
“This is the women’s toilet…”

Luo Suli glared at Li Haocheng.

What’s going on with this person, what is he doing in the women’s bathroom?

Li Haocheng quickly apologized, holding up a coin and explaining, “Ah… Sorry, I fell in here because of change, hehe…”

Then hurry out and walk out.

He didn’t want to be seen as a pervert.


Russell shook her head speechlessly.

This guy is really uncomfortable.

Would anyone really run into the women’s bathroom for a coin?

Maybe…… There are also attempts to not see people.

Just happened to be bumped into by himself …

“It’s really…”

“Disgusting to death…”

Russell Li walked into the cubicle, took off her black pantyhose, and sat down on the toilet, still lingering.

In the hallway.

Jiang Ye kept an eye on her with his divine sense.

It was found that this woman was still having a grudge against Li Haocheng.

As expected.

When she found the pinhole camera from the women’s bathroom.

It is bound to be reported to the head of Jin Meiting.

And pointed the spearhead of suspicion at Li Haocheng.

He is the “voyeur” who has wronged him!

It can be said that the main force of office rumors.

This woman, narrow-mindedness is really narrow-minded, but big is also really big.

That mean coustic face…

The more disgust is revealed, the more it inspires the star shower.

Jiang Ye muttered in his heart: If you don’t know how to shut up, then you can only carry out stick education…

He waited patiently.

According to the plot, Russell Li is about to discover the pinhole camera in the women’s bathroom.


Russelli, sitting on the toilet, held her phone.

is chatting with her boyfriend Che Zhouyuan.

She propped her elbows on her white knees and muttered.

“This unjust gift was given so diligently…”

“Hmph, it’s not just that you want to sleep with me. ”

“Can’t I really see it?”

To be honest, Che Zhouyuan is already the most satisfying boyfriend she has ever had.

Real banknotes that have been waiting for a price…

She was confident that she could fish out what his bottom line was.

But now is not the time.

Russell put away her phone, got up to wipe it, put on her tights, flushed, and left the compartment.

This series of actions is done.

I actually left directly!

This is not the same as the plot.

Jiang Ye’s brows furrowed.


“What’s the situation?”

“There is a deviation in the plot…”

According to the original plot, Russell Li should take pictures of her boyfriend.

And then exactly shot the camouflage behind the screw.

As a result, it was discovered that the women’s toilet was equipped with a pinhole camera…

But now, she didn’t take pictures!

Jiang Ye thought about it.

I understand.

The reason is…

It’s that I intervened too early, and the plot has not officially unfolded…

At this point in time, Luo 683 Suli should just unilaterally hang Che Zhou Yuan.

Not yet to the point where you can take pictures…

That’s why she didn’t take a selfie.

Moreover, the compartment where she is located is not equipped with a pinhole camera.

The culprit is in that compartment at the end.


Actually, the original plot did not begin.

Just now, Li Hao admitted the coin, which was an accident in advance.

When Jiang Ye figured it all out.

Russell Li had already twisted her red stiletto heels, flicked her slightly curly blonde hair, and walked out neatly.

I saw Jiang Ye at the door of the women’s toilet.

I couldn’t help but dodge my eyes.

Yesterday’s dinner…

She spread rumors about this guy.

Say he’s a sea king!

In order to open a room for the girls, I did not come to the employee dinner.

Some people followed him and said that he was unsociable, fishy, arrogant…

When they were in a group of long-tongued women.

But he was accidentally overheard by Team Leader Jin.

The team leader sternly reprimanded them and said that Jiang Ye was on a business trip.


Rumors have already spread.

The goose has left a mark in the hearts of everyone…

Jiang Ye is equal to a scumbag.

The so-called three people become tigers, everyone is gold, so it is!


Luo Suli, as a rumor-monger, was a little stunned when she saw Jiang Ye.

After all, she is a woman, a little clever, bullying the soft and afraid of the hard.

Jiang Ye’s tough appearance looks…

It’s not as good a bully as Li Haocheng.

“Stop. ”

Jiang Ye said lightly.

His eyes looked at the rather attractive blonde.

Whether it is clothing or high heels, they are all brand-name luxury models, which modify her delicate and convex figure.


Russell Li stopped and turned her head unkindly.

She was still a little guilty…

But at this moment, my heart has been replaced by a full of unhappiness!

You are so tall and strong, what do you want to do standing at the door of the women’s bathroom?

In any case, I am an old employee of the company, a senior of your new person.

Where is the newcomer who does not say honorifics, and the other does not bow and give way.

I mean you scumbag, then who made you look fancy!

Facts aside, are you not at all wrong?

I was also taught a lesson by the team leader.

At this time, her heart was full of resentment.

Thanks to Jiang Ye’s lack of mind reading, I don’t know what she thinks in her heart.

Otherwise this woman…

A female boxing leader who is properly placed in the national uniform version.

“What for?”

Russell Li also spoke politely.

“Show you something. ”

Jiang Ye didn’t mind her openness at the moment, and said in a brisk tone.

