A Lazy Man's Adventure

Chapter 190 - 190: Grading Their Dishes

Sure enough, the skills of the elite ten are top tier. They finished the prepping in just 35 minutes, but Ye Han could see a few naughty students who still couldn't resist on adding some of their specialty. He shook his head as he didn't like Azami's teaching method, never the less since he said he would be grading like how azami teaches then he would grade them with that standard. after an hour, 9 dishes has arrived at Ye Han's table for checking. Ye Han started to inspect as his nose began to sniff out the different smell. Ye Han spoke as he looks at them with a mischievous gaze.

"looks like some of you are very naughty. Very well, lets start with the ninth seat."

Eizan looks at Ye Han with a sneer as Ye Han took a bite of his four stuffed treasure, the dish was delicious. But Eizan was clumsy in doing the prep for the inside, the pigeon's skin broke down and the frying was a bit too short. Ye Han shakes his head in disappointment as he said

"This is a disappointment coming from a so called elite council, the inside is under cook and the pigeon skin is ruined. Tsk Tsk Tsk I grade your dish a C."

"What?!" -Eizan

"Moving on~ Eight seat your up!"

"Hai!" -Kuga

Rindo covered her mouth as she laughs at Eizan's cooking skill, while Eizan was pissed off since the teacher was unreasonable. Kuga excitedly presented his dish as Chinese dishes are his specialty even though he hasn't heard or learned about this one. Ye Han had high expectation too since he knew each one of the elite ten has their own specialty, he took a full bite and the taste had a hint of similarity of how his dish taste like. Ye Han put down his fork and said.

"You have a decent understanding on how I did it, But you forget some some important components. which is to check whether the ingredient you use is still fresh and not a day old. So you get a B."

"Yay, at least its better than Eizan's score *Pfft*" -Kugo

"Pfft Hahahaha" -Rindo

"Why you little!" -Eizan

Eizan's face was turning red from anger and embarrassment, he thought of bad things and would investigate this peculiar teacher. He maliciously thought "You will pay for this!" as he texted his men to investigate, next was the 7th seat which was soma's senior Isshiki. Isshiki's dish was interesting since he added something on the plum sauce and the pigeon and quail he used was a different type. Ye Han carefully wipe his mouth with a tissue as he graded Isshiki.

"You get a B, because you aren't following my instruction."

"Sorry, Sensei~ I'm just innovative when it comes to new dishes."


Nene, the 6th seat was calculating her odd of getting an A since she followed his procedure which should technically gave her a A. But reality is cruel since she heard Ye Han saying "You get a B for your effort, it sad that you miscalculate the timing." She was depressed since this is the first time she got a B on a class, all of them always received a A every time but today they have gotten something lower than a A. The 5th seat also a got a B while the 4th seat got a C for the thin sugar coating, the coating was only meant for the duck but Momo even added a layer in each bird skin and she only used half of the required amount of plum sauce.

Momo had tears as she snuggled with her teddy bear, Isshiki comforted her as he didn't expect Ye Han to be cruel but Ye Han just shake his head as he continued to taste their dish. The 3rd seat had the similar problem with the 6th seat while the 2nd seat had a enormous problem, Rindo is very adventurous like Isshiki she would rather find a new way to make something rather than stay and cook like the procedure. Ye Han had to admit that this girl got a talent for wild cooking, even the dish she just made already showed a imagination of prehistoric birds traveling together. But still for not following the instruction, Ye Han gave her a B since it was more delicious than the other students.

Rindo gave Ye Han a pout as she thought this is unfair, but then she couldn't rebuke him since this is what they sign up for, Azami's way of teaching. Last but not the least, Eishi Tsukasa the 1st seat. He was already trembling in anxiety and nervousness because of the grading that his fellow student received, Ye Han gave him a mischievous smirk as he tried out his dish. Eishi's dish was delicious as the flavor was enhance and gave off a more vibrant color and aura. But then it didn't give off the imagination the ingredients were alive, it was just giving off the vibrant flavor which was disappointment for Ye Han. He spoke as he look at Eishi with a disappointing gaze.

"It was good, but then your goal in making this dish is bland and boring. This is a B for me."

"Eh? "


Eishi felt like he lost his soul as he thought "My cooking is boring?", while the other was shook a bit since this is the first time someone said that to Eishi. Ye Han's word gave them a slap in the face as some of them began to doubt themselves if their decision in signing Azami as the new headmaster was a correct decision. As they thought of their doubt, Ye Han began lecturing them for the next dish that they were making which is the Cabbage in Clear Water. Ye Han's student were in dismay as they try to follow Ye Han's recipe, Ye Han's cabbage in clear water was really pure that you wouldn't even find any different on the soup which look like regular water and the freshness of the cabbage which was crispy even though it was inside the soup.

At the end of the class, the students went back with a heavy pondering as Ye Han grab his things and went home. He already expected that Ada and the girl should be awake by now and would either be eating lunch or doing some fun activities such as exercising. He was running on his way home until he sensed Tohru opening a portal in the sky.

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