The battle was won, and the battle was won.

In the summer of the eighth year of Zhenghe, when the Jin army was advancing like a bamboo, conquering cities and annexing the northern land of Liao, they did not know that there was a net waiting for them ahead.

The envoys of the Yangwei Army went to Liao twice and finally reached an agreement with Liao. Liao used the land of Fengshengzhou and tens of thousands of cattle, sheep and horses in exchange for an opportunity to cooperate with the Yangwei Army to encircle and suppress the Jin army.

Of course, the top leaders of Liao were not so simple. As soon as the cooperation between the two sides was reached, they began to plan to withdraw troops in time at the right time, so that the Yangwei Army could stand in front and fight the Jin army to the death.

As for the Jin army, soon after, they also learned about the contact between Liao and Yangwei Army through spies lurking in Liao, and prepared to use the trick to destroy the alliance between Liao and Yangwei Army, and took the opportunity to severely damage Yangwei Army.

On the other side, Yangwei Army had already prepared a second set of combat plans in advance.

In Jinzhou City, Lu Cheng and other generals gathered together, with Hua Rong, Pang Wanchun, Lu Da, Shi Jin, Yang Zhi, Yuan Lang and others on the left and right.

In addition to the generals guarding the city from various places, more than half of Lu Cheng's generals arrived.

On the wall of the back hall of Jinzhou government office hung a huge map of the north, which detailed the scope of the three forces of Jin, Liao and Yangwei Army, the distribution of troops and horses, and other information.

If the Jin army and Liao army saw this map, they would be shocked, because this map was so detailed that almost all the troops stationed in each city of Jin and Liao and the names of the main generals were marked out.

"Yuan Lang, please report the current situation to everyone first."

"Yes, General. At present, both the Liao Army and the Jin Army have been mobilized by us. The intention of the Liao Army is already very obvious. They want to take advantage of this alliance to let us fight to the death with the Jin Army so that they can sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. As for this alliance, it seems that no one takes it seriously.

As for the Jin Army, it should want to destroy our troops first, and then avoid attacking the Liao Kingdom. At present, the Jin Army has mobilized a large number of cavalry and stationed them in the Huanglongfu area. Once we fight with the vanguard of the Jin Army, their follow-up troops can arrive in the shortest time, go around to our rear, and encircle and suppress our vanguard..."

After listening to Yuan Lang's description of the situation, the generals in the conference hall smiled at each other. In this battle, the three parties have their own calculations. Which side has a more detailed control of intelligence? Has more trump cards.

After everyone understood all the situations, Lu Cheng began to deploy strategies: "In this battle, I will personally join the vanguard and serve as bait for you to mobilize the troops of Jin and Liao and create a suitable opportunity for you.

As soon as the follow-up troops of Jin Kingdom leave Huanglongfu, Hua Rong will lead the troops of Zhengzhou and Hengzhou to attack Xianzhou. If the Jin army comes back in time, then Xianzhou will be defended. If the Jin army is not in a hurry to come back, then Tongzhou will be taken.

However, after taking Tongzhou, there is no need to defend it. After looting property and people, withdraw to Xianzhou in time, and at the same time drive the troops of Xianzhou to Shenzhou and properly settle them."

"I have received your order!"

"Pang Wanchun, when Hua Rong attacks Xianzhou, your troops must rush to Longhuazhou and attack at the same time as Hua Rong, So that the enemies cannot help each other..."


"Lu Da, Shi Jin, you two lead the troops all the way west, conquer the cities along the way, until Datong Prefecture. There, a part of the Western Army will pick you up."

Lu Da and Shi Jin were both delighted when they heard this: "So, we will soon fight back home."

"It won't take long. Yang Zhi, Xu Ning, your mission this time is particularly important. Not only must you defend Xijin Prefecture, but you must also be ready to support battles in other places at any time. I will let Hong Tianlei Ling Zhen prepare the most sufficient firearms reserves for you, as well as the latest Shenwei General Cannon."

"I have received the order!"

As the orders were passed down, the troops in southern Liaoning began to conduct daily training to make final preparations for the arrival of a major war.

This time, both the Jin Kingdom and the Liao Kingdom wanted to make the other two parties suffer a big loss, but Lu Cheng had already begun to mobilize all the forces that could be mobilized to play a big one.

After so many years of planning and preparation, there is no need to hide it now.

Didn't Song Huizong begin to doubt? Then let him not doubt.

When Lu Cheng left Yuncheng County, he had already made arrangements in advance. His family would also go north after the war started.

All preparations have been made along the way.

Yongchang Escort Agency has been operating in the north and south for so many years, and has established one passage after another. There are passages to the north on land and sea. In Xijinfu, the secondary capital of the Liao Dynasty, the palace of the Liao emperor has been converted into Lu Cheng's manor.

At the end of August in the eighth year of Zhenghe, Lu Cheng personally led 3,000 cavalrymen out of Jinzhou and headed straight to the battlefield agreed with the Liao Kingdom in the north.

After joining the Liao army, the two sides were in harmony on the surface, and soon set up an ambush on the road that the Jin army had to take to march westward according to the combat plan planned in advance.

The Jin army also cooperated with this performance. Wanyan Aguda even sent his third son Wanyan Zongjie to personally lead the vanguard of the Jin army, making a preparation for a lone army to go deep into the heart of the Liao Kingdom.

On the road ahead, the Liao army and the Yangwei army set up an ambush circle in advance, one in the south and one in the north.

In order to ensure that the Yangwei Army would not discover the problem in advance, the Liao Army even sent out a group of old, weak, sick and disabled people who were used as cannon fodder to replace the originally agreed ambush army, and took the lead in attacking the aggressive Jin Army.

As the battle started, Lu Cheng in the rear also moved his wrist, drew out a big knife, mounted his warhorse, and prepared for battle.

Even if he was prepared to be a bait, Lu Cheng had to eat the opponent's bait first, so that the subsequent big fish could be hooked as soon as possible.

"All soldiers, follow me to kill the enemy!"

Lu Cheng raised his long knife and went straight to the vanguard of the Jin Kingdom.

When the knife light split the flow of people and killed the enemy, the Jin Army had not yet realized the seriousness of the problem. Some people in the Liao Army who were used as cannon fodder had already recognized Lu Cheng's identity.

"It's that killer! He's here too! Run!"

"Don't panic, he should be our ally this time."

As the three-way melee began, all the troops were mixed together. Lu Cheng led his men to charge forward regardless of anything. Whether it was the Jin army or the Liao army, they all died under his sword...

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