The soldiers were selected by the entire T Division and were gathered together and sent to a temporary camp in the wild.

Everyone changed into camouflage uniforms and camouflage helmets and lined up in five neat rows, a total of 65 people.

Wang Qingrui, the head of the 702nd Regiment, and Gao Cheng, the deputy battalion commander of the division's reconnaissance battalion, were responsible for assisting Lao A in completing this assessment.

Yuan Lang walked in front of everyone, smiling, and spoke loudly: "Don't be nervous, relax. Since you are here, you are all my guests. As guests, I must treat you well. Next, the main course I prepare for you is a two-day trip within a diameter of 100 kilometers.

You are all selected from various companies. I believe that this difficulty is a piece of cake for you. Moreover, we have also prepared weapons and equipment and rations for you. You can choose any weapons and equipment, and you can choose any rations. Of course, there is only one ration for a single soldier, which is enough for you to eat. To put it bluntly, this is a two-day field survival training.

Your mission objectives The goal is to go deep into the enemy's main position and complete the map work. This is what you must give me after you reach the end. I suggest that you act in a group. Because next, there will be a reinforced battalion of troops to chase and intercept you.

As for the mission target, there is a small hill in the southeast direction, and there is a water bubble under the hill. When you get there, you can find the enemy's main position. It is 6 o'clock in the morning. I will wait for you at the end in 48 hours. I drive a car with only 3 seats. I will take the first 3 people who arrive. As for the others, go home. "

Afterwards, another soldier carried a box and issued a signal device and a single soldier ration to each trainee. In the assessment, as long as the signal device is sounded, someone will immediately go to rescue, which means giving up.

After listening to the rules announced by Yuan Lang, the regiment commander Wang Qingrui felt sorry for his soldiers and couldn't help but say, "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, I have a suggestion for you. Why don't you just tie up these soldiers of mine, shoot them with machine guns, and take the remaining three away? Wouldn't it be easier?"

There were more than 60 students taking the test, each with only one ration, and they had to face the pursuit and interception of a reinforced battalion. Wang Qingrui was naturally unhappy.

Yuan Lang smiled lightly: "Captain Wang, are you underestimating your soldiers?"

The regiment commander stopped talking and turned to walk towards the car beside him.

After receiving the equipment, everyone boarded three trucks and was transported to the designated location.

Lu Cheng still chose the Type 81 rifle that he was most comfortable with, plus a dagger and enough magazines.

Although it was said that the weapons and equipment were randomly selected, in fact, there were only Type 81 rifles and Type 85 sniper rifles, as well as squad machine guns.

After getting on the bus, Wu Liuyi, Gan Xiaoning, Lu Cheng, Chengcai, Xu Sanduo were in one car, and there were three veterans from the 7th Steel Company.

In the other two cars, there were also some veterans from the 7th Steel Company.

It is worth mentioning that Chengcai, like in the original drama, was assigned to the Grassland 5th Squadron as the squad leader. Before he came to participate in the selection this time, he ran to find Xu Sanduo and persuaded Xu Sanduo to participate with him.

Xu Sanduo's current performance in various aspects is also very good, and naturally meets the selection criteria.

After getting on the bus, Xu Sanduo showed his signature smile and greeted everyone: "Lu Cheng, Squad Leader Wu."

On the contrary, Chengcai had nothing to say to the people from the 7th Steel Company.

Gan Xiaoning opened his combat rations as soon as he got on the bus, ready to fill his stomach first.

Lu Cheng reached out and patted him: "Lao Gan, there are still two days left. If you eat the rations now, what will you do with the rest of the time?"

"I don't care. I'm hungry now. Filling my stomach is the most important thing. As for the rest, we'll talk about it later."

Lu Cheng stopped persuading him. Although Gan Xiaoning has good military qualities, he can't endure hardships and is not suitable for Lao A. In the original play, he also gave up voluntarily and went to the car to eat bread.

In fact, there are a lot of food in Lu Cheng's storage space, including beer, drinks, mineral water, peanuts, melon seeds, eight-treasure porridge, buns, steamed buns, braised chicken legs, milk, bread, and chocolate.

These are all Lu Cheng's usual savings. If he takes them all out, it will be enough for all the assessors to eat for two days.

Of course, Lu Cheng is not going to take out these foods, and he himself is not even going to eat them. Now there is only

It's an entrance test. If you have to cheat even for this, then why go to Lao A and become a special forces soldier?

The atmosphere in the car was a bit dull, and Xu Sanduo came up: "Lu Cheng, Chengcai and I will go with you."

