The old man was very happy, but he was very happy.

(Lin Banhua, thanks to the book friend for the picture)

When Lu Cheng rode his bike with Lin Jingyi through the campus, he happened to see Zhu Xiaobei who was also riding by.

Lu Cheng greeted him directly: "Xiaobei, are you going out to help your sister?"

"Yes, Lu Cheng, who is this?"

"This is my high school classmate, from the computer department of our school. Let's go out for dinner together."

"Oh, okay, you guys are busy, I'll go first."

After Zhu Xiaobei left, Lin Jingyi asked curiously: "Lu Cheng, is this your classmate? She looks like a girl with a very unique personality."

"Indeed, she is a classmate, and she likes playing basketball."

In fact, Zhu Xiaobei is not bad looking, but her short hair and glasses hide her beauty, making her look more like a tomboy.

Lin Jingyi has always had a crush on Lu Cheng. The reason why she didn't confess was that she was worried that she would not even be friends after confessing, so she has maintained the current relationship and likes to be with Lu Cheng.

They went to a newly opened hot pot restaurant outside the school. They ate hot pot and chatted. Lin Jingyi inadvertently changed the topic to Lu Cheng: "Lu Cheng, I heard that many girls have been sending you love letters recently. Are you not moved?"

Lu Cheng laughed: "Not really. I was busy with study before and didn't have the heart to do that. As for now, I haven't fully adapted to college life yet, so I'm not in a hurry."

"Oh, then... what type of girls do you like? Do you want me to help you find some?"

"There's no type. I probably like people who get along well with me."

Seeing that she didn't get anything out of her question, Lin Jingyi felt a little disappointed. She lowered her head to eat for a while and changed the topic again.

"I heard you say before that you want to take an extra course. Have you decided which course you want to take? In fact, I recommend that you take computer science. Computers are becoming more and more common now, and they are used in all walks of life. Just like your architecture department, you will also learn engineering drawing in the future. Learning some computer knowledge is still very beneficial."

"You're right, I do have this plan."

"Really? That's great. My aunt just bought me a laptop. If you need it later, I'll send it to you."

These days, mobile phones, watches, and laptops are definitely standard equipment for the second generation of rich people.

Moreover, Tao Mingxuan, who shared the same dormitory with Lu Cheng, didn't buy a laptop even though his family had a sock factory.

The most common desktop computers cost thousands of dollars, and laptops basically cost more than ten thousand.

Lin Jingyi's father is a teacher and her mother is a surgeon. In fact, they can only be regarded as a middle-class family, not a second generation of rich people. But Lin Jingyi's aunt runs a chain of supermarkets. She is a serious strong woman and a first generation of rich people.

"Okay, if I really need it later, I'll borrow it from you."

In fact, Lu Cheng has already prepared a desktop computer for himself for easy use.

Although there is an advanced future tablet computer in the cross-border backpack, it is not very convenient to take it out and use it.

With a computer, there will be many more ways to make money. At this time, the Internet has not taken off yet, and some Alibaba and Penguin are still in the starting stage. A legendary game has just been running for a year. Each one is an opportunity.

With Lu Cheng's computer skills, it is enough to get a big piece of the pie in the stage of rapid development of the Internet.

After eating hot pot, Lu Cheng took Lin Jingyi for a ride on his bike around Xuanwu Lake, and then sent her back to the girls' dormitory.

As soon as Lu Cheng returned to the dormitory, Tao Mingxuan and the other two immediately surrounded him: "Old Lu, how is it going? How is it going?"

"Did you hold hands or kiss each other? What does a girl's mouth feel like? Is it soft and fragrant?"

Lu Cheng smiled slightly: "Really want to know? I'm a little thirsty."

"I just bought a Coke and haven't opened it yet. Brother Cheng, please."

Lu Cheng took the still cold Coke and took a sip: "Ha, not bad."

"Old Lu, tell me."

Lu Cheng smiled mysteriously: "This feeling can only be understood, not expressed in words. Practice makes perfect."

