A Lazy Man's Adventure

Chapter 210 - 210: Emperor Of Demise

At Kobayashi's new apartment, Kobayashi, Tohru and Kanna have their back sweating as they look at Damocles. Tohru spoke in a anxious manner


"Why did you come to this world without permission?!"

Damocles with his stern grandpa looks glared at Tohru as he floats in the air, Tohru clench her fists as she stared at him with her dragon like eyes and said

"Because, I want to be here! Please, Father."

"No, I have told you this before! We're forbidden from interfering with this world! Your coming home with me!"

"I don't want to!"

"What you want doesn't matter, you understand that you can't be in this world. You can't throw the world in chaos with your whims."

"I want to be here, because I belong here."

Tohru looks back at Kobayashi as her red eyes shine, Damocles stares at Tohru and asked

"You would live a quiet life as a human? Don't make me laugh, one day you'll fray apart! You already know that didn't you? Come back Tohru, before you get hurt from your actions."

Tohru remembers all her actions as she wished that her loved human could have a long life with her. She trembles as her eyes had the urge to tear up. Kobayashi thought of Tohru's action and wanted to speak up for her, but then Damocles pointed at her and shot a magic beam, Elma who arrived at that exact time cast out her magic barrier which blocked his attack. Damocles was surprised as he turn around and glances at Elma who shouted at him as she summons her trident.

"Emperor of Demise! You have broken the agreement of the two factions!"

"Hmn? The Dragon Empress of the Sea's granddaughter, don't interfere this is my family's problem!"

Elma jumps into the apartment as she backs Tohru up, Kobayashi who felt her life flash in her eyes was angry as she grabs Tohru hand and shouted.

"TOHRU SAID SHE DOESN'T WANT TO GO BACK! You can't interfere in this world right?! Then you can't kill me!"

"But I can leave you just close to death."

"This still won't change How I feel! Tohru is a good girl, she won't bring chaos into this world!"

"I know that, but if dragons are found into this world, others would be influenced by that and make their way here. Things might be fine for now, but soon some would plot an invasion! What then?"


"Human you are overstepping your...."

Damocles tried to cast his magic but he stops as he saw Tohru casting the same magic, he looks at Tohru and said

"I see, you made your decision. Then this location is too small."

Damocles opened a dark portal and entered it while Tohru who have tears in her eyes looks at Kobayashi and smiled as she let go of her grasp and jumps out of the apartment to follow Damocles into the dark portal, Kobayashi muttered as she looks at the closing portal.


Ye Han arrives at the scene and jumps onto the apartment, he looks at kobayashi and said

"Don't worry, nothing bad will happen. Dragons are just dense in thinking of their own kin."

"No we are not! *hmph*" -Elma pouting

"Mr. Han....."

"Come, I can fix this problem and then lets go eat some snacks."

Ye Han smiled as he raise his hand to open a portal in front of them, they went to the barren island where Tohru and Damocles's Dragon form were fighting. Damocles was a bit larger than Tohru, they have already cast out the first solar beam as the beam hit each other and exploded, Ye Han cast a lot of resistance spell onto Kobayashi as she was the only human here without magic. Before the chaotic father and daughter started their next attack, Ye Han shouted


"Who are you?! Human? No you smell like a dragon!"

Damocles shrug his dragon head as he smell Ye Han's scent, Ye Han motioned Kobayashi to transform back which she reluctantly did as she said with complex emotion.


"Don't worry, I won't kill your father for this stupid act of his."

"Insolent! Who do you think you are?!"

"I'm your daughter's master and for your information, I am older than you! So show me respect boy!"

Damocles saw Ye Han disappeared in front of him while Kobayashi and the gang saw Ye Han appearing on top of Damocles's head, Ye Han spoke as he sat on top of him.

"For one of the leader in the Chaos Faction, you really are too slow. Probably because you don't exercise more often, tsk tsk tsk *shake his head*"

Ye Han was reading his memories to see what world or realm Tohru lived in, Damocles who heard him was angry as he moved his head aggressively, it was like a professional bull rider riding a bull. Ye Han said

"Easy there boy, you can't beat a master!"

Ye Han slap Damocles's head as he grasp one of his red scale, Kobayashi and the gang had the urge to laugh as they saw one of the leader of the chaos faction was getting humiliated. No Dragon would let someone ride their head, as it is a humiliation to their kind. After a minute of playing around, Ye Han felt bored and thought of finishing it. Ye Han transformed into a 50 meter golden dragon that looks like Acnologia except the blue color was gold while his tail was like a three pronged trident. Damocles's dragon form was only 25 meters while Tohru was 23 meters long which is only half the size of Ye Han's dragon form. Kobayashi had her eyes shine bright as she saw his dragon form. Ye Han grinned in his dragon form as he said

"Little boy, go to sleep~"

Ye Han slowly pat his dragon claw onto Damocles's head which was smaller than his dragon claw, Damocles felt like he hit the biggest mountain as birds flying around appeared on top of his head. Ye Han seeing his soft pat made Damocles dizzy, gave him a regular pat which made Damocles faint. Ye Han then transformed back into his human form and snaps his finger which made a collar appear on Damocles's dragon neck. The unconscious father began to shrink as he transformed back into his human form. The collar, Ye Han made was a magic restraint magic item that also transform it's user into a human form. Ye Han then looks at their spectators and said while carrying Damocles like a sack of potato.

"Now, lets go back and buy some snack before this grumpy boy wakes up."

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