The old man was born in a poor family.

At the end of 1991, a big thing happened in the northern Mao Xiong's family.

Afterwards, because they were so poor that they only had weapons left, and even the soldiers' salaries could not be guaranteed, the arms business began to proliferate.

It was also during this period that Lu Cheng deliberately met some dealers who went to Yanjing and Mao Xiong's country, and learned some Russian.

In 1992, Lu Cheng took some of his own savings and put a lot of canned food in the storage space and went on a tour to Mao Xiong's country.

In the middle, he spent some more money and found some dealers with more connections to buy some guns.

In this era, guns were not completely banned. Even in China, there were many among the people.

With storage space and no need to worry about inspection, Lu Cheng brought it back smoothly.

These days, soldiers in the north are having a hard time getting enough food, and weapons are sold at bargain prices. Some even set up stalls to sell them at the entrance of the military camp. Many ordinary people in the Bear Country have weapons and equipment at home.

Lu Cheng deliberately found a few irrelevant dealers, spent some extra money, and bought eight pistols and four AK47 rifles in batches.

Bullets were also purchased in batches. Although the four AKs were second-hand, they were 90% new and good. The guns were in good condition and were equipped with some replaceable components, plus twelve empty magazines, and more than two thousand rounds of bullets.

Of the eight pistols, except for two Stechkin APS pistols, the remaining six were Makarov pistols. Fortunately, the bullets of these two pistols are universal.

Stechkin APS pistol, with a large bullet capacity, can be fired in single or continuous fire, is completely a submachine gun.

The Makarov pistol was originally issued to officers, and later it was widely used by the police, with a capacity of eight rounds.

A total of more than 1,200 rounds of pistol bullets were purchased.

Although it passed through many dealers in the middle and paid a lot of money, Lu Cheng didn't care about paying more.

These dealers only sold things to Lu Cheng, and as for how Lu Cheng transported these things to the country, it was not their concern.

After returning with these things, Lu Cheng has been storing these guns and ammunition in the storage space and has never taken them out. No one knows that he has hidden so many guns and ammunition.

Lu Cheng doesn't know whether he can take these guns and ammunition away and take them to the next world in the future.

But with these, even if he can't take them out for the time being, Lu Cheng feels a little more secure.

At this time, Lu Cheng is still a doctor with little combat power. He only took this risk and never went to the north again, and even didn't contact those dealers.

When Lu Cheng first bought the gun, he was worried that the police would come to ask questions, but many years later, nothing happened.

In 1993, Lu Cheng's family business expanded further. With Lu Cheng's support and encouragement, Xiu Lian further expanded the business and opened some restaurants and a restaurant.

Xiu Lian didn't understand high-end business, so she focused on catering and food.

After so many years of business, Xiu Lian grew up quickly and exercised her management ability.

In addition, she hired some professional talents to manage the business. Although the business was not very popular, it was also quite standard, bringing a lot of income to Lu Cheng's family every year.

In 1994, another major event happened in Lu Cheng's family. Lu Cheng's eldest son Lu Yang was successfully admitted to Yan University, and he studied business management.

After his son finished his four-year undergraduate and postgraduate studies, the millennium had arrived.

Later, Lu Cheng's daughter Lu Wenjun successfully inherited her father Lu Cheng's career, was admitted to the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and became an alumnus of her father.

Moreover, Lu Wenjun's talent in medicine is not low, and she majored in traditional Chinese medicine gynecology and achieved excellent results.

It is worth mentioning that Lu Cheng also went to Hangzhou in 1999, negotiated an investment, and obtained an original stock.

At the turn of the millennium, a company called Baidu appeared in Zhongguancun.

Lu Cheng also talked to the boss through his son as a junior student of Yan University and also invested a batch of funds.

Lu Cheng's two children still don't know how much wealth their father left for them.

In 2003, Lu Cheng, who was already fifty years old, took Xiu Lian back to Shaanxi Province, found Tian Fujun, and made some investments in his hometown, which was also a contribution to his hometown.

In the following years, Lu Cheng

With investment dividends, assets increased rapidly.

However, after making money, Lu Cheng did not enjoy a luxurious life. Instead, he began to donate money to build Hope Primary Schools in poor mountainous areas and set up scholarships in some universities.

Among these donations, the largest investment was to major military academies.

With foresight, many companies invested by Lu Cheng have shown leapfrog development, and the returns obtained are naturally blowout growth.

Most of these incomes were donated by Lu Cheng.

Money, after a certain amount, loses its meaning. It is better to use it to do something meaningful.

In addition to donations, Lu Cheng also vigorously promoted the development of traditional Chinese medicine, collected traditional Chinese medicine classics and secret recipes from all over the country, promoted the establishment of traditional Chinese medicine cultivation bases in various places, and cultivated traditional Chinese medicine talents.

Moreover, Lu Cheng himself has always been very low-key. On the surface, he still maintains the identity of an old Chinese medicine practitioner and never participates in the management of his family's enterprises and property in public.

