Under Jiang Ye’s toughness.

Aunt Love replied helplessly, “Hey… Rows, rows. ”

“I’ll ask her. ”

“But I’m not sure she’ll say yes.” ”

“By the way, her name is Zhao Meijing, there are more Chinese New Year’s Eve today, you also have to call Auntie…”

Saying that, she picked up her mobile phone to send a message to Zhao Meijing.

Tentatively asked.

In fact, there is no hope.

After all, her friend is not poor in money, and there are two daughters and one ~ son to take care of.

Who has the mind to be a housekeeping aunt?

But Aunt Love didn’t expect it…

Zhao Meijing actually – promised to come down!

According to Aunt Meijing:

The eldest daughter, Wan En, joined the work.

The second daughter, Perlein, and the youngest son went to college.

She was home alone and bored.

Simply move to the loving aunt’s house, and you can also be a companion.

Zhao Meijing: Sister En’ai, I remember that Weiya is also about to work, right?

Zheng Eun Ai: That’s right, but in addition to Shuya, I also adopted one… Godson.

Zhao Meijing: Oh, then you want me to take care of him?

Zheng Eun Ai: … He has graduated and currently works at Cosmos Group!

Zhao Meijing: I thought I was still young~

Zheng En’ai’s eyelids jumped.

No matter how you look at it, it’s definitely not related to the small, right?

But it went smoothly.


With Meijing help.

Doing housework is not so tiring, can free up more free time…

After Aunt Love cleaned up the living room.

Turned around and went to the bathroom and threw the clothes of her two daughters after bathing into the washing machine.

The switch was pressed, and the washing machine began to whimper.

“Woo hoo… Uh-huh…”

Aunt Love held the trembling washing machine, and her heart couldn’t stop being ashamed.

What’s moving?

The sound of this washing machine is also too easy to cause misunderstanding.


So it was her?

Jiang Ye knew it in his heart.

After all, Aunt Meijing, who is staying in the diary, is also a well-known character in the Korean comic world.

But now…

It seems that the male protagonist of the original plot has not yet boarded.

Therefore, at the invitation of Aunt Love, Aunt Meijing, who was like a wolf, easily agreed.

This made Jiang Ye’s demonic energy in his body extremely restless.

After all…

According to his guess, he survived the real calamity himself.

It is equivalent to scattering the power and recultivation, and the strength is more refined!

Compared to the ordinary Jiedan Realm Demon Cultivation, it is even more domineering!

At this time, Jiang Ye was deducing the exercises.

He slowly evolved the yin and yang technique.

This exercise is actually from the “Yellow Emperor’s Internal Canon”.

They are “Lingshu” and “Suwen”, and in Taoist theory, they have established the method of the five elements of yin and yang!

The yin and yang trick has nothing to do with the five elements, and the main study is the harmony of yin and yang.

During Jiang Ye’s deduction, there was gradually a hint of understanding in his eyes.

The first and second layers he has already reached.

After many days of research, Jiang Ye accumulated thick and thin…

I also have an understanding of the third layer!

This exercise, founded by the Yellow Emperor of Shennong, seems to have gradually developed in his hands——

Cultivate to a high and profound realm…

It is even more able to come out of the way.

Wonderful, wonderful!

Such a miraculous technique could not help but amaze Jiang Ye.

The yin and yang technique is indeed worthy of the imperial law!


Just when Jiang Ye was immersed in cultivation.

Zhou Weiya was in the room, fidgeting.

Even though the weather turned cooler, she was still a little restless.


When the lights in the living room turned off, she took a deep breath and crept out the door.

Zhou Weiya remembered Jiang Ye’s instructions.

If you want to steal the master, you have to wait until the time is ripe before you can come out.

Otherwise, it is easy to scare the grass and the snake, and the achievement will fall short.

Jung Eun-ae is a yoga teacher though.

He will also teach Jiang Ye some fitness skills.

Because the place where she takes classes is the fitness gym in the fitness trainer.

But that gym is membership-based.

If you want to be taught by a coach, you need to become an additional member!

Auntie’s yoga class for some high-end female clients.

Such as flight attendants, rich wives…

Zhou Weiya’s bright eyes were crystal cunning in the dark.

It’s so late now, it should be mature enough, right?

Her soft and delicate jade feet, wrapped in a light and delicate black hiss, stepped on the floor.

In the darkness, I walked towards the stairs.

Follow her train of thought.

There is a specialization in the art industry.

Fitness is a professional teaching.

Or it’s in my mother’s room.

Or it’s in the Jiangye room.

On the second floor of the villa, Zhou Weiya cat waist and stepped on the wooden striped floor.

First, he came to the door of Jiang Ye’s room in a light car.

Gently unscrew the handle and glance in.

“Not here!”

She is nervous and stimulated.

Immediately straightened up and walked towards the master bedroom.

Push open the door with indescribable feelings.

The yoga mat is laid out, but the mat is empty.

“Huh… Not ??? either.”

Zhou Weiya was confused.

Fitness is not in the room this year?

Where did they secretly open a small stove?

