The things that Hokage considered must not be placed solely on two people.

His perspective should start from the whole village.

Accept as a disciple and send it to the dark part.

This asylum is already Watergate’s greatest effort.

Eight Swords understood this very well, but when he left the Hokage Building, he was a little emotional.

The bond of fate was finally determined.

Watergate never knew how much his kindness would be rewarded.

“He’s a good Hokage.”

Following Eight Swords, Itachi glanced back at Konoha’s Hokage Building.

To be honest, it was the first time he felt homely here.

At least there is another person who really cares about himself.

Wave Feng Shuimen.

He and Jiansan’s teacher.

The word teacher, he only felt at first in the water stop and eight swords, will be somewhat appropriate.

Shuishui is a life mentor, and Jiansang is a best friend.

“A good Hokage indeed.”

“But not a good father and husband.”

Eight Swords added with a shrug of his shoulders.

Perhaps everyone does different things to their lover and puts them in their hearts differently.

When he became Hokage, everything he did selflessly revolved around the village.

It’s not that he wants to ignore his wife’s existence, but he really doesn’t have time.

The tragic pain that happened in the original book was not what he wanted to see.

For Konoha’s dedication, only the infant child was left.

I vaguely remember saying to the three generations when Watergate was dying, take care of his children….


Eight swords smiled.

Naruto’s childhood, go and compare with Sarutobi Konohamaru, one is the young master.

One is the demon fox.

He really wanted to see if Watergate, as a father, would clench his fists angrily like a normal father if he watched his son’s growth from the perspective of a bystander?

Perhaps three generations also tried their best.

After all, he gave Naruto a place to live and eat.


That’s not the treatment of the son of a hero.

“Jiansang, what are you laughing at.”

Pulling the sleeves of the eight swords, the weasel little face was puzzled.

“Nothing, go and report.”

Shaking his head, the eight swords strode forward.

Since he did not refute Watergate’s act of accepting himself as a disciple, everything had changed.

All the way.

Ignoring the instructions of the people around him who did not know the inside story, the two came to the entrance of the dark part.

This time, no one will stop the eight swords.

Whether it was courage or strength, as well as his identity at this moment, those obstacles no longer existed.


“Although you have become disciples of Teacher Watergate, in theory, the three of us are related to the same sect.”

“But during the mission, I will address you by code names.”

In the late afternoon, the two who had received their masks in the dark part came to the place where they connected with the squad members.

Outside a house, on the rooftop of the second floor.

If Bajian remembers correctly, this is the fourth generation of Hokage, and it is also the home of the teacher he just recognized, Bofeng Shuimen.


Kakashi was still on his mission to protect other people’s wives at this moment.

So the eight swords did not touch each other in the dark department yesterday.

And what Watergate said, reducing the sense of existence of the eight swords in a short period of time, so that people gradually forget what he did, so the reason why the task may be more boring has also been found.

Protect Hokage’s wife with Kakashi.

What a good errand.

Leaning against the wall, Hachiken tore off his mask and smothered the head of the second pot, and then threw the wine gourd to Kakashi.

This is how he greets him.

But now on a mission, everything is focused on the mission, and drinking alcohol is clearly disrespectful to the mission.


“People who don’t know how to value their companions are not even scum!”

The profound words of the deceased suddenly echoed in his mind.

Taking off half of the mask, Kakashi followed and took a sip of the second pot.

The hot feeling made him realize that he was alive.

And there were two more junior brothers.

“I don’t have a deliberate code name, the original Black Snow has been forgotten, because hair color and ninjutsu will always be recognized, so it’s okay to call me by my name during the mission.”

Throwing the wine gourd back into Yaske’s hand, Kakashi covered his face again.

“But you guys are still well hidden, so the code name is also very important.”


Eight Swords glanced up at the gloomy sky.

The unknown bird that flew by reminded him of an animal.


The fierce evil bird also refers to a cruel ancient criminal law.

Seems to suit itself well.

“What about you?”

Tilting his head, Kakashi looked at Uchiha Itachi.


The weasel suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, thought about the information he had left in the dark part before, and finally twisted a word out of his throat.



Eight Swords was stunned, and then tastelessly gave the weasel a brain collapse.

It is true that the code names of the dark parts are mostly defined by animals, but not all of them.

But what do you mean by choosing a night?

“Nighthawk? Got it. ”


The purity of the second pot head made Kakashi feel a little on his head, leaning against the root of the wall and shaking his head.

To be honest, when he saw these two people, he wanted to refuse.

After all, in his cognition, probably becoming his companion will be accompanied by bad luck, and one death after another in front of him.

But this was Watergate’s order, and he had no chance to resist.

As for what Watergate-sensei was going to do, Kakashi also understood.

Do you want to wash away the darkness in your heart with new members, especially those who are as close as the Watergate class?


Forget something, it’s that easy.


The blade that broke through the air flashed away, and Kakashi tilted his head.

Even when performing tasks, do not forget to cultivate.

This guy is somewhat similar to Kai.




Ask for flowers.


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