The old man was very happy.

When Lu Cheng returned to Shuangshui Village with his wife and children, the villagers began to greet him from afar: "Lu Cheng and Xiulian are back?"

"Is Yanjing good?"

"What is the university like?"

Faced with the enthusiastic villagers, Xiulian felt like she was returning home in glory.

After returning home, no one had lived in the house for half a year, and a lot of dust had accumulated in the cave.

Xiulian took out all the old clothes in the closet to dry, found an old dress and put it on, and cleaned up the house.

Not long after, several women in the village came to help, and kept asking Xiulian what Yanjing City was like.

Xiulian also explained to them the Forbidden City and Tiananmen Square in Yanjing, the busy Wangfujing, etc., which moved these women who had never traveled far in their lives, and they were even more envious of Xiulian's good marriage and the happiness she enjoyed.

Not long after, all the men, women, old and young in the village came over and had a lively time in the yard.

Lu Cheng also took out some snacks and candies bought from Yanjing to entertain everyone.

The villagers also asked curiously: "Lu Cheng, when you arrived in Yanjing, have you been to the Forbidden City and Tiananmen Square? Have you seen the place where the emperor lived?"

"Yes, I have seen them all..."

"What is your university like? Tell everyone about it?"

"That's right, I heard that the university is full of college students, from all over the world, and each one is smarter than the other..."

These villagers have been working in the fields all their lives, and many of them have never traveled far. Naturally, they are very curious about the outside world and keep asking various questions.

Lu Cheng did not get bored and answered these questions one by one.

With the help of the villagers, the house was quickly cleaned up inside and outside. The women gathered around Xiulian, and the men gathered around Lu Cheng, chatting with each other.

Lu Yang, who was already two years old, played and frolicked with the children in the village, and soon became a scene.

It was not until the evening when it was time to cook that the villagers reluctantly dispersed.

After staying at home for less than two days, the village became lively again.

Since Tian Fujun became the commissioner of the Huangyuan Municipal Party Committee and the Administrative Office, he has always wanted to do something to make the black flour buns in the hands of the people turn into yellow flour buns, or even white flour buns.

Therefore, after thinking again and again, Tian Fujun decided to promote the production responsibility system.

However, this move was opposed by many leaders in Huangyuan City. Miao Kai, the top leader of Huangyuan City, was hospitalized "on the pretext of illness" to see the attitude of the province above towards him and Tian Fujun's series of measures.

As a result, the provincial leaders directly left Miao Kai out in the cold, and instead supported Tian Fujun behind the scenes, allowing Tian Fujun to implement the production responsibility system.

Feng Shikuan, the former top leader of Yuanxi County, saw that his old leader Miao Kai had lost power, and immediately stood up to support Tian Fujun and took the initiative to cooperate with Tian Fujun's work, allowing Tian Fujun to start implementing the production responsibility system experiment in Yuanxi County.

Of course, since there are still many voices opposing the production responsibility system, it cannot be implemented openly.

Therefore, Tian Fujun gave orders to the leaders at all levels below, asking the commune leaders to go to each village to give verbal notifications, allowing each production brigade in each village to decide whether to implement the production responsibility system.

As long as a brigade is willing to implement the production responsibility system, even the village committee cannot obstruct it.

After Xu Zhigong of Shigejie Commune notified Shuangshui Village of this matter, the village party secretary Tian Futang immediately opposed it.

Originally, they ate in a big pot and earned work points. These leaders of the village committee only need to hold meetings and give speeches to get work points, and they don't even need to work in the fields. They have an absolute status in the village.

But after the production responsibility system was implemented, everyone was busy with their own things, and even the village party secretary had to work in the fields. How could he be willing?

What's more, the original commune big pot meal was promoted by Tian Futang, and naturally he didn't want to see it all replaced by the production responsibility system.

So Tian Futang convened a meeting of the village committee members and asked everyone to resist the production responsibility system.

Sun Shaoan, who had long wanted to implement the production responsibility system, naturally stood up and wanted to reason with Tian Futang, but Tian Futang didn't listen at all.

Knowing that the policy above was to let everyone choose for themselves, and each production team could freely choose whether to implement the production responsibility system, Sun Shaoan immediately decided to lead a team of people to resist Tian Futang.

In this kind of thing, Sun Shaoan naturally had to call Lu Cheng.

