its last legs. In addition to the strength of the Jin Dynasty, there was also internal corruption, the emperor's stupidity, the officials' greed, and the people's misery.

In the spring of the eighth year of Zhenghe (1118 AD), Lujiazhuang, Yuncheng County.

Today, Lujiazhuang, after years of expansion, has become a castle with a vast area, elegant layout, and strict defense.

In order to strengthen the defense of Lujiazhuang, Lu Cheng built arrow towers, watchtowers, etc. on all sides of the manor on the pretext of preventing bandits.

Although the entire Lujiazhuang is not as large as Yuncheng County in terms of area, its defense strength has far exceeded Yuncheng.

The outer wall is guarded by 800 family guards, and the inner area is guarded by women such as Hu Sanniang, Pang Qiuxia, and Ji Ruxue. There are also many well-trained hunting dogs, falcons, and even a nest of tigers in the yard.

After taking root in Lujiazhuang, the fierce tiger Liefeng has been responsible for guarding the house.

Lu Cheng, thinking of Liefeng's hard work and great contributions, specially sent people to use special anesthetics to anesthetize two adult female tigers, so that the fierce tiger Liefeng can also live a life of being embraced by both sides and enjoy the blessing of having many wives.

In the past two years, the two tigresses have successively given birth to cubs. Now there are three adult tigers and five cubs in Lujiazhuang.

Moreover, Lu Cheng's children have grown up with these beasts since childhood. They have each tamed one or two beasts as pets to accompany them as they grow up. This can be regarded as a special gift prepared by Lu Cheng for the children.

In the backyard of Lujiazhuang, Lu Cheng is holding Zhao Yupan's arm, and the two are walking together in the back garden. And now Zhao Yupan is already pregnant.

"Sir, wait another three and a half months, our child should be here, right?"

"Yes, your husband remembers the date.

. "

"Sir, Yupan has been married to you for so long, and finally I can give birth to a child for you. I really hope that this child can be a boy."

"Boys and girls are the same. You can see that I love my daughters as much as my sons."

"I know all this, but I just want to give you a son, so that our Lu family can have more incense."

As she spoke, Zhao Yupan stroked her bulging belly, looking forward to it with a face full of maternal radiance: "Son, you must be a son."

"Yupan, what if it's really a daughter?"

"Absolutely impossible. I've heard people say that sour boys and spicy girls. Since I got pregnant, I've always loved sour food. Moreover, I heard from the old people in the village that if you are pregnant with a boy, your belly is pointed, and if you are pregnant with a girl, your belly is round. Look at mine, isn't it a little pointed?"

"You're right. ”

In fact, with Lu Cheng's medical level, he had already determined that Zhao Yupan was pregnant with a girl, but he didn't point it out, so that she could wait for a while.

Perhaps, Song Huizong, who was far away in Bianjing, also hoped that Zhao Yupan would give Lu Cheng a boy.

"Yupan, let me tell you a story. Do you know Sun Shangxiang, the sister of Sun Quan of the Eastern Wu during the Three Kingdoms period?"

"Of course I know this. What's the matter? Why did my husband suddenly mention Sun Shangxiang?"

"Listen to my husband's story first. This Sun Shangxiang was originally the sister of Sun Quan of the Eastern Wu. Because of the Sun-Wu alliance, she married Liu Bei and was caught between the two countries, in a dilemma...Yupan, this Sun Shangxiang is a princess, and you are also a princess. Put yourself in her shoes, if you were Sun Shangxiang, would you prefer your father and brother, or your husband?"

"Why did the sir ask such a strange question? ”

“I am also a little curious. I have been reading history books recently, especially the Three Kingdoms. I like to analyze each character in depth, so I asked this question. ”

“Then Yu Pan also asked you a question. Are you willing to marry your daughter to a man she has never seen and even 20 or 30 years older than her for the so-called "hegemony"? ”

“Of course not. My daughters, Lu Cheng, don't need to wrong themselves for these. They must marry a man because they like him. ”

“Your Majesty said this, Yu Pan believed it without a doubt. The longer I get along with you, the more I find that you are different. But I am afraid that there are few people in the world who can do what you do. Yu Pan grew up in the royal family, and the family affection is not very deep.

When my father first had a daughter like me, he doted on me for a while. But later, my father had more than 30 daughters and dozens of sons, and he couldn't take care of them. Moreover, we, as children, have to scheme against each other...

To be honest, Yu Pan has always felt that the luckiest thing in her life is marrying my husband. Although my husband has many sisters, they are able to be impartial and live in harmony, allowing Yu Pan to enjoy the warmth of home. If Yu Pan really makes a choice, Yu Pan is willing to stay with the master forever, but I hope that the master will not be like my father, who lost his love because of his fading beauty..."

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