In the seven great sects of Yannan.

The relationship between Yin Yang Valley and the two major demon gates of the Hehuan Sect is not to say, the situation is the same as water and fire.

That is also well water does not violate river water.

After all, the exercises of the two are completely conflicting.

But at the root of it…

In fact, it is also a water source.

They all use the path of yin and yang to deduce the path of devil.

Xiao Xian’er as the lord of the Yin Yang Valley.

The valley is full of nuns and has a rich sample.

There is no one under the sky who has studied the inscription instrument deeply.

Even if it is the ancestor of the Hehuan Sect, he can’t catch up.

Not to mention the Big Three.

Progress as fast as Jiang Ye.

Most people thought that he absorbed a large amount of Yuan Yin, or that he had a special physique.

And Xiao Xian’er could conclude…

Jiang Ye must have relied on the assistance of the inscription instrument to achieve something.

The reason is simple.

Even if Jiang Ye’s physique is special and enchanting.

He is a demon cultivator who practices the Yin and Yang Technique, and it is difficult to support without Yuan Yin.

And how long has Jiang Ye been cultivating?

Assuming that it is purely relying on Yuan Yin cultivation, there are thousands of women needed.

Then Jiang Ye is a penance day and night.

He is so talented…

It is also impossible to enter the Jiedan Realm!!

It’s a very simple math problem.

Or, the furnace that Jiang Ye has practiced so far, 100% yin.

This is clearly impossible.

Or, Jiang Ye is accompanied by inscriptions.

This possibility is small, but not impossible!

After all, innate inscriptions are rare.

But the dynasty is vast, Yannan Zhong Lingyu Xiu, the birth of the inscription is very reasonable.

Maybe the flower on the night of the winter solstice is one.

Otherwise, why did Jiang Ye even have to take the big wedding with him?

After listening to Xiao Xian’er’s analysis.

Xuanyuan Aotian had to admit… She had a point.

Suppose Jiang Ye was just building a foundation when he chose the flower leader.

There was a spat with Ji Wuxie.

It is not surprising that the latter would go to Jiang Ye.

Unexpectedly, he was killed by Jiang Ye and his brothers.

Jiang Ye then used the inscription instrument to quickly raise “720” to the Jiedan Realm…

If that’s the case.

Then his suspicions cannot be cleared.

Xuanyuan Aotian groaned, “This matter involves the disciples of the seven great sects, and the matter is very important. ”

“I want to confirm!”

“With the assistance of the inscription weapon, he was promoted from the early stage of the Foundation Building Realm to the early stage of the Jiedan Realm overnight…”

“Is this really possible?”

Xiao Xian’er said firmly: “Changing to someone else, maybe it’s a fool’s dream.” ”

“But Jiang Ye’s root bone Heavenly Prodigy, combined with the inscription instrument, is not really possible!”

Between words, full of confidence.

Xuanyuan Aotian smiled.

“That’s nature, Jiang Ye is only twenty years old, and he entered the Dan Realm.”

“It is enough to show that his talent is different from ordinary people.”

“It’s just the effect of this inscription… I was very curious. ”

“I don’t know, in the main valley of Xiao Valley, has there ever been a disciple of this innate inscription weapon?”

“There should be, right? Otherwise, how could the valley owner understand so clearly. ”

This statement came out.

Ji Fusheng and Xiao Xian’er were stunned.

This city lord has ruled the southern city of the town for many years and has always lived in seclusion.

Except for the sect Dabi, there is very little contact with the outside world.

So they can’t be sure…

Xuanyuan City Lord This is not, asking for benefits.

Can break the realm overnight, who is not hungry?

Xiao Xian’er subconsciously replied, “City Lord, my understanding comes entirely from ancient records…”

“That inscription instrument also pays attention to spilling blood to recognize the Lord, and the disciples of this valley all practice the Taiyin Sutra, how can it be so rare?”

Xuanyuan Aotian laughed, “So it is.” ”

“The wanton killing of monks in Zhennan City should have been under my jurisdiction.”

“Since the clues you traced point to Jiang Ye, the city lord will definitely be fair.”

“I will go to the Immortal Dao Alliance, notify the major sects, and demand that the Hehuan Sect hand over the true murderer!”

Ji Fusheng was overjoyed.

“This… There is a city lord of Lao! ”

“The dog has been wronged by snow, fortunately Zhaoming!”

Assured by the city lord.