“Look at what?”

Russell Li asked warily. (cffc)

Wouldn’t this guy…

Want to soak yourself???

To be honest, this newcomer is really handsome…

But he’s just a newcomer.

I don’t know what his background is.

If you don’t have money in your pocket, I’m sorry.

Che Zhouyuan at least responds to his own needs, and his family is rich, so he doesn’t need to take risks…

In just a few seconds, Russell Li calculated clearly.

Fall in love with him just to be handsome?

Are you kidding!!

The old lady is not a pure high school student.

In Russell’s caustic eyes…

Jiang Ye didn’t know that he had been defined by her as “handsome and poor”.

Instead, he took out his own phone.

Slowly and methodically posted a photo –

She changed her medical insurance policy and took screenshots of conversations with people!


Russell Li looked casually.

However, let the gaze come to the back of the screen.

Her whole body shivered!

The blood all coagulated for a moment!!

The brain buzzes like it’s about to explode!!

It was obviously a hot summer, but she was like being in a cold ice cave…

The whole body was in cold sweat, the hands and feet were cold, and a black halo appeared in front of the eyes…

Heart palpitations…

Impossible! Impossible!

This is the channel through which she changed the insurance policy, and it is impossible to be known! ! !

Why does he have this screenshot?!

Russell felt like she was going crazy and couldn’t calm down at all.

The words in his mouth didn’t even believe himself, his lips trembled, and he said intermittently: “This… This is…… I eat eat eat kickbacks… Yes! It’s just kickbacks!!”

“…… Where did you get it… You…… You…”

“Please… You, don’t call the police…”

Jiang Ye shook his head gently.

How can there be kickbacks but embezzlement so much.

What’s more, the transaction records and alteration records are clear.

This is the embezzlement and embezzlement of funds by Chiguoguo’s position.

Doing this kind of thing must be that the benefits far outweigh the risks!

She doesn’t regret misappropriating funds, she just regrets that she didn’t do it more hiddenly!

She couldn’t figure it out if she wanted to break her head.

Why was it discovered? How was it discovered?

This kind of record is definitely not something that a newcomer can intercept!

Top hackers? Unintentional leaks? Have internal ghosts?……

Whatever it is, it doesn’t matter anymore.

The important thing is that once you call the police, it’s all over.

I can’t afford to pay huge fines, and I have to go to jail…

Her bright future was completely ruined…

Russell Li only felt that the sky was spinning, like a man’s back.

It was as if those people in the corridor were looking at themselves, their eyes were like needles, pointing…

The next moment. [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

Jiang Ye took her hand and led her into the women’s bathroom.


Russell Li fell heavily on the ground, black pantyhose oozing cold water stains, panic and embarrassed.

The brain is a mess, but the villain knows …

Whether his secret is exposed depends on Jiang Ye’s thoughts!

She climbed to Jiang Ye’s legs and begged bitterly.

It’s like grabbing the last life-saving floating root!

“Please… Jiang Ye… Don’t call the police…”

“All the money, I, I can give you fifty percent!!”

“No, ninety percent are given to you!!!!

“In the future, we can still cooperate, I will help you make money, as long as you don’t report me!”

Russell Li threw her bottom line like a machine gun.

Because she herself is this kind of person who likes to make small reports.

The first time I thought, Jiang Ye mastered his own secret, and he definitely came to blackmail himself!

So she soon decided to abandon the car to get a marshal.

As long as she is not exposed, she can still live a glamorous middle-class life in the Universe Group!

God knows……

Splitting ninety percent of the stolen money made her feel the pain of cutting her flesh!

She tilted her face and stared at Jiang Ye urgently and nervously, her chest rising and falling violently.


“Hahh… How about my condition?”

Luo Suli is actually very smart and knows that fifty percent of the profits cannot impress Jiang Ye.

But the entire profit was given to him gratuitously …

She couldn’t bear it.

In that case, she will not become a white worker?

She bears the risk, she does the work, and the money goes to Jiang Ye?

Thinking of this, she regretted a little, she should have opened it in eighty-two…

Jiang Ye listened to Luo Suli’s conditions, bent over, and whispered in her ear: “How about nine six? ”

Luo Suli opened her round eyes and looked at Jiang Ye in disbelief.

Seeing the other party’s gentle smile, he was actually a little scared.

She slumped to the ground.

He said with some trepidation:

“Don’t, don’t… I have a boyfriend…”

“I have… Boyfriend’s…”

“Don’t… Mess around…”

Even her boyfriend Che Zhouyuan couldn’t touch her.

It’s not that she doesn’t think Che Zhouyuan is worth entrusting her life to…


She understands male psychology, or human nature.

The easier it is to get, the less it will be cherished.

That’s why she wants to get away with it.

If only she was a little clever.

What else is precious.

Then it is the real banknote that she is proud of.

With this thing…

Talent, firmly suck the heart of a man…

Talent, catch big fish…

Such a simple truth, but many sisters do not understand.

