The first time, the second time, the second time.

In this assessment and selection competition, only three people were selected from the entire T Division, two of whom were from the 702nd Regiment, and both were from the 7th Steel Company, which also shows the strength of the 7th Steel Company.

The next morning, when Lu Cheng and Wu Liuyi put their bags on Yuan Lang's car and prepared to leave, they decided to take a last look at the dormitory building of the 7th Steel Company.

As soon as the two arrived at the dormitory building of the 7th Steel Company, they saw a lieutenant officer with a group of cadets preparing to move into the dormitory of the 7th Steel Company.

The lieutenant saluted when he saw Lu Cheng, and then asked: "Sir, are you from the original 7th Steel Company?"

Lu Cheng saluted in return: "We are both soldiers from the original 7th Steel Company."

"Sir, we are about to take over the barracks of the original 7th Steel Company. Can you please say a few words to everyone?"

Lu Cheng turned his head to look at the four rows of cadets in front of him, and saluted them.

The cadets with red shoulder straps also saluted immediately: "Hello, Sir."

Those who can wear the cadet epaulettes will be at least second lieutenants when they take off the shoulder straps.

This means that the group in front of us are all college students or undergraduates. As for whether there are graduate students among them, it is unknown.

Lu Cheng thought for a while before speaking: "Before you came here, you may have heard of the name of the 7th Steel Company. This is a company with a glorious history of 57 years. This is a heroic company that has participated in countless wars and sacrificed 1,104 martyrs!

We once shouted the slogan of not abandoning and not giving up here, inherited the spirit of our predecessors and martyrs, and determined to repay the motherland with our passion. Now, although the 7th Steel Company has disbanded, the soul and spirit of the 7th Steel Company are still there!

I hope you can cherish this barracks, learn the spirit of the 7th Steel Company, and strive to become a qualified soldier and an excellent soldier! Goodbye!"

After Lu Cheng finished speaking, everyone applauded, then saluted Lu Cheng, and watched Lu Cheng and Wu Liuyi get on the jeep and go away.

In the car, Wu Liuyi also had some emotion: "Two years ago, every cadet soldier was the focus of training in each company and was treated as a treasure. Now, this time, fifty or sixty cadet soldiers came, directly forming most of the company. I also hope that they can remember our Steel Seventh Company."

"Don't worry, the spirit of the Steel Seventh Company will never be broken."

After taking a jeep all the way to the division headquarters, Yuan Lang took the two people on a helicopter and headed towards the station of the A Battalion.

"Is the helicopter flying steadily? Are you dizzy?"

Before Lu Cheng could speak, Wu Liuyi quickly replied: "Reporting to the commander, I am not dizzy."

Yuan Lang smiled and patted Wu Liuyi on the shoulder: "Liuyi, you are a soldier who follows the rules too much. Relax, we don't need to be so nervous. Look at Lu Cheng, he doesn't seem to consider himself an outsider wherever he goes."

"Because I know that I can be the best wherever I go."

"Not bad, not bad, that's the confidence I want. I hope you can keep it up."

Chatting all the way, the helicopter went over hillsides and came to a camp surrounded by mountains.

When the helicopter stopped, several people just jumped off the helicopter and heard continuous gunfire from the shooting range in the distance.

Yuan Lang led the two people down the helicopter and walked inside, saying as he walked: "The soldiers here are all professional. Any one of them is at least a lieutenant."

Wu Liuyi was a little curious: "Chief, is there no soldier here?"

"Of course there is. Isn't he saluting people all the time?"

Wu Liuyi didn't have time to reply. He glanced at the two lieutenants coming towards him and raised his hand to salute again.

Yuan Lang patted Wu Liuyi on the shoulder: "Congratulations, Wu Liuyi. NCOs are rare here."

All the way to the bottom of a dormitory building, Yuan Lang smiled at the two people: "This is your temporary dormitory. My dormitory building is opposite. I'm waiting for you to move in opposite."

After that, Yuan Lang shouted: "Qi Huan!"

A captain wearing a round-brimmed hat ran out from upstairs with a folder in his hand.

Yuan Lang turned his head to look at the dormitory building and asked, "Have all the pumpkins that need to be cleaned up arrived?"

"There are 42 people participating in the training, and 40 have arrived."

"Just right, with these two, we will be all there. Arrange dormitories for them."


Qi Huan looked them up and down: "Name, unit!"

