The old man was running away.

Lu Cheng and Wu Liuyi ran for several miles with two veterans. They finally got rid of the pursuers, but one of the veterans fell down: "Lu Cheng... Squad Leader Wu... I... I can't run anymore... You can leave me behind..."

After saying that, the veteran fainted. Lu Cheng hurried over to check and found that the man's physical strength had reached the limit. He had been holding on with one breath before, but now he lost his breath and fainted completely.

Wu Liuyi also squatted down and checked: "Lu Cheng, how is it? Can he still hold on?"

Lu Cheng shook his head: "He has tried his best. His physical strength has reached the limit. Grassroots and rat meat cannot solve it. We must give him nutrient solution as soon as possible."

Although grassroots and rats can replenish some energy, they are also very limited. Two days and one night of rapid march, facing various enemy pursuits and interceptions in the middle, the double fatigue of spirit and body, not everyone's physical strength can hold on.

Wu Liuyi and another veteran fell silent after hearing this.

At this moment, there are still more than ten hours before the end of the exercise. The enemy position has not been found yet, and there is still a long way to go.

Even if everyone can carry the fainted veteran, he can't hold on. That's not carrying him, but killing him.

After all, this is just an assessment exercise. You can fight hard, but you can't really lose your life.

After a moment of silence, one of the remaining veterans spoke first: "Lu Cheng, Squad Leader Wu, I can't hold on any longer. I can't go with you on the next road, so let me stay with him."

"You!" Wu Liuyi felt a little regretful and helpless.

"Squad Leader Wu, Lu Cheng, I know my ability and my limit. Instead of continuing to drag you down, it's better to quit as soon as possible."

As he said this, the veteran had already pulled out the smoke signal on his body and was ready to pull it away.

Lu Cheng patted the other's shoulder: "You are great, at least you have tried your best."

The veteran grinned: "Lu Cheng, you two must pass, and you must prove to those dead old A that we are the backbone of the Steel 7th Company."

Wu Liuyi nodded heavily and patted the other's shoulder: "Take care of him and yourself."

Lu Cheng was about to get up, but he bent down and picked up the 85 sniper rifle of the fainted veteran and put it on his back.

When Lu Cheng and Wu Liuyi disappeared in the woods in the distance, the old soldier who was still conscious sounded the smoke signal.

Soon, an ambulance drove over and carried the two people into the car.

Lu Cheng and Wu Liuyi saw this scene in the woods in the distance and breathed a sigh of relief.

After only two people were left, Lu Cheng and Wu Liuyi's speed was much faster.

The physical fitness of the two was much better than that of others. At this moment, they could still maintain a certain speed and move forward steadily.

When the sun set, the sky gradually darkened and the temperature began to drop.

It was already August and September, and the temperature difference between day and night was getting bigger and bigger, especially in this wilderness, it was even cooler at night.

At about eight or nine o'clock in the evening, Lu Cheng and Wu Liuyi stopped and found a sheltered place to rest for a while.

Lu Cheng took out some grass roots and handed them to Wu Liuyi: "Eat some, replenish some water and energy, you rest for half an hour first, and then we will continue on our way."

"You should rest first, and we will take turns."

"It's okay, I still have enough energy."

"What the hell is enough? You have been eating grass roots since yesterday morning. Do you think you are a workhorse? I couldn't help but eat half a portion of rations, and you didn't eat a single bite."

"Okay, eat all of these first, and then take turns to rest for half an hour."

The two stopped arguing and ate all the grass roots and other things that Lu Cheng had stored. After resting for a while, it was more than ten o'clock in the evening.

At this time, there were less than eight hours left before the end, and there was not much time to rest.

"Lu Cheng, can you judge the approximate direction?"

"No problem."

After two days of observation, Lu Cheng found that the old-fashioned compasses distributed to them were not accurate enough, and everyone's compasses were more or less biased.

Therefore, Lu Cheng also relied on the Big Dipper in the sky and the growth of grass and trees on the ground to determine the direction.

This walk lasted for several hours, until around 2 a.m., when Lu Cheng and Wu Liuyi finally found the target of this mission, the enemy position.

