Looking at Uchiha Mikoto’s stomach, Hachiken seemed to have some emotion.

Sasuke Uchiha.

It seems that in the original work, a particularly annoying character.

There is no other topic in the mouth except revenge.

What he did, he also showed the mentality of an avenger to the fullest.

There is such a sentence.

Uchiha lacks trust and goes down a path of opposition to Senjuju.

Uchiha Weasel lacks understanding and bears infamy.

Uchiha Obito lacks love and chooses to subvert the whole world for Rin’s sake.

Only Sasuke Uchiha lacks a beating from society.

With these words, Zeng Bajian also hung on his lips and smiled and said two words.

You can remove that warm sense of substitution and look at Sasuke’s life with the mentality of a bystander.

He, not easy.

As a child, Sasuke was cute and curious about everything around him.

But Itachi’s approach ruined everything for Sasuke.

The love of life, the enthusiasm for companionship, was completely shattered with the endless cycle of monthly reading.

Compared to Naruto, he enjoyed the love of his father and mother, as well as the care of his brother.

This is his happiness as well as his misfortune.

Sometimes enjoying losing is more painful than never getting it!

Just like in love, although single dogs sometimes envy couples, they can’t understand the pain after couples break up.

Very intuitive embodiment.

Sasuke had gone crazy for revenge, but he had no choice.

Shaking his head, Hachiken suddenly stretched out his hand and probed Uchiha Mikoto’s bulging belly.

If someone else made such a move, I am afraid that Fuyue would have already stepped forward to stop it with a vigilant face.

But this time, he chose to trust.

Trust your son’s vision, trust the companion who protects his son standing in front of him.

The Uchiha family is not so difficult to communicate, but it is difficult for foreigners to come to their hearts.

New life.

Feeling the faint soul fluctuations coming from inside, Eight Swords blinked his eyes curiously.

The inheritance of life is respectable.

And a woman full of motherhood is the greatest.

It’s hard to imagine how much pain the weasel endured when he raised his knife and swung it at his mother.


Retracting his hand, he gently slapped it on the face of the ferret next to him.

The young ferret apparently did not understand what this gentle slap represented.

“Certainly, honor your parents.”

That’s what I said.

The ferret had shame on his face.

Could it be that he was busy performing tasks recently, and did not have much time to accompany his parents, was discovered by Jiansang.

“Thank you for your hospitality, Uncle.”

“Tomorrow the ferret and I will leave the village on a mission, so go back first, as for the safety of the ferret, just leave it to me.”

Standing up, Hachiken arched his hand at Uchiha Fugaku and Mikoto.

This meal, he really ate very full, and the warmth of the family dinner also made him feel a little emotional.

“Please, Night.”

Fugaku nodded, as the patriarch he was not obliged to personally send guests, so the job was still given to his son.

In the courtyard, red beans and izumi are still watching cherry blossoms.

Hongdou is an acute child, and he also knows that his younger brother and the patriarch of the Uchiha clan may talk about something, so he came out early.

She is very sensible.

It seems that after Orochimaru left and experienced the things in the dark part, she grew a lot.

This is appreciated.

Seeing his younger brother coming, Hongdou beckoned to the eight swords from afar.

Under the cherry blossom tree, the siblings snuggled together, and a little cherry blossom fell on their shoulders, which made Itachi look forward to it.

In the future, when he has the opportunity, he will also pull his younger brother and stand under the cherry blossom tree like Kensan, and talk to him about some things that he once fought side by side with Kensan.

That picture must be beautiful.


Early the next morning, several figures appeared outside Konoha Village.

Hachiken hated the way of saying goodbye to his relatives before leaving, so Hongdou was still asleep at this time.

“This task is very difficult, I won’t say anything else.”

“In terms of experience, I have slightly more experience than you, but before acting, I will ask your opinions to judge the way of fighting.”

“Is there a problem?”

Kakashi was already a shinobi, and after learning the bitter lessons of his last mission, he began to cherish his companions at this moment.

It is not uncommon for the cold-blooded Kakashi of the dark to take the initiative to say that he will ask for advice.

“Let’s go.”

The genius is shining, but the three teenagers are fiery in their hearts at this time.

With a different purpose, they set foot on the border to the Land of Thunder.

In the jungle, three figures flew through at a rapid pace.

But not long after advancing, a sneer suddenly appeared on Yajian’s face and looked at Kakashi, “Do you feel it?” ”

“Well, being tracked, what are you going to do.”

Tracking and anti-tracking are things that ninjas often encounter, but it’s definitely problematic to be targeted just after leaving Konoha.

This shows that the person who followed it came from Konoha!

“Just do it.”

Taking the turn of the knife, without any thought of saying hello, a pitch-black knife light swept directly behind him.

Like a black crescent cutting through the jungle, after a few screams, a figure with a mask appeared behind the eight swords.

Black crescent moon celestial rush.

It’s a flat slash for nothing!

“The goal is a knife, which can be left alive.”

The leader said in a low voice.

“A knife?”

Bajian smiled, and when he saw the mask of the other party, he had already determined the identity of the pursuer.

But what made Itachi and Kakashi wonder was that Eight Swords had thrown his sword at the man very casually.


It’s not like a sword mulberry.

The ferret frowned.

With a sneer, the pursuing ninja reached out and grabbed the hilt of the knife.

I really dare to take it.

Eight Jian’s face was full of disdain, and he stretched out his hand and calmly snapped his fingers.


The next moment, in the horrified eyes of everyone, the ninja with the knife exploded into a blood mist without warning!

Demon knife!

It is a veritable demon knife!

“Look, it says, your blood…”

“It’s not delicious!”

Returning to his hand, gently wiping the blood on the knife, the pupils of the eight swords slowly contracted.

A shaking god, his figure had already rushed out.

“Come on, let’s fight!”


Plus more delivered.

Phew, today because of the problem of power outage, the update is a little late, the little author apologizes.

Thank you to the readers for the votes and flowers.


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