Ji Fusheng and Xiao Xian’er thanked each other and got up to leave.

I accidentally left a storage bag on the seat.

Xuanyuan Aotian squinted his eyes, reached out and weighed it, and said slowly.

“Elder Lu, I’m in trouble for you to go.”

Behind the screen, a figure flickered away.


Outside the city.

“Xian’er, why do you keep frowning?”

Ji Fusheng couldn’t help but speak out.

“It’s nothing, the city lord has already taken care of this, let’s hurry back to the sect and prepare early.”

Xiao Xian’er said lightly.

Once it comes to the events of the Great Sect.

The ruling of the Immortal Dao Alliance is also bound to require the presence of major sects.

One is to support the scene, and the other is to prevent the other party’s dog from jumping off the wall.

As the leaders of the two major sects, he and Xiao Xian’er would also return to the sect to prepare.

“Okay, wait for that Hehuan Sect to hand over Jiang Ye…”

“I will cut it by a thousand cuts to relieve the hatred in my heart!”

After Ji Fusheng said coldly, he fled away.

Xiao Xian’er also turned around and returned to Yin Yang Valley.

Over the mountains, she came to a mountain stream.

Walking through a narrow stone wall, the further you go, the more you open up.

If this valley is formed naturally, it is rich in aura, rich in mud and rain.

Even the trees are a little thicker than the outside.


Xiao Xian’er walked into the dense forest and gently clapped her palm.

With a crisp sound.

From the tree house came a woman wearing a gauze dress of various colors and eyebrows.

Its quality is slightly higher than the Cuiwei Building in the south city of Zhizhen!

At a cursory glance, a smile and a thousand styles.

All of them have beautiful and elegant facial features, and slim figures.

According to the gathering effect of beautiful women, it is directly dazzling and dizzying.

At the end of the crowd, a woman in white walked out, which was more elegant than the charming Xiao Xian’er.

Compared to the rest of the female disciples, they are enchanting and charming.

She was dressed only in a loose white dress, and the soft blue silk on the back of her head was simply held by a wooden hairpin.

The snow-white neck had a cold pride, and the extremely indifferent face made the rest of the people bleak.

Its pure and holy nobility, like an unclean green lotus, is amazingly beautiful.

In the midst of everyone’s discussion, the women stood in a group and waited for the valley lord to speak.

Xiao Xian’er swept over everyone one by one, her eyes complicated.

It is true that the Taiyin Sutra is a tonic.

But the world only knows that the yin and yang valley harvests the yang to make up for the yin, but does not know its true doorway.

The Taiyin Sutra is taken from ancient demons, and after a long period of evolution, it has formed three methods: upper, middle and lower.

Those who get the next are to replenish the yang qi in their own bodies and cultivate the yin god.

Those who get it, choose Yang Yuan as the furnace and cultivate lust.

Those who get it above will not miss or lack timeless, and build the avenue.

The choice of these methods depends on qualifications.

Most of the female disciples had to practice Yin God.

Therefore, he has been running away for many years, and his reputation has gradually become apparent, and even the little Buddhist monks have been tricked.

The reputation of this Yin and Yang Valley has become synonymous with bad women for a long time.

Famous and righteous disciples have always circulated: “It is proud that a demon girl seduces, and it is a shame to be seduced by a demon girl”.

It means that even the demon cultivators of Yin Yang Valley can’t look at you, which means that you are not good enough.

If it is eaten and wiped out by those demon girls, and the foundation of cultivation has plummeted, it means that the concentration is not enough.

But few people know…

Every year in the valley, there are some female cultivators who cultivate lust, and they will secretly fornicate with the strong.

The two conclude a Taoist couple, with one heart and one mind, and cast the Taoist fruit with lust.

Those who are often selected by China and France are at least strong people above the Yuan Baby.

With such benefits, there will be no nonsense everywhere.

Therefore, these female cultivators can penetrate into the interior of the major sects.

And those who practice the law are often amazing talents.

For example, this valley master, Xiao Xian’er.

For example, this saint, Shangguan Yu.

Xiao Xian’er looked at the noble woman in white, and a hint of water color flashed in her eyes.

Before in the City Lord’s Mansion, Xiao Xian’er must not have told him.

In the Yin and Yang Valley, there are not only natural inscriptions, but also more than one.

Although this inscription is indeed rare, there are tens of millions of Yannan mortals.

Xiao Xian’er herself is a natural inscription.

