“You are Qi Renqi… Qi Renqi ??! ”

Huang Shixuan was stunned for a moment.


Long ago memories flooded in.

She vaguely remembered that it was one of the students she taught.

But the relationship is not too good…

This made her feel a little different.

Those good students she cared for became famous.

On the contrary, she is a bad student who knows how to visit the teacher.

She felt this heart.

“Renqi, you sit first, I’ll go get you some drinks, what do you want to drink?”

Huang Shixuan opened the refrigerator and turned around and asked.

“I want to… Drink the teacher’s water. ”

Qi Renqi hooked the corners of his mouth, revealing a silver evil smile.


Huang Shixuan was full of question marks.

Saw Qi Renqi with a bad smile.

She retreated in a panic and shouted in panic: “Qi Renqi! Do you know what you’re talking about? ”

Only then did Huang Shixuan realize…

Leave aside the identity of the teacher and the student.

She is the wife of a who is forty years old;

And the other party is a young guy in his early twenties with square blood!

And the resistance, resistance, which she showed.

In Qi Renqi’s eyes, it stimulated his nerves even more.

“Hehe, Huang Lao…”

“Looks like you forgot.”

“When I was studying, your bullying of me made my high school feel like living in hell! I remember all this in my heart! Now I can finally return an eye for an eye! ”

Qi Renqi said with a sneer, excitement in his eyes.

Looking at the graceful curves of the woman’s body.

He was even more excited.

Huang Shixuan frowned, “It’s not like this… That’s, the teacher is for your own good! ”

“You have to be considerate of the teacher’s good intentions!”

Qi Renqi approached step by step, “Hehe, then you use a stick to pump my ass, it is also for my good?” ”

Huang Shixuan was stunned, she had forgotten this kind of trivial thing a long time ago.

“The teacher didn’t… Yes! ”

With Qi Renqi pounced.

She quickly turned around and hid in the bedroom, quickly closing the door.

In a panic, her phone was still in the living room…

Huang Shixuan was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

What to do……

She looked at the wedding photos with her husband hanging on the wall, and prayed in her heart that her husband would come home early.

Her husband practices boxing, and hitting a weak chicken like Qi Renqi is casual.

Qi Renqi held the handle of the door and pushed it abruptly.

He looked at the woman shrunk in the wall and smiled: “Teacher Huang, don’t be so afraid of me, I just want to do to you again what you have done to me.” ”

Huang Shixuan held the pillow in his hand and said fiercely: “Qi Renqi, you’re finished!” ”

“When my husband comes back, he will definitely not let you go!”

Qi Renqi smiled, “Teacher, I want you to conquer under my devotion.” ”

Huang Shixuan said sharply: “Have you watched too many action movies?” ”

“I warn you, don’t force it, or you will be ready to go to prison in the next life!”

Qi Renqi smiled wildly, “Hahaha, then you have to be willing to do it…”

“I promise teacher, you will love it after tasting it…”

Huang Shixuan’s face showed a hint of despair.

How old is she, even her daughter is married.

Never thought there would be this day…

Qi Renqi also knew that if he dragged on any longer, his situation would become more and more dangerous.


A clean voice sounded at the door.

“I’m blind, is this an action movie?”

Huang Shixuan and Qi Renqi looked at each other stunned.

I saw a young man eating melons and watching a play standing at the door of the room.

This is not… Was the boy in that little couple before?

Qi Renqi was puzzled.

Huang Shixuan was already trotting behind Jiang Ye.

It’s like finding a backer.

Loudly complained:

“He is my former student and wants to plot against me!”

“Handsome guy, you block him first…”

“I’ll go to the police, eh, what about my phone?”

The panicked Huang Shixuan looked around the living room, but did not see his mobile phone.

Jiang Ye took out a Samsung phone from his pocket, “Are you looking for this?” ”

“Thank you…”

Huang Shixuan’s tear-stained face showed a smile of relief.

Reach out for it.

But seeing Jiang Ye smile and retract his hand.

“Madam, have you misunderstood something…”

“My credo is to let go of the helping complex and respect the fate of others.”

“So… I have no obligation to save you. ”

Huang Shixuan was stupid in place.

Instead, Qi Renqi laughed loudly, “Brother! Good, good, good! You and I are in the same way, take this wife together! ”

Huang Shixuan swirled for a while, “Demon… The devil is on earth!! ”

She never expected that this handsome young man was actually in the same group as Qi Renqi.

Seeing that she had just come out of the tiger’s den and entered the wolf’s den.

A sense of pathos arose.

Could it be that she really couldn’t get rid of… The fate of being played by these two scum?

The atmosphere seems to be back in an action movie.

Jiang Ye smiled.

Han Man’s male protagonist comes and goes, like Qi Renqi, who picks up rags for fun.

But he couldn’t stand it.

What grade, go to the same elementary school as me?

Soon Jiang Ye fell into deep thought.

What to do with Huang Shixuan?