After Lu Yang graduated, Xiu Lian gradually handed over everything at home to her son and stopped managing things.

In 2015, the 90-year-old father-in-law He Yaozong passed away. At the request of the old man, the family sent him back to his hometown in Shanxi Province for burial.

When the father-in-law passed away, the whole family was very sad.

Fortunately, Lu Yang, Lu Wenjun, and the two children of the eldest sister He Xiuying had already married and had children. Before the father-in-law passed away, four generations lived together, and his children and grandchildren were happy around him. He had no regrets in his life and passed away peacefully.

Since the father-in-law left, Lu Cheng no longer made any investments. In addition to seeing patients in the hospital, he often took Xiulian to travel around and enjoy life.

In 2023, a group of children clamored to celebrate the 70th birthday of Lu Cheng and Xiulian, and many of Lu Cheng's colleagues also rushed over.

Lu Cheng's master, Professor Yan, who is already 103 years old, also came to congratulate his favorite little disciple.

At this time, Lu Cheng's medical skills have reached level eight, which is equivalent to the level of his master, Professor Yan, and he can be called a national treasure-level master of traditional Chinese medicine.

It is worth mentioning that Professor Yan, 103 years old, is still not deaf and blind, and he still goes to see patients twice a week.

After celebrating Lu Cheng's birthday, Professor Yan also taught Lu Cheng all his unique health-preserving methods, including traditional Chinese medicine's health-preserving qigong.

Of course, this qigong is not the kind of martial arts in martial arts novels that can cultivate true qi and hurt people from a distance, but just a way of health preservation.

Qigong cannot make people strong, but it can regulate their own qi and keep their bodies healthy to achieve the purpose of longevity.

Although Lu Cheng is already seventy years old, his physical condition is like that of an ordinary old man in his fifties.

In 2024, Sun Shaoan from Shuangshui Village died of illness at the age of seventy-two. With Sun Shaoan's physical condition, it is not easy to live to this age. This is also thanks to Runye bringing him to Yanjing and letting Lu Cheng help regulate him.

In 2028, Tian Runye also passed away at the age of 75.

People of the same generation in the hometown passed away one after another, and there were not many people in Shuangshui Village who knew Lu Cheng and Xiu Lian. Although Lu Cheng's name was still circulating in the village, Lu Cheng rarely returned to his hometown.

When she was 80 years old, Xiu Lian was also old. Although her eyebrows still retained the charm of the past, her hair was all white.

Fortunately, she was well taken care of and her body was still healthy.

Lu Cheng simply took Xiu Lian on another world tour and saw all the scenery that he had never been to or seen before.

When Lu Cheng and Xiu Lian were 90 years old, the familiar people around them had left one after another.

Eldest sister He Xiuying, brother-in-law Chang Youlin, master, senior brother, Tian Xiaoxia and his wife, etc.

Not only did the familiar faces leave the world one by one, but even the world became a little strange. The highly developed technology and powerful artificial intelligence were beyond imagination.

After she turned ninety-five, although Lu Cheng had been trying his best to take care of herself, Xiulian's body was still aging rapidly.

After finally reaching the age of ninety-nine, Xiulian's body finally couldn't hold on any longer.

On the night before New Year's Eve in 2053, in a villa outside Yanjing City.

The Lu family members who had eaten the New Year's Eve dinner were gathering together. Lu Wenjun, who was already seventy-one years old, led the whole family to wish their parents a happy new year through holographic projection.

Lu Yang, seventy-seven years old, and his wife were watching TV. Lu Yang's son and grandson also gathered together to chat and play cards.

Several three- and four-year-old children were playing and fighting in the spacious living room. They were the grandchildren of Lu Cheng's grandchildren.

Lu Cheng and Xiulian were leaning on the sofa in front of the second-floor window

, watching the fireworks in the distance outside the window and chatting.

"Old man, when spring comes, let's go out for a walk, okay?"

"Of course, we'll go wherever you say."

"Old man, do you still remember the three cave dwellings in Shuangshui Village? I wonder if the jujube tree in the yard is still there."

"We'll go back after the New Year."

"Old man, do you remember the first time you went to my house?"

"Of course I remember, how could I forget? You were like the rhododendrons on the Loess Plateau, beautiful to my heart..."

"You're a hundred years old, and you're still talking about this. Aren't you afraid that your children and grandchildren will laugh at you?"

As the New Year's bell rang, Lu Cheng suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. He turned to look at Xiulian, but found that Xiulian smiled with difficulty at this moment: "Old man, I may not be able to wait until spring comes. After I leave, take me home to see, okay?"


Lu Cheng trembled and stretched out his hands, holding Xiulian's face, and kissed her wrinkled forehead.

"Brother Cheng, I can't bear to leave you..."

"I can't bear to leave you either..."

Just after New Year's Eve in 2053, Xiulian leaned on Lu Cheng and passed away peacefully at the age of 100...

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