The new recruits in the same class saw that Lu Cheng, a college student, was not arrogant and could get along with anyone, so they were willing to gather around him. Sometimes, they would pester him to tell them a few stories.

The training of the recruit company was just that, and after the initial excitement, everyone would inevitably feel a little boring, and naturally they would want to have some fun, get together to smoke, play cards, and chat.

Seeing that Lu Cheng was so easy to talk to, even the most dull Xu Sanduo wanted to get close to Lu Cheng, but he was embarrassed.

Whenever Lu Cheng told stories to his comrades, Xu Sanduo would move a small stool and sit a little further away, pretending to write something, but actually listening to the story.

After entering the military camp, Lu Cheng told the new soldiers the most about war stories and combat heroes.

One day, after Lu Cheng told everyone the story of the King of Snipers and asked everyone to leave, he was about to write something when he saw Xu Sanduo come over with courage.

After arriving in front of Lu Cheng, Xu Sanduo gave a flattering smile before he spoke, showing his big white teeth.

"Xu Sanduo, what do you want to ask me?"

"Nothing, I just want to see if you are knowledgeable and ask you a question."

"Go ahead."

"When we first came, the company commander said it was a mule or a horse. I looked it up in the dictionary. Mules are domestic animals, born from the mating of horses and donkeys. They are infertile and can carry goods and pull carts..."

"Since you have already looked it up in the dictionary, what else do you have?"

"I just want to ask, what is the difference between a mule and a horse?"

"Mule is a domestic animal. It can help with farm work at home and endure hardships. But it can't go to the battlefield. Because mules are very slow and timid. Horses can go to the battlefield and fight with Following the master to charge into battle. We are in a military camp, so of course we need horses. Three months of recruit training is to see who is a mule and who is a horse? Xu Sanduo, do you think you are a mule or a horse? "

"I... should be a mule."

Lu Cheng patted the other's shoulder: "If you really think of yourself as a mule, you can only be a mule. But if you want to be a horse, you have to learn to become stronger."

"I don't quite understand this, can a mule also become a horse?"

"A mule cannot become a horse, but you are a person, you have the right to choose to be a mule or a horse. Xu Sanduo, what do you want to be? If you want to be a mule, You will not be able to adapt to the operating environment here, and you may be sent back to your hometown in the future. "

Xu Sanduo was stunned when he heard this. When he thought about returning to his hometown, being chased around the village by his father and being called a turtle son by his father, Xu Sanduo immediately said: "I want to be a horse."

But as soon as he said this, Xu Sanduo was a little confused: "But, how can I be a horse?"

"It's very simple, the trick is only four words: practice more if you are not good at it."

"What do you mean? Can you explain it more clearly? I am a stupid person."

"Aren't you good at marching in a queue? Then practice more, and practice when others are resting. When others are relaxing Go practice. Since you learn slowly, practice more. No matter how dumb you are, as long as you practice more, you will learn it one day.

Have you heard of the early bird catches the worm? Have you heard of the tortoise and the hare race? Being a little dumber or slower is not a big deal. As long as you are willing to work hard and fight hard, you will catch up with others or even surpass them one day.

Do you want to be recognized by others? Do you want to stay in the military camp? If you don't want to be sent back home, practice hard. "

"I understand what you said. Thank you, Lu Cheng, you are a good person."

Lu Cheng was speechless for a while. He didn't expect that he would be given a good person card by someone, and it was Xu Sanduo.

In fact, Lu Cheng has thought a lot in the past two days. If he wants to complete the task, there are only two ways to deal with Xu Sanduo, the inevitable obstacle.

Either, find a way to keep Xu Sanduo away from the Seventh Steel Company and Shi Jin.

Or, let Xu Sanduo wake up in advance, mature as soon as possible, and don't drag Shi Jin down all the time.

As for the former, Lu Cheng is a lowly person, and Shi Jin has a sense of responsibility and mission towards Xu Sanduo, so it is difficult to break the relationship between the two.

As for the latter, as a doctor with rich experience, Lu Cheng also knows some hypnosis and psychotherapy.