In the double door of the sea of knowledge, Jiang Ye has never let others know.

And it comes with a mist masking machine.

Therefore, every time Jiang Ye wears a double, it is silent and unnoticed.

All the time.

He crossed it all on his own.

Haven’t brought anyone through it yet.

After all, this is meaningless when his strength is low.

However, now that he has reached the peak cultivation of the Yuan Infant, he can also act a little more arrogantly.

You can first use Huang Shixuan as a guinea pig.

See if you can let the rest of the people through their double doors.

It stands to reason…

Should be doable.

Because usually when he crosses, the clothes, storage bags, etc. on his body can be kept.

It’s just that.

Living creatures, you need to experiment.

After all, the double door may have its own function of disinfection and sterilization…

In short, as long as you try it, you can know if the double door can bring people.

And this person must be mortal!

And it is a mortal who can be absolutely controlled, and disappear without a trace if necessary.

In the middle of the river night.

Qi Renqi volunteered to step forward, “Brother, I’ll help you catch her first, and then we’ll go one after the other.” ”

“Hehe, but don’t be surprised later…”

“My Kun Kun is not to be underestimated!”

Jiang Ye smiled lightly: “Do you want to reorganize the language?” ”

Qi Renqi was stunned, “We’re similar…”

Jiang Ye: “I also wrapped a circle around my waist. ”

Qi Renqi: ???

Just in his doubtful life.

There was a violent slamming sound at the gate –



A thunderous voice sounded outside the door.

“Hey!! Qi Renqi! I know you’re inside!! ”

“Stinky boy, open the door for me!”

Hear this voice.

Qi Renqi looked confused, “Who is this?” ”

Huang Shixuan was overjoyed, “Husband! My husband is back!! ”

She ran towards the door.

Want to help the old open door.

As soon as I took a step, I felt my lower abdomen being clamped by steel, wrapped in black hissing calves in the air.

Jiang Ye put his arm around Huang Shixuan behind him and said softly, “Madam, don’t worry.” ”

Huang Shixuan was anxious and angry, “You let me go!” ”

Qi Renqi wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, “Brother, fortunately there are you… Listening to her husband’s voice, it’s not like a good stubble. ”

“So what do we do now?”

He knows……

I’m afraid Xiaoyu guessed his actions.

This is the end of the calf.

Jiang Ye analyzed the situation for him, “There are only two options now. ”

“First, open the door, let’s fight with her husband.”

“Second, we will find a way to escape, but we will be wanted by the police…”

Qi Renqi’s face turned pale.

With his past experience, if he is caught by the police.

Jail is a small matter, he is afraid that he will be torn apart by the husbands of those wives!

“We haven’t done anything, or go talk to her husband…”

Qi Renqi held on to the luck mentality, walked to the door and shouted: “Big brother! Misunderstanding! ”


The fire axe smashed the security door and split the entire gate in two.

A bald giant man with an axe, green tendons, naked upper body and flesh, slashed in anger.

“Scary!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Qi Renqi’s face reflected the reflection of the sharp axe, and his face was defeated.

Although I thought that one day I would be caught.

But the day really came, and he was also terrified…

This is special…

Don’t say go to jail, you will be cut into rotten meat by an axe.

“Misunderstanding! It’s all a misunderstanding! ”

“We really didn’t do anything to Shi Xuan!”

Qi Renqi’s defense.

Where is the bald giant willing to listen

Seeing his wife who was captured by Jiang Ye…

His eyes were as wide as copper bells, bloodshot.

Hoighing howled:

“! What a intimate you are! ”

“Tell me honestly, how many times have you slept?!”

“Aaaaah! I’m going to slash you two bastards!! ”

The bald giant man held a sharp axe and slashed violently.

Frightened, Qi Renqi fled in the living room.

However, Juhan’s goal was quickly transferred to Jiang Ye.

With a green light in his eyes, he said angrily: “You kid… Dare to seduce women from good families and destroy other people’s families…”

“I’m going to take you… Split in half!! ”

Jiang Ye was surprised: “A woman from a good family? ”

“I look at your lady and seem to enjoy it?”

The giant man fixed his eyes and found the face on his wife’s face, and he was immediately angry.

“Aaaaah! I’m going to kill you guys!! ”

Huang Shixuan blushed shyly, “Husband, you listen to my explanation…”

“Give me death!” The bald giant man wielded a fire axe and smashed down.

Jiang Ye held Huang Shixuan, calmly took a step back, and the tile under his feet was instantly smashed out of a crack by the axe.

“Hiss…” Qi Renqi saw this scene, and his back cooled.

If this is not a reaction, it is a blur of flesh and blood.

Jiang Ye said lightly: “Run!” ”

With that, he ran towards the bedroom.

Seeing this, Qi Renqi hurried to follow.

When he entered the bedroom, he froze for an instant –

He unexpectedly saw a shining light door standing in the middle of the room.

“Assi !!”

“What is this????”

“Why do you look so much like the weird entrance in the game?”

