The flood season has been very severe, and the flood season has been very severe.

At the end of July, there were heavy rains in the southeast of Shaanxi Province for several consecutive days, and the water level in the Han River Basin rose sharply. Lu Cheng, who had been paying attention to the news, called Tian Fujun in advance and made some flood prevention suggestions.

Tian Fujun was in charge of work in southern Shaanxi at the time. He went to the front line in person, overcame all objections, and relocated as many people as possible, which saved a lot of losses.

At this time, Lu Cheng and his group were traveling far away in the Magic City.

After Tian Xiaoxia learned the news, she was inevitably worried about her father, but she couldn't go back because the distance was too far.

Besides, she was a girl, so it would be useless even if she went back.

But the group didn't want to continue the journey. Lu Cheng sent Xiulian, the two children and Tian Xiaoxia back to Yanjing, and then rushed to southern Shaanxi with some medical teams to rescue the people.

Natural disasters are ruthless, but people are kind. In the face of danger, there is never a lack of heroes who sacrifice their lives to save people.

All Lu Cheng can do is to use what he has learned to save as many people as possible.

After everything was settled, Tian Xiaoxia couldn't wait to return to Shaanxi Province and visit her parents.

After that, Tian Xiaoxia continued to return to Yanjing to work, which was considered to have avoided a life-and-death crisis.

After returning to Yanjing, Tian Xiaoxia's life returned to peace and became very regular.

Compared with being a reporter in the original play, running around, becoming a teacher is undoubtedly much safer.

It is worth mentioning that at this time, Tian Fujun was already the deputy secretary of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee and the secretary of the Provincial Municipal Party Committee.

At the same time, a lot of things have happened in Shuangshui Village in the past two years.

After several ups and downs, the brick kiln set up by Sun Shaoan finally got on the right track.

Sun Shaoan himself dares to think and act, and with the help of his classmates and some noble people behind him, Sun Shaoan's business has also been very successful.

Not long ago, Lu Cheng heard that Sun Shaoan was going to spend 15,000 yuan to expand the primary school in Shuangshui Village.

For so many years, Tian Futang has been opposed to the relationship between Tian Runye and Sun Shaoan. Tian Runye has been silently resisting, unwilling to contact any other men, and even rarely goes home.

In this era, a girl who is over 30 years old and still unwilling to get married will inevitably be gossiped by many people.

Tian Futang was very angry about this, but he could do nothing about it.

After seeing that Sun Shaoan's condition was getting better and better, Tian Futang's attitude towards Sun Shaoan also improved.

And Tian Futang's son Tian Runsheng, as in the original play, fell in love with the widow Hao Hongmei with a child, and fought against his father for Hao Hongmei.

With such a pair of children, Tian Futang, who always wanted to save face, was angry a lot.

But both children were so stubborn, what else could they do?

After the disaster relief, Lu Cheng went back to Shuangshui Village. Seeing that Tian Futang and Sun Shaoan were in poor health, he prescribed them a prescription for conditioning.

Tian Futang had been suffering from lung disease and asthma for many years, and he was old, so he needed to be cured slowly.

Sun Shaoan was in poor health due to long-term malnutrition and high-intensity labor.

If he could not be cured in time, he would die young.

After all, Lu Cheng had lived in Shuangshui Village for so many years and had a certain affection for the villagers here. Seeing that Tian Futang and Sun Shaoan were fighting like this, he persuaded them.

"Shaoan, are you going to drag on with Runye forever?"

"What else can I do? I want to marry Runye as soon as possible, even in my dreams. But Uncle Fu... Oh, I don't know what I should do to satisfy him."

"If you don't know, just ask. You are no longer the Sun Shaoan you used to be. Your family is doing better and you can make Runye happy. Doesn't Uncle Fu just want his daughter to be a farmer again?

You can buy a house in Yuanxi County or Huangyuan City to show your determination. You and Runye have already lived together. We are thirty years old. Look at us. Our children are already in primary school. Especially Runye, a thirty-year-old girl. How much gossip will others say behind her back?

Even if it is for your future, you should understand that you should bow your head when you should. Bowing to your father-in-law will not be a loss. "

Sun Shaoan was silent: "It's not that I don't want to bow my head, but..."

"If it doesn't work, go find Uncle Fujun and ask him to help say a few good words. You can't just keep carrying it like this. In addition, your body is also very important. Be good to yourself and pay more attention to maintenance. Don't take Runye back. You will be a widow when the time comes."

"Lu Cheng

, what you said. ”

“What’s wrong with what I said? I’m telling the truth. If you weren’t Sun Shaoan, I wouldn’t bother telling you this.”

“Yes, yes, yes, you’re right.”

“Maybe in another 20 or 30 years, you and I will be old, and like Uncle Futang and his friends, we’ll think about everything. A person’s life seems very long, but it’s actually very short. If you don’t cherish many things and miss them, you’ll never have a chance to recover them.”

“Lu Cheng, you’re different because you’ve been to college. What you said touched my heart.”

“Go away, think about how to get along well with Uncle Futang. This is what you should do most now. Also, take the medicine I prescribed for you and don’t work too hard. I’ll come back after the Chinese New Year and see you then.”

“Thank you very much.”

“What’s there to say thank you for? I’m leaving. ”

While treating Tian Futang, Lu Cheng also said a few more words: "Uncle Futang, you should be more open-minded about everything. Look at your current health. You can't get angry often. Too much anger hurts your body."

"Do you think I want to be angry? Isn't it because of those two children?"

"Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. Forget it. It's hard for me to say anything about your family affairs. Remember to take medicine on time. ”

When leaving Shuangshui Village, Lu Cheng was also a little emotional. He only came back during the holidays, and there would be fewer and fewer familiar faces in the village.

Perhaps, in a few years, a dozen years, it will be like what is described in ancient poems, children meet each other without knowing each other, and ask guests where they come from with a smile.

In 1984, Lu Cheng completed his master's degree ahead of schedule and continued to pursue a doctorate.

It was also in this year that Sun Shaoan finally got the recognition of Tian Futang and successfully married his beloved woman home.

Sun Shaoping went around and around, and still went to Daya Bay Coal Mine. After experiencing some things, he married a widow with a child.

Tian Runsheng also married Hao Hongmei, a widow with a child.

It must be said that Sun Shaoping and Tian Runsheng can get along, and their own fates do have many similarities.

In 1985, 27-year-old Tian Xiaoxia , and a classmate from the same school successfully entered the marriage hall after dating for more than a year.

Although Tian Xiaoxia's classmate was not the son of a high-ranking official, his parents were professors at the Normal University, and he was considered a scholarly family.

Of course, Tian Xiaoxia was not a vain girl, and she would not care about the family background of her partner. If she really fell in love with someone, it must be because that person resonated with her in some way.

In 1987, Lu Cheng finally graduated with a doctorate and entered the Dongzhimen Hospital affiliated to the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and became a doctor.

At this time, Lu Cheng was already 34 years old.

For a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, Lu Cheng's career has just begun, and there is still a long way to go in the future.

It was also in this year that Lu Cheng's level of traditional Chinese medicine reached level 6, which was equivalent to a well-known expert at the provincial level...

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