A Lazy Man's Adventure

Chapter 57 - 57: To Graduate Or Not

A few days later, Ye Han notices everyone was training very hard. He asked Ada as she always joins their training, she said

"Teacher said that their next enemies have the world's strongest spirit clan young master and the granddaughter of Poison Duoluo. So they need more training to win this battle."

Ye Han thought the blue lightning tyrant dragon clan and Dugu Bo, he looks at Yu Xiaogang and notices his smiling expression. Ye Han pondered for a bit of what he should do now as he already past the limit of the graduating requirement and his birthday is in a couple of days, after a couple of minutes of the decision making. He finally decided and went ahead to principal Flander who is drinking his tea beside Yu Xiaogang, He said

"Principal Flender, i have decided to graduate."

"What?! you have reached spirit rank 40?"

Flander only asks his spirit rank as he already saw the golden fighting badge. Ye Han nodded and showed them his illusioned spirit rings and it was 1 purple and 4 black colored spirit rings, which made Flander spat out his tea and opened Zhao Wuji and Yu Xiaogang's eyes wide, they thought Ye Han bȧrėly reach Spirit Elder. But they didn't think that he would reach Spirit King as they felt his strong spirit power. They all said while having a shock expression."

"A 12-year-old Spirit King!!"

If this was told to the whole world, a lot of organization such as the spirit hall would try snatch Ye Han away and if that he rejected they would still try betrothed their daughter to him as he is the ultimate monster of all the monster. Ye Han chuckled when he saw his teacher and principal's expression, it took them a couple of minutes to remember that Ye Han was still waiting for their approval for graduation. Flander cleaned his throat and said

"Congratulation Student Ye Han, You have accomplished what no spirit master has ever achieved."

Flander took a certificate out of his spatial ring and wrote Ye Han name below of the sentence Congratulation For Graduating Shrek Academy. They went to the training field where everyone was training, Flander interrupted their training as he said

"*ahem* Students! I have something to inform you."

Everyone stop doing what they were doing and went close to Flander as he said

"Our fellow student Ye Han has just graduated, so in the honor of his graduation we will PARTY !!"


Everyone was shocked as they didn't know that their laziest friend was ahead of them already. Ye Han thought this moment was the funniest day of his life as he gets to see all of them have eyes wide open and open mouth, this moment was ruined as he heard Flander saying

"Since this is his graduation party, He will have to cook and pay for all the expenses!"


Ye Han mentally said as he knew he was getting take advantage by this greedy principal, but he sighed as he notices everyone with puppy dog eyes including Ada. He rented the biggest room in the hotel and borrowed their kitchen, as to how would he cook when there is no kitchen in the field.

He cooks for a whole straight hour, to which to their surprise he made a feast for 40 people.

A very large bowl of Fried Rice, 30 Stacks of a bamboo steamer containing Meatbuns, Siumai, Steamed Dumpling, and other steamed food, he also made Stir Fry Beef Brocolli and Fried Large Fish.

When they first tried his dishes, their eyes started to become watery as they could remember their happy memories of eating delicious food in their kid years (sounds old but I remember ratatouille). They enjoyed eating Ye Han's dish while talking to each other about other stuff than training, Ye Han wanted this kind of moment to make them feel relax as everyone's time is short. We need to cherish every single moment deeply, even if this is a merciless world.

After a couple of minutes they all started to try his Fried Fish with special sauce, the moment they tasted the fish they all started to feel drunk, as they didn't know this fish dish contains high concentrated wine in the sauce. Yu Xiaogang said while having red cheeks

"What was in this delicious fish dish?"

"The fish was a 10,000 years old Spirit Rainbow Fish and this special sauce that I made is combined form a lot of precious herbs and a ten-thousand-year-old monkey wine."


They all feel funny and started to laugh, after a few minutes of chatting and eating they all had big bellies from eating a festive meal. Ye Han chuckled as he notices his secret plan starting to bore fruit. Xiao Wu started to become blunter about love when she was talking to Tang San, she said

"Xiao San, Why don't you love me ?! T-T"

"Xiao *hick* Wu.....I Love you."

Tang San was blunt as well when they were talking, on the other hand, Oscar and Ma Hongjun was ranting about how they are still single, they keep saying

"Bro, Why can't we get laid?!" - Hongjun

"Sigh, Our two brothers already have a relationship. Why are we so Unlucky?!!" - Oscar

They cried their pain away as Zhuqing keep glancing onto Mubai who looks back at her. he said

"*hick*Zhuqing, I promise that I will be *hick* forever loyal to you, no matter what happens I love you."

"*hick* Stupid Bai..."

Zhuqing turned her head around as her cheeks started to become redder than, while this was happening Rongrong was glancing toward Oscar, as he cries of not having a relationship. They all ate till they fall asleep except Ada and Ye Han as their body can resist the drunkenness feeling.

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