This door… Maybe it’s a door to another world…

But why did it suddenly appear here?

Was his head just frightened?

Qi Renqi saw…

Jiang Ye has already entered the light gate with his wife: 0


Is this guy so brave?

Qi Renqi gritted his teeth.

The bald giant man holding a sharp axe behind him brings the oppression of death.

Let him not have time to think about it.

Hurry up and run towards the light gate.

The bald giant man grabbed the giant axe and walked into the bedroom, “Stinky boy, stop for me!!” ”

When Qi Renqi wanted to chase over.

That door of light disappeared in an instant——!

He crashed straight into the wall.

Looking at the air flow wafting in the bedroom, Qi Renqi stayed in place, looking around…


He wanted to cry without tears.

Big brother, can you take me to another world?

“Now, see where you’re running?”

The bald giant man closed the door with a sinister smile.

Striding towards the shivering Qi Renqi.

“Qi Renqi, huh? I’ll let you Qi Renqi! Let you Qi Renqi! ”

“Ahhh… Don’t——!! ”



The temperature plummets.

There was a bit of coldness in the air.

Huang Shixuan couldn’t help but shiver.

Before she wore relatively thin, except for her skirt and a pair of black hisses on her legs.

She subconsciously leaned towards the warmth of her arms.

Looking around…

It is in a spacious aisle where oil lamps faintly reflect the firelight.

The marble floor is covered with a carpet with red patterns.

On the stone wall on the side hangs abstract paintings, and the thick semi-circular arches show the night and the full moon outside the window.

There is also a beautiful wooden door at the end of the corridor.

It looks like you’re in an ancient castle!

“This… What’s going on? ”

“Why did you suddenly pass through a gate of light and come to this mysterious castle?”

“You… And you know what? ”

Huang Shixuan came to a strange place, cold and afraid.

You can only focus on the man behind you.

Jiang Ye shook his head and said, “Madam, it’s also my first time here.” ”


Double doors can take people.

This is the second world brewing with double doors…

But what exactly happened, he did not know.

It can only exude divine consciousness to sweep the surrounding environment and infer that this is a medieval castle.

In the very center of the castle there is a special coat of arms:

Crowns, flowers, dragons, swords, hammers…

This logo looks a little familiar.

Huang Shixuan said: “Just call me Shixuan, now that the two of us have arrived in another world, we should help each other!” ”

In the castle, it was dark, only a little light from the kerosene lamp.

On the contrary, it is even more eerie.

She was a weak woman and could only rely on him.

Jiang Ye rubbed her chin, “Help each other? I’ve been holding my anger for two days and I’m a little angry, ma’am, do you want to help me? ”

Huang Shixuan: “You, what are you going to do…”

Jiang Ye: “Here?” ”


In the corridors of the castle.

At the staircase there are guard handles.

Looking at their decoration, it also looks like the dress of the court of Leo in the seventeenth century.

The guards were dutiful.

I didn’t notice the movement in the hallway at all.

Broke into two “foreigners”.

Jiang Ye carried Huang Shixuan, who had fallen asleep.


Discover that the castle is heavily guarded and has the power of Element 5.3.

This may be the “magic” of this world.

Or it doesn’t matter if it’s called “soul power” or “fighting spirit”.

He could probably be sure…

This may be a comprehensive world of sword and magic.

Now he is on the verge of the peak of the Yuan Infant Realm.

Being able to open up new worlds means that the scope of his harvest has become wider.

“Let’s first understand the basic situation of this world.”

“Come back and explore when you have time.”

Jiang Ye decided to come down.

Carrying Huang Shixuan on his back, he went straight to the master bedroom in the center of the castle.

It was a huge bedroom with a beautiful interior.

Crystal chandeliers, tables and chairs full of precious stones, warm fireplaces, precious woolen blankets…

and two large beds embroidered with white roses.

One of the big beds had no curtains, and a middle-aged man with white hair slept.

Under the moonlight, he slept deeply.

“This guy is the owner of the castle…”

On another large bed with a red curtain, the fragrance of soap horns came from the mouth.

Jiang Ye decisively walked over and opened the curtain.

I saw a sleeping woman lying on it, wearing a light gauze robe, with a buoyant body and pink skin.

A beautiful sleeping face resembles a spotless lake.

With a slim waist, the plump body can be seen at a glance.

Lying quietly like a sleeping beauty, her long orange hair fell on her bright body.

Which beauty is this? Luck is sky-high.

“Here’s where… Eh??? ”

Huang Shixuan woke up from the luxurious big bed.

In a daze, I was shocked when I saw the sleeping beauty lying on the bed.

The familiar breath of this beauty, even she has to retreat.

She thought of a possibility and lost her voice:

“Jiang Ye, why did you run to the bed of the lady of the castle?”


The brain hole in the back is a bit big…

I don’t know if everyone can accept it?

Thank you for the support of big guys such as Mengyu, Cat Breeding, Lost Soul, and Dream Mirror! .

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