After staying in Shuangshui Village for a few days and going to Shigejie Commune to complete the household registration transfer procedures, Lu Cheng and his family went to Shanxi Province again to visit relatives. When the father-in-law learned that Lu Cheng's family was going to settle in Yanjing and bought a house, he was also happy for them: "Our Xiulian will also be a Yanjing person in the future, and even little Luyang will be a real Yanjing person in the future."

Little Luyang climbed onto his grandfather's lap: "Grandpa, you also go to Yanjing, I will take you to eat roast duck."

"Okay, okay, when grandpa is not busy, I will go to Yanjing with you."

After that, the father-in-law looked at Xiulian again: "Xiulian, tell me the truth, after buying the house, there should not be much money left in the family, right?"

"There is still a lot, Dad, you don't have to worry about it, we have enough money in our family."

Lu Cheng also said: "Yes, Dad, Xiulian is also able to make money now."

"That's right, Dad, let me tell you, I used to..."

After chatting and laughing with the father-in-law, the father-in-law took the two to visit the current vinegar house.

After two years of development and expansion, my father-in-law's vinegar workshop has more than a dozen workers, and can produce more than ten tons of vinegar every month, which is sold throughout Shanxi Province and even other provinces.

The reputation of Heji Laochen Vinegar has also been thoroughly established.

My brother-in-law Chang Youlin and my eldest sister He Xiuying also help in the workshop.

My father-in-law is getting more and more motivated, and he is also planning to expand this vinegar workshop, move it to Liulin Town, and turn it into a vinegar factory.

Now it is not like the future, there are so many machines to assist production, and the main production work still relies on manpower.

Like some famous vinegar brands in the future, the annual output is as high as tens of thousands of tons, or even hundreds of thousands of tons.

Shanxi Province is a major vinegar-producing province, and it is also a major vinegar-consuming province, and the market is still considerable.

If my father-in-law develops like this, he will also be a farmer entrepreneur in the future.

After staying at my father-in-law's house for a few days, my father-in-law couldn't resist Xiao Luyang's request, and followed Lu Cheng's family to Yanjing.

After returning to Yanjing, with the help of his senior brother, Lu Cheng's family quickly completed the settlement procedures.

Seeing the household registration book that had been changed to Yanjing, Xiulian was very happy. She didn't care about saving money. She waved her hand and took her family to Quanjude.

The father-in-law wanted to leave money for Lu Cheng and his family this time, but Xiulian found out in time. The couple refused to take any more money from the father-in-law.

The father-in-law was also a little anxious: "Xiulian, Lu Cheng, isn't it for you that I earn money? Now your sister and your brother-in-law are with me, and I can take care of them. You are far away, and the expenses in Yanjing are high..."

Lu Cheng interrupted his father-in-law directly: "Dad, Xiulian and I can earn money now, and we own the house, and the expenses are not high. Isn't the family planning to build a vinegar factory? You should take this money back to build the factory. Don't worry, if we are really short of money, we will definitely ask you for help."

In the end, the father-in-law had to take the money back.

The father-in-law stayed in Yanjing for more than half a month before leaving, and Lu Cheng became busy again.

After his medical skills were upgraded to level four, Lu Cheng's level improved greatly, especially in conditioning men's bodies, and the effect was excellent.

Many men have some unspeakable secrets and don't want to go to big hospitals for fear of embarrassment. Instead, they will believe in some folk remedies.

Since Lu Cheng cured some male problems, his reputation has gradually spread, and more and more people come to see him.

For this kind of thing, men are still willing to spend money. As long as the effect is good enough, they are willing to spend any amount of money.

Not only that, Lu Cheng also has many tricks in regulating some gynecological problems and treating infertility.

In addition to pediatrics, acupuncture, etc., Lu Cheng's reputation is also growing. Not only does the entire Chaoyang District know about his small clinic, but even people from other districts come here to see a doctor.

Every weekend or holiday, Lu Cheng is very busy.

Even on weekdays, people take the initiative to make appointments.

While treating people, Lu Cheng has also accumulated a lot of medical experience, which is completely killing two birds with one stone.

In such a fulfilling life, 1979 passed quickly, and time came to the 1980s, and the development of the times began to accelerate.

With the rapid development of the individual economy, the state has also attached more and more importance to the management of individual industrial and commercial households, and many places have also begun to establish industrial and commercial bureaus one after another.

At the beginning of the year, the Yanjing Industry and Commerce Bureau came to us and said that we could apply for a business license.

Xiulian and Lu Cheng discussed and immediately went through the application procedures and prepared to rent a shop to open a braised meat and cold dishes shop.

In this era, there were not many shops specializing in braised meat and cold dishes on the street.

Like Juewei Duck Neck and Zhou Heiya in later generations, they had not yet appeared.

Xiulian was able to make various common snacks based on some of Lu Cheng's ideas before, and she was very talented in this aspect.

Lu Cheng naturally supported her strongly, but he didn't want Xiulian to be too busy: "Xiulian, if you want to open a shop and do business, I will definitely support you with all my strength, but you can't be too hard. After the shop is acquired, you can hire two more people to take care of it, and you only need to be responsible for the key formula. Making money is making money, but you must not be tired."

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Since the Industrial and Commercial Bureau had just been established, many policies were still unclear. It was not until December 1980 that the first individual industrial and commercial business license in China was issued.

However, the first business license did not go to Yanjing, but to a young girl in Wenzhou.

After that, Xiulian's "Heji" braised meat shop was officially opened.

On the opening day, Lu Cheng specially invited a team of gongs and drums, set off firecrackers, and held a lively opening ceremony.

Not only that, there were promotions for buying one catty of cold dishes and getting one catty free, and buying one catty of braised meat and getting half a catty free in the first three days of the opening.

There are all kinds of braised pork heads, pig ears, chicken legs, pork livers, cold dishes, etc., with a complete variety and good taste, and they soon became popular with nearby neighbors.

In order to make this braised meat shop better and better, Xiulian also spent money to find some chefs to learn from her and constantly upgrade the recipe.

In order to better adapt to the taste of Yanjing people, Xiulian also thoughtfully set up a suggestion box for everyone to give suggestions and make improvements based on some suggestions.

Not long after the opening, this small braised meat shop began to have long queues every day.

Especially many people who go to work are too lazy to cook at night after a tiring day. They just buy some braised meat or cold dishes and a few steamed buns, and that’s a meal.

Less than three months after opening, the initial investment and rent were earned back.

Xiulian immediately went to other areas for investigation, rented a second store in a suitable location, and started the branch mode.

With the second and third stores, the subsequent expansion became faster and faster.

While expanding the branches, Lu Cheng also reminded Xiulian to control the quality and ensure food safety. The source of meat and vegetables must be guaranteed to be fresh, clean and hygienic, and the working environment must be paid more attention to. Sales staff must also wear gloves and masks, and the hygiene of the store must be in place, so that others can eat comfortably and at ease.

Xiulian was also very concerned about these things, and the prices were set reasonably.

By the end of 1981, after a year of development, Heji Braised Meat Shop had opened more than a dozen branches in Yanjing.

This type of store itself occupies a small area and the investment cost is not high. Each store only needs two or three people to run it, so it can expand quickly.

In this way, Xiulian caught the express train of the times and became a well-known female boss in Yanjing City...

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