Lu Cheng put down his luggage: "Report, set C

"Captain Lu Cheng, the 1st Company of the 702nd Mechanized Infantry Regiment of the T Division of the C Group Army!"

Wu Liuyi followed closely behind: "Report, Sergeant Wu Liuyi, the 1st Company of the 702nd Mechanized Infantry Regiment of the T Division of the C Group Army!"

"It's great to be a company, no need to be so loud!"

Lu Cheng knew that the other party was looking for trouble this time and gave them a slap in the face, so he didn't say anything.

Qi Huan looked down at the luggage they were carrying and kicked their luggage aside with his feet: "What do you want to do with so many things? Do you want to move? You two pumpkins, what are you looking at me for? Follow me!"

After speaking, Qi Huan went straight upstairs.

Lu Cheng and Wu Liuyi looked at each other, picked up their bags, and followed upstairs.

They came to a storage room on the second floor and put their luggage on the shelf. Then they followed Qi Huan to continue walking upstairs.

"Every morning at 6:00 and 6:30, wash up and have breakfast. Lights out at 9:00 in the evening. Lunch at 12 noon, dinner at 6 pm. No going downstairs without permission, no..."

Qi Huan talked about a lot of rules, and his tone was quite aggressive.

"During the special training, you have no names, only numbers."

While talking, they had already reached the fourth floor. Qi Huan pointed at Lu Cheng casually: "You, 41." Then he pointed at Wu Liuyi: "You, 42!"

Just then, Qi Huan suddenly saw a head sticking out of a dormitory on the other side, and immediately yelled: "What are you doing? Stick your head out and wait to be shot!"

The student who curiously stretched his head to watch immediately shrank back.

Then, Qi Huan pushed open a dormitory near the stairs and pointed casually: "This is your doghouse, go in!"

After Lu Cheng and Wu Liuyi entered the dormitory, Qi Huan closed the door with a snap and turned away. His roar could still be heard in the corridor: "Look at you, you have only been here for two days, and you have ruined yourself into such a mess? "

At this time, there were already two people in the dormitory, a major and a lieutenant.

Wu Liuyi saluted the two of them: "Hello, Chief."

The black-faced lieutenant glanced at the two of them: "Are you here to be scolded too?"

Lu Cheng nodded: "I am No. 41, he is No. 42."

The major stood up and introduced himself: "No. 39, Wu Zhe."

The lieutenant also introduced: "No. 27, Tuo Yonggang."

After several people introduced themselves, Tuo Yonggang pointed at Wu Zhe: "Did you see it? Our major was just scolded like a fool. Here, people don't care what your rank is, and there is no military demeanor and courtesy at all. I must call the headquarters and report this matter."

Speaking, Tuo Yonggang took off one of his leather shoes, put it to his ear, pretended to make a phone call, and then spread his hands and made a helpless gesture: "No one at the headquarters will answer."

Lu Cheng laughed: "I guess there is no one at the headquarters at this time. "

Tuo Yonggang was recruited from the paratroopers, and Wu Zhe graduated from the military academy with a bachelor's degree in military and foreign languages, and a master's degree in optoelectronics. He is a real top student.

The few people divided the dormitory, Lu Cheng and Wu Liuyi had upper and lower bunks, and Wu Zhe and Tuo Yonggang had upper and lower bunks.

After allocating the beds, Wu Zhe walked up to Lu Cheng and said, "How come you, a student of traditional Chinese medicine, have to suffer here?"

"You, a master of optoelectronics, can come, but I, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, can't come?"

"That's right, anyway, we are all abnormal. Keep a normal mind, keep a normal mind."

Afterwards, everyone was taken to the auditorium and issued training uniforms.

Just after receiving the training uniforms, Wu Zhe and Tuo Yonggang were punished to do 100 push-ups and 500 sit-ups for talking in the team.

After receiving the training uniforms, everyone returned to the dormitory to change clothes. Tuo Yonggang still complained, "What kind of attitude is this? I really wanted to punch him just now. This is too much of a disregard for us as human beings. "

Tuo Yonggang was a highly educated talent in his original unit and was highly valued. After being recruited, he thought he would be reused, but who knew he was scolded. He felt very unbalanced.

"Also, what kind of training uniform is this? Not only are you not allowed to wear shoulder straps, but you are not even allowed to wear armbands."

Wu Zhe could only comfort him: "Just keep calm, keep calm."

Wu Liuyi and Lu Cheng did not say much. Since they had chosen this path, they must go on. It would be difficult to gain their respect before they were recognized by those old special forces.

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