A Lazy Man's Adventure

Chapter 161 - 161: Creating Havoc In The Universe

(Author: Panda has watched the Fate/Zero and only thought was the whole script was irritating, Panda is gonna make chaos within all the universe wahahaha. Be warned you might not like what Panda is about to do. P.S don't bash as The word "impossible" doesn't exist anymore when it comes to fanfic. Also Readers, Please have a very wide open mind and not base the concepts of fate series in the original ones for this fanfic. Because in this chapter, Panda already began creating havoc.)

Ye Han looks at the surroundings as it seems that they went somewhere unexpected, he could sense his Library of Heaven's Path was upgrading as all the information in this universe was getting input in the library. He spoke to the girls while opening a portal to his Absolute Immortal Spirit Realm.

"Girls, it looks like we will be having a detour. Ada, my darling please show our daughter to one of our old houses. :)"

Ye Han mentally messages Ada about the possible danger of what he was about to do, Ada immediately complied as she wouldn't let their daughters get hurt by her husband's dangerous doings. Lili and the girls followed their mother to their mansion inside the Absolute Immortal Spirit Realm. He then closed the portal as he breathes in and out, Ye Han began to spread his spiritual awareness as he looks inside the Library of Heaven's Path. There seem to be more Books getting created inside as the shelves began to increase, he could sense that the whole forest was just a giant cube made out reality data.

There was a lot of vortex twirling outside as he thought of a crazy idea, Ye Han laid down and touch the grass growing in the forest. He let nature do its job, the wind inside the giant cube size forest was moving fast as Ye Han began to fall into a trance, his spirit began to see a small tree bȧrėly growing. He ponders as he curiously touches the small tree. Ye Han's mind began to see data of everything, his Library of Heaven's Path was working overtime as it helps Ye Han understand what this small tree is, if there was old scholarly magician here they would call this location, Akasha or they call the root. While he was busy getting enlightened by the concept of the Root, his divinity was starting to grow at a monstrous rate.

Time was not existent in this location as the creation of everything which we call history is circulated and running in this location. Gaia and Ayla notice the weirdness of the root, but they couldn't do anything as it is a separate entity that could possibly make the universe disappear in an instant. After a very long time, Ye Han finally awoke from his enlightenment status. The first thing he did was laugh, Ye Han thoughts of the root were GM Cheats and anyone who can access the whole thing can edit everything in this universe. Too bad for magic users in this universe as they don't have any of the requirements to use the root, they could only use their pathways as their magic while the 1st and 5th magic were just natural occurrence paths.

Ye Han laughs because he has the status of a GM in this universe. He began to create havoc to the root system, Gaia and Ayala who notices the sudden changes were too late to do something as the mana began to cease to exist and the pathways to the reverse side of the world were closing permanently. Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg who was in his secret lair was too late to even create a portal back to his world, he fell through an alternate timeline of his world and forever be trap in that world. Ye Han laughs as he watches all the magic users in the universe began to show different emotions such as fear, surprise, anger, and etc.

While he was watching them, he began to search for a little girl who deserves to be in a better family. He sighed as he thought "I wonder why I always think daughters are better than sons?", he shrugs off that thought as he will deal with that problem after Ada gets pregnant. After a few seconds, he finally found the little cute purple-haired girl who was quietly sleeping inside a mansion. He started to plan his way to adopt this poor girl, he thought the girls wouldn't mind getting another sister? right?. Lili and the girls sneeze as they thought "Did aunt Tsubaki thought of us?", they haven't noticed yet that the Danmachi world is already frozen in time. Ada giggles as she joins them in reading Ye Han's novel in his library.

Ye Han began to modify the system, Gaia who was the World's Will began to use her energy to support the earth as The Mana, Mana Veins and every magical energy began to dissipate like it was not even there. all the magical things began to lose the concept of magic, soon the world will begin to go with the science way and possible turn this world into a good advance society or it could either turn into an apocalypse world. The reverse side of the world where divine spirit and phantasm species began to go wild as their world began to lose mana as well, they were turning back into a mortal living entity.

Ye Han grabs the world tree seed in his inventory as he wanted this universe to not make a mistake. He let the World Tree Seed take full control of the root since this was a higher tier rate thing than this universe and has full-on loyalty to Ye Han. The World Tree Seed began to absorb the root, the concept of everything as it started to sprout out a beautiful rainbow leaf, Gaia had soon entered deep sleep as she overused her energy while Ayala was only weakened as one-eight of the whole population was still dependent on magic. She didn't do anything as she carries the emotion of fear of the unknown.

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