Soon, her gaze was sharply at the bathroom…

The noise of washing machines drying clothes echoes in the quiet hallways.

Zhou Weiya walked over quietly, and there was a white silk curtain in front of the bathroom, and a plump shadow with a front and back could be faintly seen.

She opened the curtain with a “bang” –

I saw Zheng Eun Ai standing in front of the drum washing machine, waiting for the clothes to dry in the second process.

Under the silver glow of the autumn moon, her beautiful body was as beautiful as a fairy, and her eyes were staggered.

As the curtain opens, a small space opens up.

Facing the long corridor.

Zheng En’ai saw Zhou Weiya, a little cutie, suddenly appear.

Stunned, shocked, lost in thought…

All kinds of tastes come to mind.

Sure enough, although escape is effective, it must be faced.

“You… You close the curtain…”

Aunt Love said a little angrily.

She is usually a very gentle woman and only becomes strict when educating her daughter.

And at this time, she is in a gentle and stern quantum superposition.

Zhou Weiya stood in place stunned.

For Zheng En’ai’s reprimand, it seemed a little indifferent.

After all……

Such a loving aunt, the moonlight is soft, how can there be half a majesty?

Zheng En’ai checked her clothes in a little panic.

Fortunately, although the apron is a little messy, it is still good to wear.

This made her secretly glad that she did not wash her clothes by the way when washing clothes like before.

The two stared at each other for a long time.

Zhou Weiya suddenly blushed, “Mom, you will wash your clothes!”

“What kind of trouble is such a girlish expression about?”

“I thought … I thought you were doing something shady!”


She can’t be blamed either.

Who let the mother not sleep so late.

Also wash clothes in the bathroom.

It’s inevitable that it will make people think!

Of course, it’s just simple laundry.

It’s just that this drum washing machine, I don’t know where the air is pumped.

Squeaky and squeak, and not a machine girl…

This year, even the washing machine is not serious!

Zheng En’s love smile and scolded: “Dead girl, what are you thinking about all day long?”

“Who can’t see anyone… If you put this mind to study, you will be able to get the first place in the school!”

Zhou Weiya didn’t pay attention to her mother’s divine logic at all.

The nose moved lightly, and he sniffed.

Looking up and asking.

“Strange, what kind of smell is this…”

“Huh, did you spray disinfectant in the toilet?”

Hearing this, Zheng Enai’s eyes were a little flustered, swallowed her saliva, and said vaguely: “No, no, ah no, yes, you and Shuya are also true, every time the toilet can’t be flushed…”

“So my mother has to clean the toilet for your sisters, tired my old waist…”

“Or Xiao Ye knows that he feels sorry for me, help me ask the housekeeping aunt, how can you and Shuya have no conscience!”

The next moment.

Zhou Weiya hugged her arm and hummed: “Well, Xiao Ye is so good, then you are married for the second time.” ”

Zheng En’ai was embarrassed in place, crying and laughing.

She and Jiang Ye would have been a beautiful mistake.

But I didn’t expect it…

The accident made Zhou Weiya discover, which once made Aunt Love tangled and dazed.

She convinced herself in her heart that she was just teaching Jiang Ye and did not mix any feelings.

But even she couldn’t figure it out herself.

Why is he so shameless…

Even took the initiative to get close to Jiang Ye, unable to refuse his request.

And in the heart of the loving aunt, in addition to shame, there is unspeakable joy.

This complex intertwining of emotions is reflected in her contradictory actions.

I want to forget about it, but I can’t completely give it up…

“No, it can’t be like this. ”

“Xiao Ye is still so young, and I am a married woman. ”

“I can’t delay him!” (Read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

Aunt Love thought about it, her eyes were like water, and her tenderness was like honey.

This emotion that is higher than love…

It is to hope that he is doing well, even if the woman who accompanies him is not himself!

Zhou Weiya suddenly became a little unable to suppress her feelings.

“Then why are you doing this?”

“Ming Ming Ye is very happy living in our house. ”

“When his job is stable, we will be together and form a happy family…”

“But why, you took him away like this?”

Some sharp words.

It tears apart the warm atmosphere of weekdays.

A small ambiguity that was originally carefully maintained and tacitly maintained.

On this somewhat cool autumn night, it is placed on the table.

In the babbling of the washing machine, the lukewarm cover is completely lifted!

At this time.

Jiang Ye, who was thinking about life on the toilet lid, looked at the bright moon.


“Tear it up!”

“Is this an Asura field?”

“Why am I not only not panicking, but also a little funny inside?”

In fact, in the Korean comics that Jiang Ye used to watch.

Asura fields are not very common.


The setting of that group of Hanguo painters is more strange.

How can there be an Asura field in this setting.

Only in Japanese manga focus on pure love.

Pure and delicate affection between men and women.

Known as a hanging debut, pure love to kill.

The heroine wants to monopolize the male protagonist.

That’s why the scene of the Asura Field appeared.

The most famous is undoubtedly Brother Cheng of the Kingdom of Heaven.

And Han Man basically does not have such concerns.

If the harem man, either they don’t know each other or don’t care.

