A Lazy Man's Adventure

Chapter 129 - 129: The Minotaur Horde

It was only after a few days before the guild started to apply a quest of extermination about the increase of minotaurs from 15th to 17th floor of the dungeon, Ye Han noticed that the adventurers from outside his mansion were all frantically running towards the dungeon. Lili, Ais, and Haruhime were already in the dungeon as soon as they heard of the quest of extermination, he sighed as he heard more sounds of the adventurers.

"The 17th floor way is blocked! We need more help!"

"Damn those minotaurs!"

Ye Han equip his Ryuji Jingu and said goodbye to Ada and Xiao Fu who was wearing a cute panda onesie, Xiao Fu tried to remove the Panda onesie off but she failed as it there was a curse made by Haruhime which made the cute panda onesie stuck onto Xiao Fu who looks at Ye Han with pleading gaze, he coughs and mentally comforted his cute pet as he has no control with the choices of his daughters. he went toward the dungeon and when he arrived in front of the dungeon. He noticed a lot of injured adventurers on the floor.

Some of the newly adventurers were hesitant to come inside the dungeon as it looks extremely dangerous, Ye Han shook his head and descended into the dungeon. Along the way, he notices that the adventurers that he sees in the floors decrease every time he went further down. Ye Han check the map and saw Ais, Lili and Haruhime's dots on the 16th floor surrounded by an army of minotaurs. The moment he allowed them free outside the house, he always marks them in his map and put some tracking device in their accessory such as hairpin, necklace and etc. He was still worried about his daughters even though they have a higher level than the minotaurs, they could even beat a level 7 adventurer if they used their weapon style seriously and went to killing mode.

Ye Han descended faster as he could see in the map that the 17th-floor minotaurs were ascending to the 16th floor, he already noticed that there was something unusual with the 17th-floor minotaurs as their dots were moving faster than their regular speed. He arrives at one of the entrances on the 16th floor as he entered the entrance he could see a couple of lygerfang and a few minotaurs. He rushes straight to the monsters that were blocking the hallway of where his precious daughters are, he swipes his Ryuji Jingu left and right as the monsters were squished by the staff and wall surrounding them.

Ye Han already knew who started this commotion as he remembers there were only few adventurers who could manipulate monsters in the dungeon. He temporarily put aside his evil plan to send the bad gods and goddess straight to heaven as he saw his daughters safe and sound fighting off minotaurs one by one, while Haruhime supports them with her magic. The minotaurs were still a large creature and his daughters were only half the minotaur's sizes, so Lili went straight to their legs as she slices off their knee like tofu getting cut by a sharp knife. Ais supported Lili as she cut off all the arms of the minotaurs that were surrounding Lili while Haruhime used her ice magic as she produces Icicles through the air while freezing all the minotaurs around her.

The icicles went straight to the minotaurs' eyes as they screamed in agony while bending over as they don't have arms and knee cap from the duo princess combo. Ye Han sighed in relief as he went over there, his daughters notice him as they attack the minotaurs with a more aggressive stabbing. Haruhime went over to Ye Han as no minotaurs could come close to her with her Ice Magic freezing everything around her, Ye Han was immune to elemental abilities so he just pats her head as he said with a smile

"Looks like you guys are getting more good in teamwork~"

"*giggle* Of course dad." -Haruhime

Lili and Ais pouted as they saw Haruhime getting their dad's head pat which was a very powerful move, Ye Han chuckles as he notices their jealous gaze. But suddenly Ye Han's expression turned serious as he saw red minotaurs holding giant swords, axes, and spears. He remembers the one he watched in his previous life, Ottar the only one who had shown the ability in the anime to teach monsters how to fight better. He sneered as he throws his Ryuji Jingu on the hallway where the horde of red minotaurs with a weapon was.

He commanded his Ryuji Jingu to expand as it completely blocks the hallway towards the 17th-floor staircase, the horde of red minotaurs attack the recently put Ryuji Jingu. They failed as their weapon became less durable as they hit the giant staff blocking their way, Haruhime, Lili and Ais had a suprise expression as this was their first time seeing their dad's weapon expand. Through the years that they went with Ye Han into the dungeon, they only saw him use the staff like a bag carrier and a swinging tool. There was no technique or special skill like how they use their weapon, Ye Han was just swinging his Ryuji Jingu like a baseball bat hitting a home run.

His daughters believed that what Ye Han was using was a unique special technique that couldn't be comprehended by weak adventurers. They marveled and put Ye Han into a higher position in their mind as they titled him Overpowered Dad, Ye Han didn't want to change their misunderstanding of his way of attacking as there really was no technique into it. He just used a very super small amount of his infinite speed to fight off enemy's techniques, while using the weight of the Ryuji Jingu as an advantage as it was super heavier than the weapons made in this world.

Ye Han helps his three daughters in the extermination quest as he fought using only his powerful physique and Wingchun which should give Lili more insight about her dagger technique as it was derived from the one he was using. He decreases the size of the Ryuji Jingu as the minotaurs in their area were already at minimal and he had to increase his daughters's experience when it comes to fighting bigger bad guys than them. He recalls his Ryuji Jingu as he floats back toward him as the horde of red minotaurs with a weapon and charges toward them, Haruhime raises her staff as she silently chants an AoE spell.

She hasn't mastered nonverbal spell yet so she mumbled the words softly as the whole hallway started to produce Ice and the floor became slippery, Ye Han hits his foot onto the floor as a wall rises from the back of the horde. Ais enhance the coldness of the Aoe spell as she summoned into a giant whirlwind which injured them while pushing them toward the wall, Lili uses Ais's whirlwind as an advantage as she releases corrosive poison magic from her hands which used the whirlwind like a driveway for cars.

The horde of red minotaurs perishes as they howled and screamed from the pain, Ye Han just covered his daughters's back as he killed all the regular minotaur with just a few swings with his trusty Ryuji Jingu. After finishing casting their magics, they saw a icy clean hallway with magic crystals everywhere. Ais opens her pouch and suck all of the magic crystals using her vacuum magic while Lili just climb Ye Han's back as she poutingly said

"Dad! I'm hungry!"

"*sigh* Wait till we get home, your mom is preparing lunch."

Haruhime agreed with Lili's statement as her stomach growled, Ye Han laughs as he hears his daughter's stomach growling. Ais closed the leather pouch which contained all the magic crystals and drops from the minotaurs, the pouch that Ye Han gave to them was a spatial storage tool which has an inventory size of a small mansion. Ais went ahead and lead the way as they ascended, Ye Han could tell that she was moving faster than how she walks usually as he could hear a weak growl from Ais's stomach. Ye Han laughs even louder as Ais's face turns a bit red. They went back home before going to the guild as his daughters were really hungry.

[Author: Freya's demise will soon commence, be patient my comrades. I try my best to make an (ok) demise ending for this crazy goddess.]

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