Not only her, but every valley lord is.

Xiao Xian’er has been practicing with her master in the valley since she was a child, and it is naturally the method of cultivating this best avenue.

No desire, no want, no leakage.

This method is difficult to practice before and after, and once it enters the realm, as long as it does not break the body, it can be improved day by day.

And she also followed the master’s secret method, which can look at human bones.

Although he can’t identify the spiritual root 100%, he can see the fire of people with good physique.

After a hundred years of searching, she finally encountered the body of the inscription in a mountain villa.

So she naturally appeared as an immortal and substituted Shangguan Yu into the valley to accept him as a personal disciple.

The same is the practice of the Shangfa Taiyin Sutra.

Shangguan Yu had only cultivated in one jiazi, and he had already entered the refining void realm.

This is enough to show the potential and evil of the Taiyin Sutra and the inscription vessel.

So Xiao Xian’er is very sure…

Jiang Ye not only benefited from the cultivation of the inscription instrument, but also was Ji Wuxi’s innocent murderer!

“I summoned everyone here for one thing.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“My son Ji Ji’s innocent real murderer, the water is out.”

“The Lord of Xuanyuan City has gone to the alliance, and will contact all the sects to go to the Hehuan Sect on a later day to make it hand over Jiang Ye.”

“We, Yin and Yang Valley, will also send people to go with us.”

Xiao Xian’er declared lightly.

Immediately, all the disciples were talking about each other, and their expressions were different.

They were still discussing yesterday, and the lucky one who married the Heart Fairy was really a shit luck.

Unexpectedly, after a day, the guy became unlucky.

Na Jiang Ye took the son of the leader of the Floating Life Hall and the Yin Yang Valley, which can be said to have offended these two gates.

Everyone mourned in silence for it, pitiful, what a handsome young man.

Originally, many female cultivators were still eager to try it, wanting to hook that guy and try to qualify.

Now it seems that it is not necessary.

Only Shangguan Yu’s face was pale and did not comment.

In the valley.

Only Shangguan Yu knew that the master cultivating the Taiyin Shangfa must maintain a leak-free body.

Therefore, it is simply impossible to give birth to an heir.

So that season was innocent, and I didn’t know what the master had ever obtained.

Xiao Xian’er ordered a few random people, told them to get ready, and let everyone disperse.

“By the way, Yu’er come with me.”

She strode towards an exquisite tree house.

Turned to look at Shangguan Yu, who was cold and cold.

This figure that seems lonely in the crowd is much livelier when alone with it.

Xiao Xian’er sat on the edge of the bed and said in a deep voice:

“During this time, you have to go out of the valley and hide in a completely safe location.”

Shangguan Yu looked up at the master’s enchanting face, and said in bewilderment:


“Didn’t you say it was dangerous outside the valley?”

“Why did I get out of the valley again today………”

Xiao Xian’er shook her head, “Today I talked to the city lord about the inscription weapon, I was afraid to arouse his suspicion. ”

“In short, I will use a puppet to guard your side, and I will change positions if necessary.”

Shangguan Yu sighed, “Okay…”

Immediately, she asked curiously.

“It’s just that Master, why are you so obsessed with that Ji Wu Innocent?”

Xiao Xian’er said coldly: “I don’t show my heart, can I hide from Ji Fusheng’s old husband?” ”

“I didn’t expect him to be so perceptive and track down Jiang Ye’s clues so quickly…”

“The old man has moved true anger for his only son, and this time he will die.”

Winter solstice nights are crowded.

Jiang Ye is a foundation building realm, which cannot be concealed from the eyes of people with hearts.

It is only a matter of time before evidence is found.

Shangguan Yu said, “So, Jiang Ye is an unlucky bastard?” ”

Xiao Xian’er smiled and said slowly.

“He’s really unlucky enough…”

“The reason why there is Ji Wuxian is that your senior sister has to hook up with the bald donkey of Lei Yin Temple.”

“In the end, such a sin seed is left behind, which is just used by me to perfunctory old puppy.”

“Now that I was killed by Jiang Ye, it can be regarded as removing a hidden danger for me.”

Shangguan Yu: “…”

That season innocence is the bloodline of the Buddha family, if you grow up, what kind of Buddha image will appear.

Then Xiao Xian’er was speechless.

And Ji Wuxie left a soul lamp in the Floating Life Hall.

It was already quite tricky for her.