And Jiang Ye has seen the best handling of it, and can be regarded as a senior sister of the society.

Each emotional line does not intersect with each other, and everyone can live together amicably even if they are awkward in their hearts.

It is precisely because of this that Jiang Ye can win the Grand Slam in the club!


The current situation is clearly different.

Aunt Love and Sister Weiya quarreled over the right to teach the chief, and the relationship was even more delicate…

Under the interrogation of her daughter.

Zheng En’ai didn’t dare to look into her eyes, her toes cramped and uneasy to pick her sandals, and whispered: “I, I don’t know why this happened…”

“I’m sorry, Via. ”

“Via… I don’t usually do this, blame me…”

She opened her arms and hugged Via, tears dripping from the corners of her eyes, and her voice choked.

“Woo hoo… I don’t want it anymore…”

Zhou Weiya listened to Zheng En’ai’s sobs, and couldn’t help but cry out loud.

In her eyes, Aunt Love is the perfect woman, gentle, hardworking, and tolerant… It has many advantages.

At this time.

Jiang Ye, who was squatting on the toilet lid, heard the conversation between the two and couldn’t help but think about life.

It’s like a dead loop:

When you really like it, you are willing to give;

Willing to give, rather than fulfill each other;

Once the other party is fulfilled, it falls into an endless loop.

On the other hand, it is rare to have a double law in the world…

Aunt Affection voluntarily withdrew.

For this reason, Zhou Weiya had a colic in her heart and also wanted to quit.

This has caused the current embarrassing situation, and I don’t even know how to explain it…

Aunt Love released her embrace and put her hands on her shoulders.

A pair of somewhat red and swollen eyes looked at Zhou Weiya seriously.

“Via, you are still young, I will not bother you again…”

“After all, I’m so old…”

“And have children…”

She lowered her eyes darkly.

After all, Jiang Ye is still a young and promising age.

And not only is he so much older than him, but he has also been married and has already given birth …

No matter how you look at it, it should be her withdrawal.

Zhou Weiya obviously understood very well, her wet eyes flashed with tears, and she was moved.

Hugged Zheng Eun’ai tightly again.

At this moment, all the contradictions are not worth mentioning.

Compared to the last time, how sincere it is.

When it is not so, heart-to-heart honesty!


Everything is calm.

Jiang Ye because he wants to go out.

Aunt Love has a good temper, what’s wrong with being older.

Under long-term relationship, in the warmth of human feelings, the inside is actually more rare than the outside.

Of course.

Jiang Ye also had to admit it.

Aunt Love is indeed too beautiful, there is no doubt about this.

Jiang Ye was on Earth before.

If only he could marry such a gentle and virtuous wife.

It was a dream to wake up laughing.

Of course, at the time, it was a thought.

Such a beautiful beauty is definitely very sought-after in social resources.

The most important thing is the inside.

But if you really want to marry home, you need to think carefully.

After all, the appearance is tired after looking for a long time.

When anyone is just in love, don’t they all have the top of the hot love?

No matter how good it looks, you have to live.

It is said to do more new things with old people, not find new people to do old things.

Jiang Ye walked out of the toilet.

Seeing Jiang Ye come out of the bathroom, Zhou Weiya was stunned.

Just now, he has been in the toilet?

Jiang Ye looked as usual.

“We need to talk. ”


Living room.

There were no lights on, and it was somewhat quiet and dark.

Zhou Shuya was already asleep.

They were the only ones in the hall.

Zheng En’ai sits with two long legs together, and Bai Shengsheng’s lustrous legs are stepping on sandals, which is extremely tempting.

And Zhou Weiya on the side was wrapped in black hiss, and the skirt was naturally draped on her thighs.

The intricate relationship makes the atmosphere extremely dignified.

Sister Weiya who was sitting on the sofa had some heart palpitations.

Did her words just now make Jiang Ye angry?

After all, it was she who forced her mother to quit…

Thinking of this, I can’t help but feel a little worried.

“Little night!”

“Just now, you also heard the conversation between me and Via…”

“So be it, good for all three of us. ”

Aunt En’ai glanced at Jiang Ye, who had a resolute face, and was the first to speak.

She endured the pain in her heart and decided to decide.

“Mom…” Zhou Weiya whispered, her eyes flashing with entanglement.

I have to say that the loving aunt at this time is still quite the style of the head of the family.

With an aura, he dominated almost the entire conversation situation.

But Jiang Ye was unmoved, he knew…

Even if the loving aunt is gentle, as long as this layer of maternal dignity remains…

will not put down its own shelf.

In the quiet living room, Jiang Ye said indifferently: “Aunt Love, be my woman.” ”

“I still want to leave…”

“There will be punishment. ”

Zheng En’ai was as if she was being electrified, which made her a little obsessed.

Jiang Ye’s cold and strong posture…

I can’t help but sink into that ascetic temperament, I just love it to death!!

Zhou Weiya shivered under Jiang Ye’s dominant aura.

And at this time…

Shuya, who came out to soak in noodles for a late-night snack, hid behind a potted plant and watched this scene in the living room dumbfounded.


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