On the way from Yunyin Village to the border of the Fire Nation, a squad is also moving forward.

It’s not fast, but it’s stable.

The Kaminobi in front carefully observed everything around him, this extremely familiar path, but if there was any difference, he would stop and throw out his shuriken to test it.

After the other Kami-Shinobu is in charge, he will hide under a certain tree and stop moving until he thinks it is safe to catch up with the team in front.

The remaining few Naka-ninja, respectively on the two wings, guarded the advance of the team.

This is an elite squad with a wealth of experience.

Responsible for transporting supplies for war.

Shuriken, Kumu, Orochimaru, and Detonation Charms.

“I didn’t expect that the helper that the eldest brother said was you.”

Suddenly, in the middle position, the mustachioed young man said after glancing at the female ninja next to him.

“Otherwise, Uchiha’s magic to stop the water, no one can deal with it except us.”

The female ninja flicked her long pale blonde hair slightly, but made a slightly childish voice that was different from her mature appearance.

Uchiha’s magic to stop the water!

Perhaps Kakashi, the flag of this period, has not completely broken into the name of a copy ninja.

But the water stop is different.

He has long been active in the Third Ninja World War, and his nickname of Instantaneous Water Stoppage is not a wasted name.

Tailed beasts are afraid of illusions.

Human pillar power, also afraid of illusion.

Both were fulfilled in the Nine Tails.

Uchiha controlled the Nine Tails to open Susanoo, and the battle with the Senju Pillar went down in history and formed the Valley of the End.

And in the original work, the attack of the Nine Tails on Konoha controlled by the Nine-Tails Rebellion can also confirm this.


When the human pillar force evolves into a perfect human pillar force, it can be greatly immune to illusion.

That is not the immune function of the human pillar force itself, but after communicating with the tailed beast’s mind, the tailed beast can help disrupt the chakra in the human pillar force’s body to achieve the effect of instant lifting.

This is something that only the true perfect human pillar force knows.

For example, in the battle between Sasuke and Kirabi, Sasuke also used illusions, but it did not achieve the desired effect.

Now, this matter belongs to Yunyin Village’s secret.

“You, I, join forces, Konoha will definitely die.”

The extremely embarrassing rap made the female ninja sigh, and instantly lost the topic of talking to each other as a human pillar force about the technique of using the power of the tailed beast.

“Here it is.”

The team suddenly stopped.

Yunyin Murakami Shinobu in front instantly squeezed ten shurikens with both hands and prepared to attack.

But when everyone’s eyes looked over and saw clearly the person in front of them, they were stunned.

A figure that was not tall, standing proudly in the middle of the road.

He is not big, but he dresses up completely differently from ordinary ninjas.

A large knife out of proportion to his height was carried on his shoulder, and he was wearing a black robe in a simple and clear martial arts uniform.

The mask on the face obscures the face below, while the wine gourd around the waist is more obtrusive.

This person seems to have been waiting for a long time!

“Who are you?”

Looking at the figure in front of him vigilantly, this superior ninja of Yunyin Village, the captain who led the team on the surface, did not relax because of the not tall body.

According to the location of the death of the attacked supply team, a lot of information was obtained.

First, judging from the footsteps on the scene, there were a total of four enemies in the territory of the Thunder Country.

Second, the companions of death all carry fatal knife wounds!

Just these two points, the identity of the person in front of him has already come out.

It’s just that he’s not sure enough.

Because the other party is also too young!

If such people can kill in the Land of Thunder, then what is the point of this war fighting?

“Two people pillar power, disguised in such a squad, does Thunder Shadow mean to completely eliminate the hidden dangers of the Thunder Country?”

“But this configuration can also look at us.”

Raise the knife in your hand, and the endless battle intent is instantly ignited!

At this moment, it was clear that a teenager was standing here, but the whole team was like being targeted by a wild beast!

The feeling of danger is on the horizon!

Has the identity been revealed?

Yugi and Kirabi stood up, looking solemn.

It’s not because seeing the eight swords puts pressure on them.

At the same time, the tailed beast in their body gave a warning.

“Be, watch out for the knife in his hand.”

Eight-tailed, the powerful tailed beast second only to the nine-tailed beast.

The Nine-Tails can sense danger, and the Eight-Tails and the Two-Tails can do the same!

And from the tone of the other party’s speech and that fighting intent, they have already arrived at the answer they want.

This boy is a member of Konoha’s elite squad!

However, even if the tailed beast warned them.

Kirabi and Yugito still feel a little strange.

Only one person appeared on the other side, and the possibility of other squad members hidden around could not be ruled out.

But in any case, it always seems a bit overwhelming for a person to block the way.


The transformation technique was lifted in an instant, and Yukito, who was dressed in a tights, flicked his pale golden ponytail and nodded at Kirabi.

Thunder Shadow’s order is to kill!

In real combat, battle-hardened ninjas will never underestimate their enemies because of their appearance.

Because those who underestimate the enemy are dead.



In an instant, the two core combat forces directly rushed towards the eight swords.

And in the process of running, Chirabi has already pulled out all the seven or eight knives he carried!

Arren Heron Cutter!

With the various parts of the body and physical skills, the flexible use of seven knives, its unpredictable and fast knife technique makes people unpreventable and unclear.

This is a powerful knife technique that only Kirabi can wield!

Yugito, on the other hand, was more cautious, her entire body had begun to half-tail beast, and when she arrived in front of the eight swords, a light blue cat had already revealed its claws.

Do you use all your strength when you come up?

Shaking his neck, Eight Swords took a deep breath and looked at the trajectory of Kirabi’s advance, and swung a sword in advance!

The pitch-black crescent moon sped forward with a raging terrifying spiritual pressure and smashed into Chirabi fiercely.

“What is this?”

Kirabi was obviously stunned, and he didn’t understand something.

“Than, don’t resist!”

The Yao in the body instantly reacted, and it could clearly perceive the palpitating power above!

Hit, will die!

The action is not over yet.

Before the black crescent that struck Kirabi could collide, the eight-sword slashing knife swung again, slashing at the running kitten’s claws.


The sound of gold and iron is particularly harsh.

Yugito flew out backwards from the half-tailed beast in just an instant!

“It’s fast, but you seem to have forgotten, I’m not alone.”

The black crescent passed by, and Kirabi had just stood still, but saw the eight swords pointing their knives behind him.

Look back.

Countless physical doppelgangers have completely wrapped their companions behind them.

The next moment.

Blood splattered!

When the instantaneous body of the water stops, when it is almost to the extreme, all the illusory avatars will be entities!

Thunder shines in the air.

Like an electric light that could cut lightning, it flashed away, accompanied by a huge fireball exploding on the spot.

In just an instant, all six Naka Shinobi were killed!

The tacit understanding of the Nighthawk Squad is shocking!


The third more.

The little author stayed up all night, and advised readers and adults not to stay up late, rest early, and read it again tomorrow. _

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Jr

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