Fortunately, it was killed by Jiang Ye, and it was a hundred.

From this point of view, Xiao Xian’er is still quite grateful to Jiang Ye.

“Okay, I’ll send you out of the valley.”

Xiao Xian’er didn’t think much about it anymore.

It was jointly surrounded and suppressed by the Immortal Dao Alliance plus the six major sects.

The unlucky bastard was obviously certain to die.



Lei Yin Temple.

Inside the solemn Buddha Hall.

Sanskrit sounds burst into a solemn scene.

As a sacred place of Yannan Buddhism, there are not only monks but also nuns in Lei Yin Temple.

But Buddhism is particular about the rules and precepts.

Men and women are not allowed to be in the same place.

Therefore, in normal times, the two places are divided, and only when the assembly is convened will the Daxiong treasure hall be gathered.

The nuns in Lei Yin Temple are generally called His Holiness or Bodhisattvas.

The old host who sat on the futon lecture was kind and kind.

“Just right, the Lord of Xuanyuan City announced that tomorrow the alliance will go to Luomei Mountain to arrest Ji Wuxi’s murderer.”

“All sects must send people to be present, and my Lei Yin Temple is no exception.”

“Golden Eagle, this matter will meet with you, so you will bring your disciples there.”

“Amitabha, good, good!”

All the Buddhas proclaimed: “Amitabha Buddha, good and good.” ”

Hearing the name Ji Wuxie, the heart of the golden eagle that had been sealed for many years was revealed again.


Snow Palace.

The Lord of the Snow Stopping Palace looked at the figure floating in the air, and his heart rose and fell.

I thought that this deal with Hehuanzong would have an unexpected surprise.

I didn’t expect that…

Jiang Ye’s goods are not worry-free.

On the eve of the wedding, he ran to the Qinglou and forgot it, and gave the only son of the floating life hall to Ka.

“Alas, it’s just a pity to stop my heart, I just got married and lost my husband.”

Thinking of this, the master of the Snow Stopping Palace hurriedly transmitted a message to Li Yuanxin, asking her to bring her junior sister back.

So as not to be implicated.


Izumo Pavilion. 3.9 The highest mountain in Yannan, on Izumo Peak.

The smoke evaporated, the sea of clouds rippled, and in the attic above the top of the clouds.

A peerless woman leans on the edge of the fence and is feeding a dull crane.

Just now, Mr. Lu Er came to report the so-called major event.

It was just a small episode for her.

Isn’t it that Ji Fusheng and Xiao Xian’er’s son was killed…

Unexpectedly, it was above the Immortal Dao Alliance, and in an instant, Xingshi moved the crowd.

After feeding the dumb crane, this pavilion master who was listed in the Great Yan Dynasty’s beauty list, his clothes fluttered, and he fell into the sea of clouds.


Above the majestic Immortal Mountain.

Sword Palace.

Ye Yuhan, the master of the Sword Gate, was dressed in black and white, and he was beautiful and peerless.

A total of six disciples were under her supervision.

The sacred penance of swinging the sword 10,000 times a day is being carried out.

Fortunately, a distant visitor landed on Jianping, allowing the disciples to rest for a while.

“Lu Mingyuan, the steward of the City Lord’s Mansion, has seen Ye Fairy.”

Lu Mingyuan looked at the scattered sword marks on the sword ping, and was secretly frightened.

Ye Yuhan said lightly, “Mr. Lu Er came from afar, what is the matter?” ”

Lu Mingyuan said frankly, “On the order of my family city lord. ”

“It is a breakthrough in the case of the murder of the lord son of the Ji Hall, and tomorrow the Immortal Dao Alliance will go to the Hehuan Sect to arrest the murderer, and hope that the door lord will come in person.”

Ye Yuhan’s expression was stunned, “Hehuan Sect? ”

“You said the murderer… Who is it? ”

Lu Mingyuan said, “Hehuanzong, Jiang Ye.” ”

For a long time, Ye Yuhan said, “I understand.” ”



Under the warm sun of early winter.

The Lok Mei Mountains are still a festive and peaceful one.

As the sun sets.

Nanshan Mountain is shrouded in night, and the red candles slowly calm down.

Looking at Bo’s wife and concubine sleeping soundly.

Jiang Ye pushed open the double door and started!

Han Man, I’m here again!

ps: Thanks to salted fish, pills, 17664, Dos and other bigwigs for feeding! .

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