All the problems and shortcomings of Xu Sanduo are caused by his original family. Born in poverty, he is the youngest child in the family, and is often bullied by the children in the village.

Even his father called him a bastard every day, which made Xu Sanduo develop a timid, cowardly, and rebellious character since childhood.

But Xu Sanduo has always been eager to get the recognition of people around him.

Moreover, if you want to stimulate Xu Sanduo's inner resistance, you only need to find the right password, and there is a way.

As for this password, such as being sent back to his hometown, such as the word "bastard".

Therefore, Lu Cheng thought again and again and prepared to take a two-pronged approach, first trying to change Xu Sanduo and even affect his fate.

If it is really unavoidable in the end, Xu Sanduo is still assigned to the 7th Steel Company, and he can only awaken him in advance.

In any case, Xu Sanduo still has great potential to be tapped.

Thinking of this, Lu Cheng was also a little helpless.

Suddenly thinking of something, Lu Cheng called out: "Xu Sanduo."

"I'm here. Lu Cheng, what else?"

"Do you know the confidentiality regulations of our army?"

"Confidentiality regulations?"

"Nothing in the army can be told to outsiders, not even your father or your brother. For example, what we usually train, what equipment, guns, tanks, etc. we will use for training in the future. These are all secrets. We remember them in our minds and never tell outsiders. Do you understand?"

"I understand. Then if I write a letter to my father."

"Don't mention it at all. You are doing well in the army, training hard, and making rapid progress. Don't tell others what you learned in the army, or you will go to jail."

"Oh, I understand. Thank you, Lu Cheng."

"Okay, go play."

After seeing Xu Sanduo off, Lu Cheng began to write and draw in a notebook, recording the things and medicinal materials he needed, and then buy them when he could go out, or talk to his leader.

After the training that day, the company commander Gao Cheng held a mobilization meeting to boost morale and mobilize emotions.

"Are you tired of having to train in formation every day these days?"


"I'm tired of it. But I tell you, if you can't even march in formation, no one will recognize you as a qualified soldier even if you serve as a soldier for life.

But there is one thing you must remember. When you write to your family, don't tell them that the training for new recruits is just marching in formation. When you are assigned to various companies, you will be dazzled by all kinds of advanced equipment. For example, my company has 9 vehicles and 3 sniper groups. They are all the top soldiers in the company!"

As he spoke, the company commander Gao Cheng became excited and took off his hat and put it on the At the same time, he pointed at Shi Jin next to him and said, "Shi Jin, come here, tell us how many tanks your class destroyed during the exercise last year?"

"Report to the company commander, five."

"Five, did you hear that? Do you know what this means? You may not understand it now. One day, you will understand the meaning of it. Take my Steel Company No. 7 for example. The training subjects include shooting with various types of firearms and shooting in various combat environments. And the maintenance and repair of firearms. Chariot driving, the use of vehicle-mounted weapons, individual anti-tank missiles..."

While the company commander was talking about this, Xu Sanduo, who was sitting in the team, kept moving his mouth, as if he was saying something.

Seeing this, Gao Cheng pointed directly at Xu Sanduo: "That soldier, that soldier, what are you talking about? Stand up."

"Report to the company commander, I didn't say anything."

"Then why are you moving your mouth all the time?"

"Report to the company commander, I'm reciting what you just said."

"Oh? You can still recite? Recite one for me."

Xu Sanduo was indeed very clear, he opened his mouth and started to recite, and he actually recited all the training subjects that Company Commander Gao just said, with almost no mistakes.

Shi Jin, who was sitting in front, smiled, obviously very satisfied with Xu Sanduo's performance.

Gao Cheng was also a little surprised: "This kid has a good memory. Then tell me. Do you understand these?"

"Report to the company commander, I don't understand."

"Why are you reciting these if you don't understand?"

"I... I don't know, I just want to memorize it first."

Xu Sanduo hesitated for a while, after all, he still remembered what Lu Cheng said, and didn't say that he would write these in the letter to his father.

"Okay, okay, sit down."

Lu Cheng, who was sitting next to him, nodded secretly. This Xu Sanduo was not hopeless.

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