The first customer came to the door, and Lu Cheng asked her to sit on the small stool he had prepared, and carefully observed her appearance. She was a young woman with ordinary appearance, a few freckles on her face, and two pimples. After remembering the other person's appearance in his mind, Lu Cheng certainly would not paint it as it was, but automatically turned on the beauty filter in his mind to remove the pimples and freckles, and then make the slightly round face thinner, and adjust the nose and chin slightly, so as to ensure that people can recognize the girl in front of them at first sight, and make her feel that the portrait is more beautiful than the real person. Although most of his memories were temporarily sealed, Lu Cheng had experienced countless beauties after all, and his vision, knowledge and aesthetics were top-notch. He quickly beautified the girl in front of him.

Then, Lu Cheng, who was confident, began to paint, sketching the general outline with a few strokes, and then filling in the content bit by bit.

Because Lu Cheng's physique was far superior to that of ordinary people, the control and flexibility of his wrists and fingers were extraordinary, and he had a seventh-level painting that could be called a master, so it was natural for him to draw a sketch.

The people around watched one painting after another from scratch under Lu Cheng's hands, enriched little by little, taking shape at a speed visible to the naked eye, becoming clearer and clearer, and they couldn't help but stop and watch.

More and more people gathered around, and the people inside were very quiet, without making any sound, for fear of disturbing Lu Cheng's painting.

Some people outside came to watch the excitement, and some had no idea what was going on inside. They just saw a lot of people gathered here, so they gathered around curiously and hurriedly asked the people around them what was going on here.

Normally, it takes 1 to 2 hours, or even more, to draw a relatively complete sketch.

Lu Cheng is a street performer, so it is impossible for him to draw so meticulously.

But the sketch that Lu Cheng drew in just over ten minutes has surpassed the works that professionals spent several hours to draw in terms of its level of detail.

As the painting was completed, the girl sitting on the small bench opposite hurriedly stood up to check it out. After seeing herself in the painting, the girl couldn't believe it: "Is this really me? Why do I feel much prettier than myself?"

The audience on the side also looked at the girl and then at the painting, and nodded repeatedly: "It looks like the girl in front of me, but this painting is more beautiful than the real person. The level is really high!"

"The painting is so good, I want one too!"

"I want one, I want one too."

In this era without beauty filters, the effect of Lu Cheng's paintings is particularly good.

For a while, people around took out money and wanted Lu Cheng to paint for them first.

The girl who got the painting was in a very good mood. She took out her wallet and took out five yuan and handed it to Lu Cheng: "Your painting is really great. I'll treat you to a bottle of water with these five yuan."

"No, thank you."

"Just take it. I'm very satisfied with your painting. It's much better than the photos I took. I really like it."

Seeing that Lu Cheng was determined not to take the money, and the people behind him wanted to squeeze to the front to let Lu Cheng draw, the girl turned her eyes and saw the sign on the side, and said: "Did you write these words too? I'll give you five yuan, can you help me write another line of words?"


Seeing that the other party was blocking the front and the people behind him were scrambling to move forward, Lu Cheng followed the other party's request and picked up the pen to write another line of words on the painting, "August 16, 2002, Cai Wenli", and then accepted the other party's five yuan.

The girl turned around and left with satisfaction. The people behind him squeezed to the front with their money, most of whom were young girls.

"Well, can you please line up? It's a bit chaotic. If the city management is attracted, the painting may not be completed."

Afterwards, a group of people reluctantly lined up under the command of a middle-aged uncle.

Lu Cheng took the five yuan handed over by the second customer, took a close look at the other person's appearance, perfected the face in his mind, and then lowered his head to start painting.

This time, Lu Cheng only took 13 minutes to complete a complete portrait. After seeing it, the other party was also quite satisfied and gave Lu Cheng a thumbs up.

The third customer directly handed over 8 yuan and asked Lu Cheng to help draw a cartoon head portrait.

Seeing that the colorful cartoon head portrait was also quite beautiful, many people behind him began to ask for cartoon paintings.

Compared with sketches, cartoons are rarer in this era and are more likely to attract the attention of some women and children.

For some women, it is necessary to magnify the other's advantages, and the more beautiful the better while exaggerating. For some children, they prefer a cute style, and can also add some small animals or small decorations on the side.