"Lu Cheng, you've been to Yanjing City, so you must know the situation outside. Tell me, can we implement the production responsibility system now?"

"Of course we can

I know about this matter. Since the higher-ups have allowed it, it’s fine.”

“Then, why don’t you go and persuade Uncle Futang? You’re a college student, you know a lot, he should listen to you.”

“Okay, I’ll go and persuade him. Where is Uncle Futang now?”

“They’re a bunch of village committee members who are meeting at the brigade. They’ve been discussing it for most of the day, and it’s almost dark, and they still haven’t given a definite answer. "

Lu Cheng got up and followed Sun Shaoan to the brigade headquarters. The men, women, old and young of the team had already gathered outside the brigade department, waiting for Sun Shaoan.

Seeing Sun Shaoan and Lu Cheng coming, they all made way.

Lu Cheng greeted everyone and pushed the door open.

At this time, several village committee members were sitting in the brigade headquarters, including the branch secretary Tian Futang, the deputy branch secretary Jin Junshan, the second team leader Jin Junwu, and the director of the poverty management committee Sun Yuting.

Only Sun Shaoan, the team leader, was excluded.

Seeing Lu Cheng come in, several people stopped talking and asked Lu Cheng to sit down.

Tian Futang looked at Lu Cheng: "Lu Cheng, we are discussing whether to implement the production responsibility system. Why are you here too?"

"Uncle Futang, this production responsibility system was personally led by Uncle Fujun. Logically, you should support it."

"I just don't want him to make mistakes because I know he took the lead. ”

“Uncle Fu Tang, I know you are also worried about Uncle Fu Jun. But Uncle Fu Jun is now the commissioner of the administrative office of the entire Huangyuan City, responsible for the livelihood of the people of the entire Huangyuan City. The reason for withdrawing from the production responsibility system is to let us all have enough food and live a good life.

This is also the three fires of Uncle Fu Jun's new official. At the most important time, our Shuangshui Village can't drag him down. If this gets out, Uncle Fu Jun's hometown Shuangshui Village will take the lead in opposing his policies. What will the people of the entire Huangyuan City think? What will those who oppose Uncle Fu Jun think?

The more this time, we have to stand up and support Uncle Fu Jun. What's more, now a team of villagers are waiting outside, and they want to implement this production responsibility system. The leaders above also said that the production team is allowed to work alone, and the village committee shall not obstruct it.

Uncle Fu Tang, in my opinion, it is better to go with the flow and support Uncle Fu Jun. "

Tian Futang was silent. He could ignore other people's words, but he had to listen to Lu Cheng's words.

Not only because Lu Cheng was a college student, but also because Lu Cheng and Tian Fujun were very close.

At this moment, the villagers of Team 1 outside could not wait any longer and shouted in unison: "Production responsibility system! Team 1 wants to work alone!"

The people in the house could not sit still and hurried out of the house. They saw that the entire team of villagers had come and were shouting in unison to implement the production responsibility system.

Tian Futang was still hesitating at first, but now facing all the villagers of Team 1, for the sake of face and prestige, he directly opposed: "We Shuangshui Village is determined not to implement the production responsibility system!"

Sun Shaoan in the crowd shouted: "We want to work alone!"

All the villagers of Team 1 immediately shouted: "We want to work alone!"

Tian Futang was immediately angry: "Who is taking the lead? Stand up? "

Sun Shaoan poked his head out of the crowd and smiled: "Uncle Futang, you should also listen to the voice of the masses."

"Shaoan, I knew it was you who was making trouble."

"Uncle Futang, you can't stop the masses from speaking, can you? Besides, you can't sew everyone's mouths shut, can you? Even if you sewed their mouths shut, what if they farted? "

Tian Futang was immediately furious: "Shut up, everyone. "

Everyone shut up immediately, but someone farted loudly at an inappropriate time.

The crowd burst into laughter, and Tian Futang's face darkened.

Finally, Tian Futang asked someone to call Sun Yuhou to take Sun Shaoan away, and the farce ended.

The next morning, Tian Futang sent Sun Yuting to Huangyuan City to find Tian Fujun, wanting to see Tian Fujun's specific attitude.

Sun Shaoan also left early in the morning and went straight to Huangyuan City to find Tian Fujun...

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