"Go to hell, give me back my Coke!"


The 20-day military training ended quickly, and the opening ceremony also came to an end. The freshmen finally officially ushered in their college life.

Then, it was the "Hundred Group Recruitment Campaign" that all major schools would have. The major campus clubs set up stalls and put up signs on the playground.

What folk customs society, what military enthusiasts association, Go club, calligraphy, painting, etc.


The culinary club members set up pots and pans and started cooking. The guitar club members sat together and played their guitars.

The drama club members performed Thunderstorm: "Let the thunder from the sky strike me to death!"

Lu Cheng and his three roommates also wandered around the playground to watch the fun and chat about joining the club.

"Old Lu, from my observation, the dance club, literature club, English corner, and guitar club have the largest proportion of girls. What do you think, should we join these clubs?"

Zhou Songtao also said: "The English corner is good, you can learn foreign languages ​​well."

Xu Chaoqian laughed: "Who the hell signs up for the English corner to learn English? It's all for picking up girls. I heard that there are blond and blue-eyed foreign students in the English corner, why don't I go and find out the situation first?"

"Old Xu, what you said is wrong. Isn't the club a group of people with common interests who get together to exchange and learn? How can you only think about picking up girls?"

"Old Zhou, there are no outsiders here, don't be so hypocritical . Lu Cheng, is that right?"

Lu Cheng waved his hand: "I won't participate, I'm just out for a walk."

Tao Mingxuan nodded after hearing this: "Actually, clubs are just a waste of time. I want to interview for the student union after a while."

"That's good, I'll try it too. I heard that the university student union is a good place to train people. If you perform well, it will help you find a job in the future."

Lu Cheng laughed: "Actually, it's useless."

The university student union is actually a small society. Some student unions still have intrigues, and student union cadres will play a bit of bureaucracy, using chicken feathers as a token of authority.

As for whether it can train people, it depends on the benevolent.

Anyway, for Lu Cheng, who has lived in society, the student union is still a bit childish.

Just then, someone suddenly shouted from behind: "Lu Cheng?"

A few people looked back and saw four girls walking over hand in hand. The one who just greeted Lu Cheng was one of the girls with short hair.

"Zhu Xiaobei, are you guys here to choose a club too?"

"Yes, we're looking around, and we haven't decided whether to join a club yet. Let me introduce you, these are our roommates in the dormitory, this is Zheng Wei, this is Ruan Guan, and this is Li Weijuan."

Without waiting for Lu Cheng to introduce them, Tao Mingxuan stood up and introduced himself: "My name is Tao Mingxuan..."

While speaking, Tao Mingxuan deliberately changed the mobile phone in his left hand to his right hand, and showed the watch on his wrist.

Xu Chaoqian also briefly introduced a few words, and finally Lu Cheng patted Zhou Songtao on the shoulder: "This is the boss of our dormitory, Zhou Songtao."

In terms of age alone, the 20-year-old Zhou Songtao is indeed the boss of the 316 dormitory.

The few people chatted briefly for a few words, and then they went their separate ways.

After walking a distance, Tao Mingxuan nudged Lu Cheng with his arm: "Old Lu, do you have their dormitory phone number? I found that I am in love."

"Oh? Which one did you fall in love with?"

"Of course, the most beautiful Ruan Guan."

"Then you have no chance, she has a boyfriend."

"What's the matter? As long as you use the hoe well, there is no corner that you can't dig down."

"Hehe, this corner may be really difficult to dig."

"It's okay, if Ruan Guan doesn't work, then Zheng Wei is not bad."

"Hey, you are quick to change your feelings."

"What's the matter, haven't you heard it? As long as you change your partner quickly, there is no sadness, only love."

"You are full of rhymes, do you want to take the postgraduate entrance examination?"

Zhou Songtao on the side: "Postgraduate entrance examination? In fact, I really want to take the postgraduate entrance examination, but my family conditions may not allow it."

Xu Chaoqian: "Old Zhou, you don't seem to be on the same channel..."

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