The Uchiha family.

A well-deserved luxury clan of Konoha.

This family is somewhat overly proud and carries that ridiculously looking glory.

Until now, they are still alive in the Sengoku period, and their Uchiha clan has swept through the ninja world, and only Senju can fight their world.

Therefore, people of this ethnic group rarely have excessive communication with other ethnic groups and even civilians.

Judging from the gaze of the eight swords, the Uchiha clan is more suitable to be called the Uchiha Autonomous Region.

A special group that exists in Konoha.

But every once in a while, there is a special case for the Uchiha family.

A special case full of sunshine.

This special case drives them to bond with people outside the community.

The front Uchiha brings soil, and Uchiha stops the water.

and the weasel that has been slightly altered.

Standing at the gate of the Uchiha clan, Eight Swords looked at the people living in their own small world inside with expressionless faces.

He will come, just because the ferret is alone.

And just one of his words.

Sometimes the word friend is not to say, under a long time of getting along, in addition to the strength of rapid growth together, there are bonds and friendship between the two.

Itachi is lonely, and before Shisui returns from the border between the Land of Water and the Land of Fire, the only person he can talk to is the Eight Swords.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the Uchiha tribe is very good.

People come and go are preparing for the birthday of the patriarch’s wife.

Of course, in this world.

A woman’s birthday doesn’t go out of its way to make a big splash.

Fugaku did this because of the child in Uchiha Mikoto’s belly.

It’s not too much to celebrate.

Itachi didn’t make Eight Swords wait too long.

After learning that he was coming, the weasel had already come to the gate of the clan land non-stop to greet his friends.

This is true friend.

Eight Swords of the Night.

Aside from the ethnic mustard, people who can communicate with each other.

Stopping the water, it can be said that it is more appropriate to be the life coach of the ferrets.

The later weasel is more like a continuation of the water stop.

Shisui gave his eyes to Itachi, allowing Itachi to protect the village while protecting Uchiha.

But in the end, the Uchiha family was destroyed.

Fell under Konoha’s intolerance, and the calculations of some conspirators.

“Sorry, I came a little late because I received guests from home.”

Habitual apology, which is the instinctive politeness of young ferrets.

Eight Swords didn’t say anything, and followed Itachi towards the inside of the Uchiha clan.

At this moment, Uchiha has not yet migrated to the periphery of Konoha, and the scope of the clan is not large or small, but it is all available inside.

Just walking within the Uchiha clan, Eight Swords had an idea that involuntarily came to mind.

Look around here.

It was as if the entire Uchiha was surrounded by Konoha, and there was even an illusion that it was about to be devoured.

Shaking his head, Eight Swords didn’t bother to think about these questions.

Uchiha’s problem, Konoha’s problem.

What to do with him.

Live, make a few friends, and confidantes.

That’s enough.

There was only so much he wanted.

If this terrible village can’t even tolerate this, then sorry, Konoha doesn’t need to exist.

After crossing several streets, the two came to the home of the patriarch of the Uchiha clan.

The guests’ gazes swept over the eight swords and then lost interest.

It’s just a ghost.

Although he is a friend of the patriarch’s son, he is not Uchiha.

If it wasn’t for Uchiha, there was no need to talk.

Instead, Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Mikoto’s gaze stayed on Yachiken for a long time.

One with the brilliance of maternal love, covering his slightly bulging belly with one hand, and the other with a resolute face and an appreciative look.

His gaze crossed with Uchiha Fugaku, and Hachiken nodded politely.

Uchiha Fugaku, this person, Eight Swords will not evaluate casually.

Hard to describe words.

Being a father is qualified, but being a patriarch is a failure.

Conniving at his son to kill himself and his clansmen, but for the sake of his two children.

As a father, he did his best.

But I’m sorry for the clansmen.

Until his death, he did not find the only way to survive in the conflict between Konoha and the Uchiha clan.

“I really want to see my brother sooner.”

Looking at his mother’s lower abdomen, the weasel had a unique obsession in his eyes.

Even before Sasuke was born, he decided that his mother’s belly must be his younger brother.

This is not so much the traditional disciple control attribute of the Uchiha family, but rather the impact of the new life brought by the birth of the relatives, so that the ferret can find the value and meaning of existence.

The party begins.

The atmosphere began to heat up.

The guests walked up to the patriarch and said something flattering, while Mikoto, a pregnant woman, laughed along with her.

It is clear that she is pregnant, and she should pay more attention to rest during this period, but she has always accompanied her for the sake of her husband’s face.

As a wife, she is dutiful.

When it was the turn of the eight swords, he took the wine glass and pulled the Itachi, and he came to Fugaku and Mikoto.

“Happy birthday aunt.”

Without any more nonsense, Eight Swords drank the wine glass in his hand and turned away.

“Your friend…”

Mature with freedom, looking at the back of the little ghost, Fugaku seemed to say with some emotion, “Very characterful.” ”

“Itachi’s friend after all.”

Mikoto has a maternal glow on her face.

Outside the courtyard, Itachi found Yaskeen, who was looking at the cherry blossom branches in a daze with a habitual apology on his face.

The snow had melted overnight.

The seedlings on the cherry blossom trees represent new life.

“You go back, I’m waiting for you here, it’s not good for a mother’s birthday as a son not to accompany.”

Shaking his head, Eight Swords drew his sabre, “I just can’t stand that atmosphere.” ”

Step forward and the chopping continues.

After the ferret left, a young figure suddenly showed a small face from behind the tree not far away.

Signature big eyes.

Cute little face.

Her name is Uchiha Izumi, and she sneaks out of the girl next door who came with her father to celebrate the birthday of the patriarch’s wife.


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