In fact, cartoons can be painted faster, and the reason why the price is slightly higher is just because more paint is used.

At the beginning of the morning, Lu Cheng could draw about 3 to 4 paintings in an hour. After lunch, when he started again in the afternoon, he became more and more familiar with the style and feel of street painting, and he painted faster and faster.

When he was about to close the stall, he painted six paintings in an hour.

From morning to night, excluding the rest time, Lu Cheng drew a total of 12 cartoons and 20 sketches, and the pencils and paints he brought were basically used up.

Cartoons cost 8 yuan each, sketches cost 5 yuan each, and with the one or two yuan or three or five yuan that customers insisted on tipping him, Lu Cheng's total income was actually more than 200 yuan. Even after deducting the cost of pens, ink, paper, and paint, his net income was 210 yuan.

In this era when a monthly income of 3,000 yuan is considered a high salary, a daily income of more than 200 yuan is definitely quite considerable.

Of course, this is only because Lu Cheng is in good health and has a high level of skills. If it were other painters, their hands would be exhausted from painting so many paintings a day.

So, this is also hard-earned money.

Seeing that Lu Cheng was about to close the stall, those who didn't get their turn were very dissatisfied and asked Lu Cheng if he would come tomorrow. They only dispersed when they heard that Lu Cheng would come tomorrow.

In fact, such business cannot continue forever unless Lu Cheng changes places frequently.

After all, there are only a limited number of people who love painting and are willing to pay 5 or 8 yuan to ask Lu Cheng to help them paint.

However, Lu Cheng will not do this all the time, but just regard this as a new life experience.

After closing the stall, he rode his bicycle and passed a small restaurant on the way. He ordered a big bowl of pig belly noodles. On the way back, he bought some other food. This was the end of his day.

In the next two or three days, Lu Cheng continued to work as a street performer. In just four days, he earned 1,000 yuan.

Especially since the last two days were weekends, there was a large flow of people. In addition, Lu Cheng was more prepared and painted faster, so his daily income exceeded 300 yuan.

When Monday came, it was time for the class reunion. Lu Cheng temporarily gave up his job as a street performer and rode his bicycle to attend the class reunion.

A saying circulated on the Internet in later generations: Hold a class reunion for no reason and break up a couple.

Of course, for a group of high school students who have just graduated, especially those of this era, the class reunion is still relatively simple.

As soon as Lu Cheng arrived at the agreed restaurant, he saw several classmates greeting him enthusiastically.

"Old Lu, this way."

"Old Lu, you're about to graduate, and you don't dress up. You're still dressed so casually."

Lu Cheng laughed: "Do I need to dress up? If I were really dressed too handsomely, would you still stand next to me?"

"Hey, that's right. If you put on a white shirt and a tie, you'll definitely get 100% attention."

In the same class, boys and girls are divided into groups. Lu Cheng and five or six boys are standing together and chatting. About ten meters away, there is another group of boys standing together. One of them has a rope around his neck, and a new mobile phone is hanging under the rope. He is showing off: "See? The latest Motorola V70 rotating phone, which was just released this year, can rotate 360 ​​degrees. It cost more than 7,000 yuan. If I hadn't done well in the college entrance examination, my father would not have been willing to buy it for me. "

While everyone was talking, a boy patted Lu Cheng: "Look, Lin Jingyi is here. I heard that you two were admitted to Dongda together. Are you going to make an official announcement at this class reunion?"

"What official announcement? Don't talk nonsense."

Today, Lin Jingyi simply tied a ponytail, wore a beige floral dress, carried a delicate small shoulder bag, and rode a pink bicycle.

Because the weather was still a little hot, Lin Jingyi, who came by bike, had fine beads of sweat on the tip of her nose and a faint blush on her small face full of collagen, which looked particularly eye-catching.

So much so that all the male classmates stopped talking and looked at this beautiful scenery together.

Soon, two boys whispered: "Guess who our class beauty will greet first?"

"Is there any need to guess? Of course it's our school hunk, Lao Lu."

Sure enough, Lin Jingyi's eyes swept across the roadside, and then she parked her bike in front of Lu Cheng.

He walked to Lu Cheng's bicycle and said, "Lu Cheng, you guys are here early. I'm late."

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