After sorting out his thoughts, Lu Cheng briefly recalled his current identity.

Lu Cheng, 18 years old this year, is a native of Jinling. As usual, he is alone and has no relatives. Two years ago, both his parents passed away, leaving Lu Cheng with a savings that is enough to finish college, as well as this old house with two bedrooms and one living room.

Because he took the initiative to seal most of his memories, Lu Cheng at this time felt a bit like the feeling after his first time traveling through time, and it was like he had returned to his youth at the age of 18.

Of course, the sealed memories are basically part of the nine reincarnations, and do not include Lu Cheng's initial memories before traveling through time, and all kinds of knowledge related to skills are also there.

Whether it is calligraphy, painting, musical instruments, or language, medicine and computers, Lu Cheng has reached a very high level. Even the lowest level of cooking skills has a level of five, which is equivalent to a well-known provincial chef.

After walking around the house, although the various furniture is a bit old, it is very clean. Two bedrooms, a living room, plus a kitchen and a bathroom, a total of 60 to 70 square meters.

Because it is an old six-story building, there is no elevator and no public area, so the internal space does not seem crowded.

There are two ink landscape paintings hanging in the living room, and a cursive script hanging in the bedroom, with four big characters on it: "Tao follows nature", which are all Lu Cheng's own handwriting, and are currently at the best level.

Of course, there are painting and writing tools on the desk in the bedroom. There is also a guitar and a erhu leaning against the corner, and a flute on the bookshelf.

On the desk is a notice from Southeast University, and the admission major is written as "Architecture Department".

I looked at the start date of the school, September 5th, and there are still 20 days before the start of the school.

At this moment, Lu Cheng suddenly felt thirsty. He stood up and walked to the kitchen door. He opened the old-fashioned double-door refrigerator and found that the refrigerator was mostly empty. There were only some vegetables and lean meat, but no drinks.

There was still some boiled water in the thermos, but Lu Cheng suddenly wanted to drink something, so he stood up, picked up his wallet, took his keys and went out.

When he walked downstairs and out of the alley, he heard music playing in the barber shop across the street: "... You will never understand the sadness I have for you, so why should I force myself to fall in love with everything about you..."

When he came to a small store on the corner of the street, he saw the owner of the store greeting Lu Cheng from a distance.

"Xiao Cheng, I heard you got into Dongda, congratulations."

"Thanks, Uncle Fu. Bring me six cans of Jianlibao and six cans of Qingdao, thank you."

"Uncle will give it to you right away, don't take the money, just consider it as uncle's congratulations on your admission to Dongda."

"Thank you, uncle, but I still have to give you money, you also have to spend money to buy goods, don't you?"

"Look at you, kid, you are just too polite."

While the two were talking, the owner of the convenience store had already skillfully packed Jianlibao and beer and handed them to Lu Cheng.

"Lao Liu, bring me a pack of Hongtashan. Hey, it's Xiao Lu, I heard you got into Dongda? Congratulations."

"Thank you, Uncle Zhang."

He said hello to the neighbors along the way, returned home, put the drinks in the refrigerator, opened a can of iced Jianlibao, drank two sips, sat on the desk in front of the window, and began to think about the future.

Four years of college is neither long nor short. Lu Cheng plans to complete the courses of his major and take another course to have a fulfilling college life.

As for the future, Lu Cheng is also considering how to start a business and make money. No matter what he wants to do in the future, he must have enough money on hand.

Money is the courage of a hero, the confidence and backbone of a man.

However, just as Lu Cheng sat down to think, he heard a phone ring in the living room. He stood up and walked to the living room to answer the phone. A familiar female voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hello, is this Lu Cheng? This is Lin Jingyi."

"It's me."

"Lu Cheng, when are you going to report to school? You are from the Department of Architecture of Dongda University, and I am from the Department of Computer Science of Dongda University. Let's report together?"

"I plan to report on the 5th."

"Then we have a deal. We will go together on the 5th. By the way, the class monitor is going to organize a class reunion, and the time is set for next Monday. You should be notified later. Do you want to come?"

"It's good to get together. Thank you for notifying me in advance."

"You're welcome. That...are you free this weekend? Do you want to go buy some school supplies together?"

"I have something to do this weekend, so I may not have time."

"Okay, then"

Slightly replied

After recalling for a while, this girl named Lin Jingyi was Lu Cheng's high school classmate. She was sweet-looking, cheerful, and the most beautiful girl in Lu Cheng's high school class. Her family conditions were also good. Her father was a high school teacher and her mother was a surgeon.

Moreover, this beautiful girl had always had a good impression of Lu Cheng.

Of course, this was not surprising. Lu Cheng was 188cm tall, handsome and tough, and had excellent academic performance. He was a school idol at school, so naturally, there were many little girls who liked him. He could often find stacks of love letters under the table.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Cheng sighed about the beauty of youth. Looking at the phone on the table, an idea suddenly came to his mind: mobile phone.

In 2002, mobile phones were not yet fully popular. They were luxury goods that ordinary people could not afford. A mobile phone cost several thousand yuan.

Moreover, the mobile phone market at that time was still dominated by Nokia, Samsung, and Motorola. The four major brands of China Cool Union had not yet officially emerged, and even copycat phones had not yet become popular.

Looking at the phone in front of him, and then looking at the computer skills on the panel, there seemed to be too many paths in front of him, and Lu Cheng suddenly wanted to get into mobile phones.

As for the architecture major on the notice, he could study it well, just in time to design the headquarters building of his business empire in the future.

Thinking of this, Lu Cheng has begun to think about occupying the smartphone market in advance in the future, surpassing Apple, developing artificial intelligence in advance, and becoming the leader in the field of mobile phone and computer hardware and software.

Of course, if you want to realize this wish, you need to start making money in advance during college, save your first pot of gold, and prepare for future entrepreneurship.

Seeing that it was approaching noon, Lu Cheng temporarily gave up his future vision, got up and went to the kitchen, steamed rice, then opened the refrigerator, took out the ingredients, and simply made stir-fried meat with green peppers, stir-fried seasonal vegetables, and tomato and egg soup, which was his lunch.

With a level 5 cooking skill, even home-cooked dishes can be made with color, fragrance and taste, and they are definitely at the level of a big restaurant when placed outside.

After eating, he cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks, went downstairs, rode a bicycle, and left the house.

In his nine reincarnations, Lu Cheng has traveled a lot and has been to every place in the world. Although his memories are sealed in the memory hall, he always feels familiar when he comes to any city he has been to.

What's more, the identity given to Lu Cheng by the system is that he is a local of Jinling.

It is worth mentioning that the location of Lu Cheng's home is less than five kilometers away from Dongda University, where he will spend four years of college.

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