It was wasted and made her feel stupid.

But at the moment…

She seems to have fallen for that stupid prey!!

“Huh, have you heard of the Prime Minister’s Zhizhi?”

Jiang Ye picked up Luo Suli’s wrist and came to the end compartment.


Russelli’s eyes were dull.

Prime Minister’s aspirations?

What kind of trouble is this guy trying to make?


Immediately afterwards, she saw Jiang Ye suddenly frown, staring at a screw behind the toilet…

What’s so nice about screws?

Russell Li was puzzled, but suddenly saw the red glow of the screw flashing!!

This, this is… Pinhole camera?

Who carries this stuff in the women’s restroom?

Nausea rushed up.

Although she has the tendency of the Korean version of the little fairy.

But also a normal woman who is clean and self-sufficient.

Of course, being watched will be disgusted and afraid.

I can’t help but rejoice, fortunately I wasn’t in this compartment just now.

“What is it?”

Jiang Ye “curiously” pulled out the pinhole camera.

And so…

Under the “guidance” of Jiang Ye. 、

It allowed Russell Li to successfully discover the starting point of the plot!

Russelle looked at the screw in his hand and replied, “This is… Pinhole camera. ”

Jiang Ye changed color slightly.

Russell Li breathed a sigh of relief.

At least, his body is saved.

In her opinion…

Jiang Ye wanted to threaten himself in the compartment, but accidentally found a pinhole camera that was secretly taken!

Then he would not risk detection.

Continue to chase after yourself.

Jiang Ye looked at her.

“Russelli, do you think…”

“Who will install this pinhole camera?”

Russell Li was stunned and was about to shake her head.

Suddenly recalled the scene just now –

She looked up and hesitated, “Li Haocheng… It is very likely to be Li Haocheng!”

“Just now, I was in the women’s bathroom and saw his sneaky appearance!”

As soon as he asked, he ran out in a panic. ”

At first, her tone was still a little hesitant.

But the more I said it, the more determined I became, as if I had identified a prisoner!

Jiang Ye: “…”

This woman is really outrageous enough.

He can make up the tone of the little fairy.

Family, who understands, today I met a man in the women’s toilet…

However, the Cold Country Extreme Women’s Fist does exist.

For example, framing male colleagues and making their reputation stink; or calling on male bosses to be poisoned and taking advantage of the opportunity to rise to power…

In short, there is enough distortion.

Jiang Ye couldn’t help but remind: “Is there a possibility that Li Haocheng went into the women’s bathroom to pick up coins?”

Russell Li was stunned, she had never considered this relationship at all.

When she raised her head again, a huge sense of oppression greeted her!

“Lack of discipline. ”

Jiang Ye said coldly.


Cosmos Group, Personnel Department.

Office of the team leader.

The morning sun rises, reflecting the bright and bright office.

Floor-to-ceiling windows on an entire wall offer a bird’s-eye view of the city.

Two floors above and below.

Lower cattle and horses run rampant.

The upper layer of paper drunken gold fans.

Jin Meiting stood by the floor-to-ceiling window, wrapped in black hissing legs straight and well-proportioned, and stepped on a pair of silver and precious high heels.

On the sofa behind her, there was a lazy Jiang Ye and a well-behaved Russell Li.

Above the coffee table, a torn pinhole camera stood.


“Someone installed this in the company’s women’s bathroom to take a secret photo…”

“I’ll find a way to catch the prisoner, by the way, did you see anything suspicious in the women’s bathroom?”

Jin Meiting was a little surprised and felt quite troubled.

With Russelli’s big-mouthed personality, from the moment she found out, she was destined to make a fuss.

And this file in the company…

It is bound to affect the positive image of the Group in front of the public.

For now, the plan is to find the prisoner as soon as possible!

Solve this matter quickly, and do not give the fishing wheel a chance to ferment!

Russell Li raised her head slightly, her lips were a little red and swollen, and said carefully.


“Team leader, I didn’t find anything suspicious. ”

“The pervert who pretends to be this… Surely hidden deeply… So I didn’t dare to tell anyone. ”

“I’ll report to you as soon as possible!”


Jin Meiting turned around in surprise.

Straight hook looked at Russelli with a well-behaved face.


You make me feel strange!

She really didn’t expect it…

Russell Li can actually endure it, not make a disturbance known to the whole city?

That way, things are much easier.

But why did Russell Leigh suddenly change sex?


Jin Meiting looked at Jiang Ye, her mind flashed, and she figured it out in an instant.

The evidence he gave Jiang Ye has been transformed into the secret of his control of Ruo Suli.

At this time, Jiang Ye leaned on the sofa and patted Luo Suli’s head quite satisfied.

Gesture to her performance, which is quite recognition.

That’s it.

The woman who knows how to shut up is much cuter than the previous flying domineering.

PS: Thank you Qin Jiuxing for the monthly pass, and the support of all the big guys.

Since some big guy ID numbers will not be repeated.

Dedicate more wonderful stories to everyone!。

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