The students were busy, and the students were busy.

"Lu Cheng, I heard that there are civil engineering students living on our floor. What's the difference between civil engineering and architecture? Aren't they both about building houses? When I applied for my major, I didn't know anything, but I heard that the architecture department of Dongda University is very good, so I applied."

"Civil engineering and architecture seem to be not much different, but in fact, the difference is not small. The main professional courses are different. Architecture is a discipline that spans engineering technology and humanities and arts, including architecture, urban planning, landscape architecture, etc., all of which belong to the category of architecture.

Civil engineering includes the planning, design and construction management of house construction, underground construction, bridges, tunnels, roads, hydropower stations, offshore engineering, etc., such as municipal engineering, heating and cooling. Public engineering, water supply and drainage, etc., all belong to the category of civil engineering.

Simply put, our architecture is mainly about design, and it focuses more on the aesthetic appearance of the building, as well as some other corresponding requirements. As for how to construct in the future, implementing the drawings we designed is the work of civil engineering. "

After listening to Lu Cheng's explanation, Zhou Songtao nodded: "So that's the case. So, we are responsible for drawing, and civil engineering is responsible for construction."


"I feel that we are more sophisticated."

In fact, many high school graduates in this era choose their majors blindly. First, there are no knowledgeable people around to consult, and second, computers are not popular and cannot search for information. They just look at the name that looks good and feels sophisticated, and then they choose it.

As for what the selected major is to learn specifically and what the future employment prospects are, many people don't know.

Moreover, the current popular majors will not always be popular majors. Maybe they will become unpopular majors in the future. For example, some majors will change their names in the future.

A few days before school starts, it is time for students to get to know each other and get familiar with the school environment. When a group of boys get together, they often talk about girls.

They are all young men full of vigor and vitality, and they are naturally full of curiosity.

Tao Mingxuan in Lu Cheng's dormitory is the most active. He will report the news he has heard every day: "Everyone, I have heard that there are 50 people in our class, and there are only 7 girls. Even this is the highest proportion in the Department of Architecture in recent years. Moreover, the looks of these female classmates are also very ordinary.

However, I heard that there are several beauties in the civil engineering department, especially one of them named Ruan Guan, who has been named the 2002 civil engineering department flower, and may even become the school flower. There is also a girl named Zheng Wei, who is not bad, but her figure is a little worse..."

Hearing this topic, Xu Chaoqian immediately came up excitedly, and even the very honest Zhou Songtao couldn't help but put down the book in his hand.

Only Lu Cheng laughed: "Brothers, there are beautiful girls everywhere in the world, why do you need to look for them around you? There are not many of them, and the quality is not good. You should learn to open your horizons and not limit your sights to our Dongda University. Posts and Telecommunications, Pharmaceutical University, and Normal University are not far from us. Are you worried about not finding beautiful girls?"

Tao Mingxuan slapped his thigh when he heard it: "Student Lu Cheng is right, you are still experienced, worthy of being a local of Jinling. Do you think that our Dongda students will be very impressive when they go to places like Normal University and Pharmaceutical University?"

Xu Chaoqian nodded immediately: "I think so too, after all, we are all 985."

Zhou Songtao smiled honestly: "I think we should still focus on learning."

Xu Chaoqian walked over, took a look at the book in Zhou Songtao's hand, and patted his shoulder with a smile: "Old Zhou, you have been staring at the catalog for a long time, and you haven't turned the page yet?"


A burst of laughter made Zhou Songtao blush.

"If you ask me, the position of the school beauty may be controversial, but the position of the school hunk must belong to Lu Cheng."

"I agree. If you follow Lu Cheng to the cafeteria these two days, the girls will definitely turn their heads."

"That's right. Someone asked Lu Cheng for our dormitory phone number yesterday."

"Lu Cheng, with your looks and figure, you will definitely be very popular with women in the future. Don't forget your brothers when the time comes."

Just as the boys' dormitory was talking about girls, the girls' dormitory on the other side was also talking about the boys of this year.

In a girls' dormitory, Zhu Xiaobei, wearing blue sweatpants and a black T-shirt, had just returned to the dormitory with a basketball when he heard three people in the dormitory...

Classmates are discussing: "If our school also holds a school idol selection activity, Lu Cheng will definitely be ranked first. His appearance and figure are simply amazing. Ruan Guan, what do you think?"

"He is indeed very handsome."

"Isn't he much better than your Zhao Shiyong?"

"There is no comparison. I have known him since the first year of high school and we know each other..."

"Li Weijuan, Zheng Wei, I just heard you talking about Lu Cheng? Is it Lu Cheng from our architecture department?"

"Of course, what? You, a tomboy, are also interested in boys?"

"What tomboy? I am also a girl, okay? Besides, I know Lu Cheng, he is a native of Jinling."

"What? You know Lu Cheng? Tell us quickly, how did you know each other?"

Although Zheng Wei, Li Weijuan, and Ruan Guan are three girls studying civil engineering, Zhu Xiaobei is studying architecture.

Civil engineering and architecture are both engineering subjects. There are not many girls in each class. There are four people in a dormitory. Many classes cannot even get two dormitories. Naturally, girls from different majors live in the same dormitory.

A few days passed quickly, and soon it was time for all freshmen to participate in military training. Everyone changed into ill-fitting green military uniforms and green military shoes, and began to sweat in military training.

There are thousands of freshmen in each level. The small playground naturally cannot meet the military training requirements of all students. Some classes train on the playground, some in front of the canteen, some in the square in front of the library, and some on the basketball court.

Some classes with good luck were assigned to places with shade to cool off. Those with bad luck can only train under the sun.

Jinling is still hot in September. The scorching sun also makes students eager for the arrival of a heavy rain. Some students who can make a living even drew the Bagua on the ground during the break and began to pray for rain.

Unfortunately, praying for rain basically ended in failure. Only the occasional cool breeze can relieve the hot mood.

Whenever there is a break, the instructors of different classes will organize everyone to sing together.

"The 9th company opposite, 12345, we are waiting so hard. 1234567, we are waiting so anxiously. 123456789, do you have it or not?"

"You should sing when I ask you to, but you are so shy, like a girl, like a sheep..."

Whenever this happens, the students will shout out in the loudest voice, making the atmosphere quite warm.

There are many benefits of military training for college students, such as strengthening the body, cultivating self-discipline, improving teamwork ability, etc. It is also a process for students to get to know each other, and it is also a process for some students with special skills to show their talents.

In the evening, when a boy on the opposite side played the guitar and sang "You Are My Life", the instructor of Lu Cheng's class suddenly got excited: "Classmates, does our class have any talents? Come out and perform one, we can't let their class outperform us."

Before Lu Cheng spoke, Tao Mingxuan on the side spoke: "Report to the instructor, Lu Cheng in our dormitory has a unique skill, he can play the flute."

The instructor immediately came over: "Lu Cheng, come out and perform."

The civil engineering students on the opposite side also immediately started to make a noise: "Come on, come on!"

Lu Cheng spread his hands: "Instructor, I didn't bring a flute either."

Xu Chaoqian immediately stood up: "Instructor, Lu Cheng's flute is in the dormitory, I run fast, I'll go back and get it."

"Okay, I'll give you ten minutes, go and come back quickly!"

Lu Cheng did bring a flute to school, mainly for self-entertainment when he had nothing to do, and today he insisted on showing himself...

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