Looking at the camp with lights on the hillside in the distance and the pond under the hillside, Lu Cheng

Both Lu Cheng and Wu Liuyi were a little excited: "Finally we found the place."

Wu Liuyi observed the situation, frowned and said: "It's late at night now, it's too dark, and we can't see the situation of the enemy's position at all."

Lu Cheng smiled slightly and took off the 85 sniper from his back: "Don't forget this."

Wu Liuyi patted his forehead: "Lu Cheng, you are so foresighted."

With the help of the sniper scope and some lights from the enemy's position, the two finally saw the general outline of the enemy's position.

Lu Cheng took out a pen and paper and drew a sketch first. Then the two took turns to observe, but found that they could not see all the situations of the enemy's position.

"There are sentries on three sides of the enemy's position. Only the pond can be passed. It seems that we must have an armed swim."

"I'll go, you stay here with a sniper rifle for cover."

Lu Cheng immediately grabbed Wu Liuyi: "I'd better go. Now it's the last moment. We must conserve our strength. We also need to take out our rations to eat."

Lu Cheng took out his full rations and wanted to share some with Wu Liuyi. Wu Liuyi quickly refused and took out a small half of his remaining rations: "I still have some."

"Okay, your rations are relatively small now. It's not enough to replenish your strength. So, you stay and I'll go. Don't argue with me, listen to me, my physical fitness is better than yours."


After eating most of his rations, Lu Cheng handed them to Wu Liuyi and turned around and rushed away.

Wu Liuyi wanted to get up and chase him, but Lu Cheng was too fast and he couldn't catch up.

Wu Liuyi also knew that this was not the time to waste time, so he could only eat the little rations left by Lu Cheng and replenish his energy as much as possible.

It was two or three in the morning, the temperature dropped, and the water in the pond was quite cold.

Lu Cheng came to the water's edge, moved his body briefly, then stepped into the water and swam to the opposite side.

Wu Liuyi, who was far away, carefully observed the situation with the help of the sniper scope of the 85 sniper, ready to support Lu Cheng at any time.

Fortunately, Lu Cheng swam to the opposite side without any danger, took the time to move his body, and then quietly sneaked into the enemy's position.

This position was on the hillside, and many trenches and bunkers were dug, as well as a semi-buried command post.

Lu Cheng was already 12 points alert at this moment, and tried his best to use his "sixth sense" talent to sense possible crises.

However, this sixth sense is not a radar. If the enemy is resting or in a relaxed state, and does not pose enough threat to Lu Cheng, it is difficult for Lu Cheng to find the enemy.

For those sentinels who are always on guard and may pose a threat to Lu Cheng in the next second, Lu Cheng can intuitively find their approximate position, and then judge their specific position by observation.

With this almost cheating ability, coupled with Lu Cheng's excellent military skills as a scout, Lu Cheng actually found out the situation of the entire enemy position without any danger, and completed a sufficiently detailed map operation.

Such map operations should include the number of enemy troops, troop deployment, weapons equipment, commanding officers, etc. With this information, it is enough to infer more useful information.

After completing it, Lu Cheng carefully returned along the original route.

In the original play, Chengcai was a sniper in the distance, Wu Liuyi and Xu Sanduo sneaked into the enemy's position to observe the situation, but were accidentally discovered by the enemy. In a panic, Wu Liuyi broke his leg. In the end, when approaching the end, Wu Liuyi did not want to drag Xu Sanduo down, so he gave up voluntarily.

For a person like Wu Liuyi who would rather break than bend, it is conceivable what kind of torture it is to let him shout that sentence of giving up voluntarily.

Of course, Wu Liuyi in the original drama also had many hidden injuries in his body, and whether he could continue in Old A in the end was also a question.

But now Wu Liuyi has no hidden injuries in his body and is in his peak state. He is only 24 years old this year.

Seeing Lu Cheng finally return safely, Wu Liuyi also breathed a sigh of relief, and then became excited: "Lu Cheng, we have completed the main task, we just need to rush to the finish line, and we will win."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

"Let's go!"

The two launched the final attack towards the finish line.

On the other side, Chengcai, Xu Sanduo and others ran to the grassland class 5 to rest for a while before continuing to look for the enemy position...

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