Before this knife, was it Konoha?

Is it Konoha, not the Land of Fire?

Oh, my God!

How ambitious are you!

Azabui was short of breath.

Those eight words before only made her feel angry and humiliated.

But after listening to the words now, her whole person trembled!

Together with those old things at the back, even Watergate involuntarily moved his lips to say something.

But in the end, he held back.

Eight Jian was negotiating, and asking him questions at this time would only interrupt his train of thought.

With a wry smile, Watergate shook his head.

It turns out that this is the plan of the eight swords.

It’s just that when I say this, the impact is a little too great.

No need to look back, those old stubborns are probably stupid.

Since the establishment of the Shinobi Village, the state and the village have formed a relationship of mutual dependence.

After decades of precipitation, this relationship has reached the subtle level from the level to the subtle upper and lower levels.

Even the change of Hokage must be approved by the daimyo.

The reason is simple, Shinobi Village needs the support of the state, and it needs materials and money from the state.

Otherwise, missions and taxes alone would not be able to stabilize Konoha’s development.

This was clear when Hokage’s Watergate was clear.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the daimyo and the support of the state are lost, there will be no money to run the village for a month.

This is enough to see the importance of state support.

And frequently giving money to Shinobi Village, the daimyo also rightfully regarded the military power of Shinobi Village as a thug, a security existence, and regarded himself as a gold lord.

The gold lord and the thug are the relationship between the top and the bottom.

Although Hokage never admitted this, it was the way it was.


He had seen with his own eyes the humble appearance of the three generations of adults when receiving supplies from the daimyo.

This relationship, I am afraid that the eight swords have already noticed.

Even future changes will turn this relationship around.

Watergate is very smart, and he thought of many things in an instant, and also thought of the heart of the eight swords.

Why should a strong ninja grovel to the daimyo?

Think too much.

Charity money development?

No, the correct name of the money you paid is the protection fee!

Standing on the table, looking at the confused Azabui, Eight Swords tilted his head.

It is estimated that this moment stimulates her enough to digest it.

But digest back to digestion.

And the meaning of the latter words is not important to Yunyin Village.

The first eight words are what he wants.

Looking at the confused Azabui, Hachiken nodded at Kakashi in the distance.

The latter’s mental comprehension will disappear in an instant.

When he reappeared a few minutes later, two dark parts carrying stretchers behind him were slowly approaching.

And on that stretcher, there is the shadow of a broken leg and a broken hand!

He was still weak, but his complexion was much better than before.

Because the eight swords have already manipulated the revenants under the sword, temporarily stop torturing each other.

If he doesn’t make trouble, he is not interested in direct shadowing.

Thunder Shadow is much more valuable alive than he is dead.

Moreover, the existence of the revenant under the knife allows him to control the fate of the other party at any time.

At this moment, Yunyin Village had lost all threats to Konoha.

“Lord Thunder Shadow!”

Seeing the thunder shadow on the stretcher, Azabui anxiously wanted to say something, but in the end the thunder shadow shook his head.

With a bitter laugh, Lei Ying struggled to sit up from the stretcher and looked at Ye Bajian.

“You taught me a new way of negotiating.”

On the way here, he had already learned from Kakashi’s mouth about the terms of this negotiation.

From anger, to shame, to shaking your head with a wry smile.

Along the way, he experienced all the negative emotions in his life.

But now, he has calmed down.

What is the use of anger?

With his physical condition, there is no certainty of counterattacking in this situation.


It’s humiliating indeed.

But the reality is so brutal.

If the winner was him, he would have opened his mouth if he could still think of asking for land.

Unfortunately, he did not dare.

Because his body lacked the ruthlessness of that little ghost, the ruthlessness that he said was different from all the other Hokage.

That kind of ruthlessness that is unacceptable to the enemy.

“Night Eight Swords, you should know.”

“I can’t decide this kind of thing.”

After a moment of contemplation, Lei Ying sighed and said.

“I know.”

Yachiken jumped off the table, walked over to the stretcher and patted him on the shoulder with a smile on his face, “But I also know that you can convince the daimyo of the Land of Thunder to accept the conditions. ”

“Of course, in addition to the land, there are these.”

Pulling out a list from his arms, Eight Swords pointed out.

The terrifying amount of compensation and the amount of materials on it made Lei Ying’s head buzz, and he didn’t hold back for a while and spewed out a mouthful of blood.

“Don’t rush to spray blood.”

Calmly stuffing the list into Lei Ying’s arms, Eight Swords snorted, “Erwei, don’t want it, from today my little kitten, understand?” ”

“The old man can’t do it!”

Lei Ying’s body trembled, and he said hoarsely.

“You can do it, or I’ll get it myself.”

With his head in front of Lei Ying, the pupils of the eight swords gradually contracted, “Remember, if I take it personally, it won’t be enough to be satisfied with this thing alone.” ”

“And you forgot a more important point.”

“The place of the negotiation is the central square of Konoha, I don’t know if anyone will leak the news of your serious injury, Onoki should be quite interested in Yunyin Village.”

“If you don’t return to Yunyin Village…”

Leaked news?

I’m seriously injured!

Kirabi was still in bed.

“I promise!”

The struggle in his eyes disappeared instantly, and Lei Ying shouted out three words hoarsely, and then he couldn’t control the repressed emotions in his heart, and the feeling in his heart fainted.

Task accomplished.

Standing up, Eight Swords sighed in relief and looked around.

At this moment, everyone’s eyes focused on this young man.

He, accomplished what everyone, including Hokage, hadn’t accomplished!

From today onwards, a merit that is enough to go down in history will hang over him!

That’s Konoha’s biggest credit besides building the village!

The chest bulged slightly.

The slashing knife inserted in the ground seemed to feel the owner’s emotions and fell into his hands.

The young man pointed a knife in one hand and looked at the already stupid negotiating team in Yunyin Village.

“This is the price to pay for offending the current Konoha!”

“Listen to me!”

“As long as I stand here, Konoha, it’s the First Shinobi Village!”


Sixth more.

Phew, the outbreak time starts tomorrow, because tomorrow it is recommended to change the list, whether there is a recommendation or not, there will be ten or five chapters in one every day from tomorrow.

PS, the protagonist does not recognize his father and will not care about the water gate to call the door father, this reader adults rest assured, just the kind of family affection that has been experienced.

Similar to eating together as a family, it may be that the author did not describe it clearly, sorry. _

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Jr

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