Gan Xiaoning glanced at Chengcai: "We don't want traitors in the Seventh Steel Company."

Xu Sanduo suddenly felt a little embarrassed. An old soldier from the Third Red Company said: "Xu Sanduo, Chengcai, let's go with a few of us from the Third Red Company."

Chengcai nodded: "I agree. Sandai, you go with us."

Xu Sanduo looked at Lu Cheng and Wu Liuyi again, but Lu Cheng smiled: "It's okay, you go with one group. There are too many people and the target is too big."

Xu Sanduo had no choice but to go with Chengcai and the others. In fact, Xu Sanduo originally came to participate in this selection just to be with Chengcai. He didn't know that Lu Cheng and Wu Liuyi were coming too.

At this moment, Lu Cheng suddenly felt that the car was slowing down, and hurriedly warned: "Be careful, you may have to get off. I suspect they will ambush us in front."

Wu Liuyi immediately prepared to get off: "Get off in advance?"

"Yes, prepare to jump out of the car."

Gan Xiaoning and the other two veterans of the 7th Steel Company also stood up immediately, ready to join Lu Cheng.

Chengcai and Xu Sanduo and others looked at each other: "Let's jump out of the car too."

Chengcai sat at the back and jumped out with a gun in his arms at the first time, followed by Xu Sanduo, Lu Cheng and Wu Liuyi.

As soon as everyone jumped out of the car, they saw the car stopped a few dozen meters ahead. Others got off the car one after another, but they were ambushed at the first time, and gunshots rang out.

Some unlucky people were hit as soon as they got off the car and were eliminated immediately.

Lu Cheng didn't care too much, pulled Wu Liuyi, and ran directly into the jungle on the side.

Some people wanted to lie down and fight back, but gunshots were heard from several directions, and they could not organize an effective resistance.

Wu Liuyi and Gan Xiaoning knew how strong Lu Cheng was, so they naturally followed Lu Cheng closely. Some veterans of the other 7th Steel Company caught up, and some who were slow to react had fallen behind.

Lu Cheng observed the situation and took the lead to run forward based on his intuition. Not far behind him were the pursuers of the division reconnaissance battalion, so Lu Cheng and others could only run at full speed.

After running for several hundred meters and crossing a small hill, everyone found a bunker to hide. Lu Cheng looked back to check the number of people. There were only six people left behind him, including Wu Liuyi and Gan Xiaoning.

Gan Xiaoning slapped his thigh: "Oh no, Ma Xiaoshuai didn't catch up."

An old soldier recalled: "I think I saw Ma Xiaoshuai running to the northeast."

"What should we do? Should we go and look for him?"

Wu Liuyi immediately said: "No, there are pursuers everywhere now, and we can't turn back at all. I can't care about anything else, everyone should keep up."

Lu Cheng lay on the hillside, looked back, and then stood up immediately: "He's catching up, let's keep running."

Everyone took a breath and continued to run forward.

At the same time, Ma Xiaoshuai, who had lost his way, found a place to hide, but was discovered by Gao Cheng who happened to pass by.

Gao Cheng pulled Ma Xiaoshuai out of a pile of dry grass, only to find that this was his soldier: "You are Ma Xiaoshuai, right? The 5,000th soldier of the 7th Steel Company, and also the last soldier."

"It's me, Captain. After you organized the company induction ceremony for me, the company was disbanded."

Hearing this, Gao Cheng felt a pang in his heart: "Ma Xiaoshuai, listen to my orders now, lie down, and continue to hide."

Ma Xiaoshuai lay down as ordered, but then stood up again: "Captain, why don't you take me away? You have already discovered me."

Gao Cheng got on the jeep, bang He closed the car door with a sound: "I just happened to be lucky. You continue to hide."

"Captain, this is against the rules."

"What is against the rules? The entire armored reconnaissance battalion plus a group of dead old A are chasing a small group of your defeated soldiers. What rules are needed?"

"But I am here, so I have to abide by the rules."

"Ma Xiaoshuai, why are you so stubborn? The soldiers of our old Seventh Company have a hard life. Stay well."

As he said, Gao Cheng stepped on the accelerator and drove away.

But Ma Xiaoshuai's voice came from behind: "Captain, don't think that I can't grow the bones of the Seventh Company just because I have been here for a few days!"

After that, Ma Xiaoshuai took out the signal device on his body without hesitation. The signal device emitted yellow smoke, and a white smoke rose from Ma Xiaoshuai at the same time.

Gao Cheng, who had already driven the car out, stopped, reversed the car, and came to Ma Xiaoshuai: "Get in the car!"

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